MovieChat Forums > Ned Kelly (2004) Discussion > Did you cry at any part in this movie? (...

Did you cry at any part in this movie? (SPOILERS)

The only part that got me was the ending, when Dan and Steve kill themselves. They started crying, then Steve killed himself, and Dan continued to cry, then I started crying, and then Dan killed himself. It was even worse because Ned listened while they did this, and you could see in his face that he knew.

I didn't feel bad at all when Joe Byrne died, because he stupidly stood up during a gun fight saying, "Gents, I think I need a drink." WTF? I mean, I'm sure he realized that he wasn't going to make it, but he could have at least stuck it out with the rest of them and knocked off a couple more coppers before he died. Ned did that for Christ's sake! And, it was also sad that although people petitioned for him, Ned was hanged when he was only 25.

Anyway, what do you all think?


I cried when Joe Byrne was killed, along with when Dan and Steve committed suicide...and it wasn't that Joe just figured that he would get it over with and stand up during the fight. Right before he said that he needed a drink, he saw that his girlfriend (i don't know what her name was)was dead. And yes, i know that he had a lot of girlfriends, but it seemed that he really loved her a lot, so I think it was kind of like he was in shock and was oblivious to everything around him. Therefore, it wasn't like he was a coward or anything and just wanted to get it over with. Rather, he didn't know what he was doing.

~You need to find yourself a girl, mate!~ -POTC




i was sobbing uncontrollably by the end, when Dan and Steve killed themselves. And okay, I cry at everything, Im literally tearing up as I type, just thinking about it, but it was so frigging sad.. and I did feel bad when Joe Byrne died.
As Shopping said earlier, he was obviously detatched from reality, probably delirious.

"Is this an offer Louis? Have you come back to me, as lovers say?"
"Uve come back to ME Lestat."


Same here, the Dan and Steve suicide got me...and i never normally cry at character deaths onscreen, well except for george clooney's bit in Perfect Storm.

beautiful scene *listens to the Ned kelly soundtrack*



Same here, the Dan and Steve suicide got me...and i never normally cry at character deaths onscreen, well except for george clooney's bit in Perfect Storm.

beautiful scene *listens to the Ned kelly soundtrack*



Jeez, yes the part with Dan and Steve is what made me cry too. 2nd place was Joe Byrne's death. 3rd, was the ending of it all. It was so sad with Dan and Steve though. It just reminds you of what friendships and just everything in that general area.


I started tearing up when Ned discoverer Curnow had stopped the train, cos I knew what was going to happen. When Joe died I started crying, then when Dan and Steve shot themselves, boy, that really got me. I mean, they were all so young. Dan was only 19! It's all quite sad.

~Here's to a short life, but a merry one~ (Steve Hart)


Yeah i cried then too. And when Dan and Steve died, and when joe burne die.
I also cried at the bit where ned chases down that cop and shoots him. that bit was really sad for some reason.

But i'm one of those people who cry at everything :)


i think we can come to a general concensus that we all find the end very very moving. i did not cry, but that is only because it was 4 o'clock in the morning and i was so bloody tired. it's a fun thing called a sleepover. but i also thought it was very sad as well... depressing really...


I lost it.....absolutely LOST IT when Steve and Dan snuffed it. I fell to the floor crying. I wanted to scream, I was litterally pulling out my hair!!!! They are so adorable and gorgeous and Irish\British....ahhhhhh! Whatta combo huh?!




I don't cry in movies very often either, the tears fell very easily when the three of them died though


What about the part when Joe shot Aaron? Appart from the end, that was the bit that made me soooo sad (I don't literally cry at movies for some reason). That whole situation was just such a tragedy because they were best friends and it was basically a misunderstanding. It really got to me.

I loved this movie. I wasn't expecting a true historical account, I was just interested in the legend and the story. I love stories...
I think Bloom's performance was the standout. The sets and costumes were great. And the sentiment was just so beautifully sad.


I have to say that Joe shooting Aaron was the worst for me. The way it was written, Aaron was conflicted by what he was doing. In his mind, he was protecting Joe because he was promised that Joe wouldn't get hurt (great scene with Geoffrey Rush). They were best friends and I think for me, it was the look on his face when he realized it was Joe with a gun. Joel Edgerton has a way of acting with his eyes and in that scene you just saw the pain of knowing his best friend was going to kill him. I wailed like a big babby.

The entire end just made me sob. From the moment the police showed up until they took Ned away on the train...


dont even remind me of dan and steve, might just have to start crying now. waaaah.

A is for Anna. B is for Brutus. H is for THE HIVES!!


I know exactly what you mean. When I saw Joe get shot I was like who the h*ll does that. But I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Especially with Dan Steve and Ned. Aw Ned...that just wasn't right. Especially the reason why he became an outlaw. Because some stupid person had to lie about there family. You know this is a true story. That's what so moving is to know that this really happened. What was even more mean about the Victorian Police is that when they got Joe's body out the pinned him up to a door to show off his body.

But ya it was a really moving movie.


To answer the question to the WTF comment - the most common theory behind why Joe Byrne decided that he wanted a drink (ignoring the other aspect that this may never have happened), was simply because he knew he was going to die, and that was his own way of commiting suicide. True or not who knows - but I know I'd probably rather have someone else shoot me then go through the mental abuse of trying to pull my own trigger...



For an answer on the Joe getting and drink topic look at my answer in the thread entitled "The only good thing about this movie..." it explains that yes, it did happen in real life and why. Also why it happened in the movie.


okay well about Joe.....whoever said he died becuz he saw his g/f dead or soemthing.......i watched it VERY slowly when he looked around the room. He saw a dead guy and an OLD lady dead...but i never showed his g/f.....she may have died, but he did't see here in the bar or the house or where ever they were shooting from.

"The sun was shining when your wife left you!" ~Paris {Troy}


i cried all the way through this movie.


guess what... the dan and steve suicide! soooooo sad! the other bit that got me was that the police guy took his "hero" sash, that was soooo mean!!!!!!! good movie, but soooooooo depressing!

*hugs everyone and wanders off*


I had tears on Dan and Steve's suicide

Sometimes you got to make it on your own


i didn't cry at all, but the part that got me the most was the end line 'such is life' that ned's voice over says, because they were ned kelly's actual last words. so sad. this whole movie was a tad depressing, and just for those nitwits who think that ned was hard done by, well, go down to glenrowan and the museum down there and see just what he did, it may change your mind.

Live for what you believe in...die fighting for it!



yeh same here, i couldnt stop cryin frm when Joe Byrne died right up 2 the end credits.


nope i didn't cry at all...of course i never cry at movies...i didn't even cry at the passion of the christ...

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke


yes! at the end when it says "despite petitions for a pardon that bore a total of 32,000 signatures, ned kelly was hanged on november 11, 1880," i start, but when it says, "he was 25 years old," i just lose it. this is the movie that made me cry the most.



I hate the ending of this film because I always need to cry watching it and I'm not a person who can cry at all easily. I can't watch when Dan and Steve kill themselves, it's like watching Merry and Pippin (LOTR) die and as I loved both of THEM I can't stand it. And when Ned is just lying there, and they put him in the LIONS cage and still killed him after all those signatures on his petition....such a sad film overall. I love this film, it's one of my favourites, but I can't watch it too often or I get depressed. And I LOVED their Irish accents too...yum.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
