Favorite Character

Alright I don't know if this has been done before since I didn't often visit the sealab boards until recently, but anyway, lets vote on out favorite character from the show, but don't choose one of the smaller characters, choose from Murphy, Sparks, Quinn, Debby (White or black), stormy, Hesh, or Torpedo Shanks (If I'm missing any main character please tell me).

I vote for Sparks.


HESH! he's my idol!

i do
i do this
i do this to
i do this to take
i do this to take up
i do this to take up space


Sorry I haven't posted latly

Sparks 4
Murphy 5
Stormy 1
Hesh 2





Sparks 4
Murphy 5
Stormy 2
Hesh 2


Tight race for me between Murphy and Stormy. Stormy's lines are less frequent and usually really funny, murphy had a lot of lines that were funny and carried the show. I go with Stormy.


Uh i know this isnt on here but: fatass mcblobikis


¿Donde está Marco? ¡Amo Marco! El es tan guapo. *sueña con Marco*



You know, it's really hard to pick a favorite! Stormy, Murphy, Hesh, they all leave me rolling in the floor! But if i MUST pick one, I will have to go with Sparks. He manages to be so funny with such a straight face. Plus the red hair is a turn on. gggrrrr.

- damn you sir! and damn your CHAIR! -


Oh my God. Red heads are *so* hot!!!


Sanity is not statistical.


I do like Dr. Veerjay, who nobodies mentioned. I don't think he gets the respect he deserves.


Murphy was the man.

"To the pudding vats!"


Definately Murphy.


kdogg likes Hesh.

"You can't go wrong with a Uranus joke."


I think Hesh is one of the best one-note characters ever. I have just started watching the show on DVD and he consistently makes me laugh the hardest.
"Hesh wants some sex!" "Shut up! Debbie, come down here and give Hesh some sex!"
Funniest moment in a truly brilliant show.


Marion Howling Mad Murphy, no question. "There can be only none!" (takes off hat to salute Harry Goz)

Post-Murph, I'd have to say Hesh. "Hesh... wants... poppers"

Someone's in my fruit cellar...someone with a fresh soul.




Murphy. if he has never existed id say stormy


Murphy rules the world. I so, so wish he was a real person.


Sparks and I think very much alike, we are both evil and want to take over the world one day, however I have to say Story is my favorite.

Hey pretty
Don't you wanna take a ride with me?
Through my world


Okay, I tried running the totals again. I didn't check for double-votes, or double-posts with people blabbing on and on about a character when they maybe voted for one earlier, **evil stare** . . . you all should know better!!

Anyway, I vote for Murphy. It would be a sin in the eyes of the robot church if I didn't! I think that makes it:

Sparks 5
Murphy 12
Stormy 5
Hesh 4
Marco 1
Dr. Veerjay 1

Game on.


I like Murphy, Sparks & Quinn but since I can only pick one my vote goes to Sparks.

99% of the time a hero is someone who is too cold, tired & hungry to give a damn.


Marco. because he's a mailbox-head.

I am Jacks' complete lack of origionality.


Sparks...i'm just lazy.


mine was only a one time deal but still made me remember why i love this show and that is Rebel Extreme Trillionaire Max Stone.

Why for a guy only in one episode? It's called Mathmatics, look it up dumby!

