that was so wrong
how come every movie makes cops out to be racist?....its a good movie but you think they would get tired of racist cops because not every cop is racist
sharehow come every movie makes cops out to be racist?....its a good movie but you think they would get tired of racist cops because not every cop is racist
shareIt wasn't saying that all cops are racist.
It was just saying LAPD was being run by racists, in a city where half the population are minorities, it isn't right.
TANK YOU!!!! It's about time I found someone that thinks the same way as me. Plus they had all of the facts backwards about the Rodney King beating.
I am also getting tired of movies that present 99% of whites as the bad guys and 99% of blacks as the good guys.
share"I am also getting tired of movies that present 99% of whites as the bad guys and 99% of blacks as the good guys."
Well, movies are actually an escape from reality. So in portraying all whites as racist villans can be justified.
I am so glad to see I am not the only one offended by that movie. It was typical left wing propaganda. If you pay close attention only bad guys where killed buy SIS officers. The head of SIS was corrupt, but the token black LT cheif was self rightoeus bastard. Bad movie for more than one reason
sharefvck You then Dark Blue is great. It has actual footage of the rodney king beating and how everyone reacted to the verdict. All the acting was true and great. It made you feel like you were actually there. Dark Blue is only good for people that actually know there history appearently everyone who saw this doesn't know jack about their history. Listen In L.A. in the Lapd most people that were white were racist deal with it and most still are. Also black cops were racist to but everyone is a little. And the movie is about good taking down evil to make L.A. a better place.
shareYeah, neither is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but you don't see any movies about evil "reverends" without churches or congregations. Can I get an amen on that?
Saying the LAPD was full of racists is nothing more than a stereotype, which is the exact same thing that you're bashing the cops for. (On a side note, real cops hate being called cops, just so you know). And, as stated above somewhere, the city had/has a high ratio of minorities. It also has a high crime rate. It's not only common sense and logical but probably also procedure to profile criminals as criminals.
In short, for the slow people, there were a lot of minorities doing most of the crime, so they keep an eye out for that group.
Don't get me started on the Rodney King crap. Going wild? Have YOU ever tried to subdue a guy all hopped up on Lord knows what narcotic? I'm quite sure if it was the same situation, just a white guy, they would've beaten him just the same. Did you see the teenage girls beating up on eachother in some pep rally in the spring? Oh, wait, it's 100% different. They were all white folk. Whites are all racist, you know. Gotta remember that. And just because Furman said a few choice words doesn't make him a racist. Are you trying to say that you think OJ didn't do it? I sure hope not.
Stop being a racist by calling others racist, you racist.
mafiahitman wrote:
Stop being a racist by calling others racist, you racist.
If you've seen "Do The Right Thing," you probably also valued Sal's Pizzeria (when it got burned down) over a human life (when Radio Raheem got killed by the cops) as well.
You probably also think that the "41 Shots" incident was justified because when a black man takes something out of his pocket (whether it's a weapon or a wallet), the cops are justified in shooting him, cause who can tell the difference between a cell phone and a handgun when one of them "darkies" is holding them, right?
Right...when the cops say "FREEZE!!!" its a good idea to do so...unless of course you like getting your head beat off...
Funny how the recent aniversary of the LA Riots was commemorated by praising the riot participants. It should have been treated like any other riot with the Police (and national guard) stepping in and putting it down!
No Justice No Peace...What a bunch of BS!
We had a similar situation in pittsburgh a few years back when a black motorist was strangled to death by some white cops. The motorist gets pulled over and jumps out of his car with a cell phone in his hand, yelling at police (not to mention he was all hopped up). They cops thought the phone was a gun and dropped him, put him in some kind of head lock and the guy died. I dont think the guy deserved to die but for goodness sake if you get pulled over by the police JUST DO WHAT THEY SAY AND THINGS WILL BE FINE!!!
Well here is the big problem, the Rodney King video was not shown in its entirity in the media, what you don't see is that rodney king, which was hopped up on drugs, attacked the police officers while they were trying to arrest him, he hit one of the officers and knocked down another. I have seen the whole tape with my class at my college.
shareHell, even that doesn't matter. If I were one of those cops, I would've shot him in the sack. If you're worried about getting beaten by the cops, chances are, you deserve to be beaten.
share"Rodney King crap"
"If you're worried about getting beaten by the cops, chances are, you deserve to be beaten."
"In short, for the slow people, there were a lot of minorities doing most of the crime, so they keep an eye out for that group" (the only things "in short" supply, and "slow" here are the number and velocity of your brain's cells).
Good God. Can you orangutangs actually be this stupid? (Italics on the word 'this'). Or are you just putting us on for a good crack-up? I truly hope its the last one. A word of advice.... Don't breed.
The only way someone like mafiahitman will ever breed, is if it's with his sister/cousin (one in the same.)
shareI concur entirely. I don't care if Rodney King kicked an officer in the groin and ran off to do his wife, you don't beat seven shades of *beep* out of a man when he's handcuffed on the ground, or you have no right to be enforcing justice that you feel free to break.
Many of the people on this thread have no right to judge people either, but that's because they're moronic self-righteous mouth-breathers.
Go easy on the commas mister punctuation.
shareOh my god. What a bunch of crap. If anyone watches one movie and assumes everyone is like the characters portrayed in it, they deserve to be that ignorant. Hello, this is a movie. Where does it say, anywhere, that these characters depict actual people, let alone are representative of an large segment of the population? Nowhere. See, the makers of films assume that the viewing public has a modicum of intelligence. This intelligence should allow the viewer to distinguish between reality and fiction. This was a movie. It's fictional. Period.
Besides, the young guy was a good guy who allowed himself to fall into some terrible actions. Kurt Russell's character wasn't innately a bad guy, but was raised to be one and never learned to think for himself. Once he began to, he owned up to his mistakes and turned out to be alright in the end. This wasn't a sudden turn around for his character. You could see it coming a mile off. For instance, when his wife left him, or when he was yelling at Scott Speedman's character. You could see that he knew he was doing evil things, but didn't know how to stop.
I get the feeling that if these were white cops killing white citizens, in a suburban town in middle class America, no one would say anything. It's because it takes place in LA, during the riots, with black people, that everyone has flipped out so much.
Lighten up people. It's just a movie, made to entertain. If you want enlightenment, read a book.
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
" If anyone watches one movie and assumes everyone is like the characters portrayed in it, they deserve to be that ignorant. Hello, this is a movie. Where does it say, anywhere, that these characters depict actual people, let alone are representative of an large segment of the population? Nowhere."
I guess you've never heard of a Propaganda Film. In the past, such films were used to support such causes as communism, secularism, fascism, racism, and an assorted other ideologies. This film is no different. The clichéd rhetoric that all white cops are racist, all black cops are righteous, and the public is simply innocent, is not unfamiliar in a Hollywood backdrop.
When I went to see this movie, I pretty much had a general idea what it was going to be about. Instead of focusing on historically inaccurate clichés like those mentioned in the film, I simply went to see it for it's artistic endeavors : acting, script, filming, action sequences, and so forth. It's really not a bad movie, and the message it tries to convey isn't bad either. If you went to this movie expecting it to be socially accurate, then you are wasting your time. In fact, your wasting EVERYONES time by actually thinking Hollywood is going to change it's PC, ultra-liberal, slant. The only way Hollywood will change is if everyone stops buying tickets to the movies (not a likely scenario).
The events surrounding the Rodney King beating case is fairly well documented and understood by the general masses. Rodney King was a repeated offender, and KNOWN to attack cops. When he was pulled over, what did he do? He attacked the cops. Unfortunately for the officers involved, Mr. King was high on opiates, which caused him to feel no pain, and have super-human strength. Did the officers unfairly abuse him? Well, According to the judge, they used by-the-book methods to restrain the individual (by striking sensitive nerves on his body with their batons, and so forth). The officers were 'not-guilty' which, of course, led to the LA riots.
maybe they are, considering 99% of the crimes committed in major cities, are commited by african-american males.
shareOK this is urgent ... in the scene where kurt russell is talking to the swat leader, Rico whats the name of the actor with the salt and pepper hair standing near Rico whos like his second in command. Ive seen him in Clear and Present Danger as well. If anyone could reply very soon it would be greatly appreciated.
sharePeter Weireter. He's listed as playing the SWAT leader, and he was in Clear and Present Danger.
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
"maybe they are, considering 99% of the crimes committed in major cities, are commited by african-american males."
that's the most moronic, racist, close-minded, stereotypical, right-wing, numbskull, braindead comment you could ever make...
i bet that information came from an acknowledged statistical study... from the KKK, maybe...
i honestly trust no cops anymore.the thing is with black cops is that their actually WORSER.because they have to proove their loyalty to the boys in blue.they don't like to be seen as "different".so i don't seperate the two not at all.the GOOD black AND white cops get black listed or worser for being a whistle blower.
shareNow don't go generalizing all left wing people. I am a weft wing fellow myself, and I support American law enforcement. Yes, there are always bad apples, but not every police officer is some sort of bloodthristy racist. I've known many police officers who do their job properly and well.
shareAdd to that the fact that competent real officers would never engage in the dirty deeds seen in these movies.
shareI dont think that this movie blames all white cops as racists. The main bad guy, Van Meter, makes racist sentences, but he works together with that black gangster Orchard to do robberies. Kurt Russells character seems to me very deranged and wicked, but not fully a racist. Despite that, he makes profit of Minority problems for his own use - like in the scene, when he catches a black dude to get information. The black officer wants to be the chief of LAPD because of his racial background (because he would be the first negro in that job), but he works against Van Meter because he knows that his guys are doing crimes.
I dont think the racial riot in the end is depicted positively on the side of the blacks. I think they just want to show how exploding the situation was.