MovieChat Forums > Grand Theft Auto III (2001) Discussion > Stupidest way you've ever been WASTED

Stupidest way you've ever been WASTED

One day I was just stuffing around and i threw a grenade in the back of a bobcat, it blew up but then a group of about 20 people started to attack me. I got out a pistol (it was all i had at the time) and tried to scare them off, but there was too many and they all were beatig me and then i died (from 100 armor and 100 health) with their bare hands.
I dunno I must have been tired or something.


I was fighting this old guy and I didn't have any more weapons and another pedestrian came and joined in on whooping my arse and I got beat to death...lmfao



No so much stupid as spectacular: I was being chased through Stuanton by the Feds with four cars and two FBI trucks on my tail, I reached the North portion of town and made a hard turn, I was butted by a car and my car caught fire and started spinning through the air and fell in the ocean. As my car filled with water there were FBI cars and police cars passing in front of the camera as they flew past me into the water.


One time I was doing the Turismo mission in Portland trying to beat it for the first time. I was in the Banshee and had a huge lead going through St. Marks for the 2nd time. Just as I passed Salvatore's mansion, the damn mafia blew me up. Now I know to do that mission BEFORE you kill Salvatore.

The funniest one was my cousin was playing and he decided to blow up a car with a rocket launcher. So he aims the rocket launcher at it, yells out: "DA DA DA DA DA DA!" and fires.....only thing is a hooker walked right in front of him as he fired and killed the hooker and himself. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Welcome to prime time, bitch!" Freddy




I don't know if it's stupid or not, but one time I was running from the cops and crashed into the water. Somehow I wound up on top of my car, and for fifteen minutes steady cops cars were falling into the water trying to get me. I couldn't go anywhere because of the water, so I finally had to off myself.


There's a mission where you have to help the Cubans infiltrate a Dominican compound (I think that's how it's been awhile). Anyways, I was using my sniper rifle to take out the Dominicans on the roof when the Cubans that were sent to help me all of a sudden turned on me and killed me. Must have pissed them off or something.

In death there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps, and no escapes
