MovieChat Forums > I Am Sam (2002) Discussion > Is that too sissy for a guy crying throu...

Is that too sissy for a guy crying through the whole movie?

I thought this movie is a tear jerker,but I wonder if I am only the odd guy.



You're both pussies.....I however only cried the odd man tear which is much more manly than your girly tears. :P



You should know by now that women never say what they really mean. I remember being on a train once and this guy, good looking, was talking to a couple of girls about a really sad film and how he cried at the very end, obviously trying to get in their knickers, but they just looked disgusted at him as if they'd just trodden in him, giving each other the odd rolling eyes whenever he looked away.

Man tears are fine though because you must disguise them as best you can....if you get caught then it's ok so long as it's apparent that you were trying to hide it in a nonchalant kind of way.


[deleted] was more like...

Douche: Hey ladies, have you seen the film Babe?
Lady 1:
Lady 2: We're both adults.
Douche: Oh, you should see it, it's not just for's really sad.
Lady 1: Oh, right.
Lady 2: *Silence*
Douche: *Thinks* - Well the first one obviously likes me but I'm going to have to get more emotional if I want any chance of a threesome.
Douche: I cried so much after watching it, when the dish ran away with the, it just finished me off right there and then....and then all my mates made fun of me and handed me my flowery pinny from the kitchen....erm....I mean even they cried too after I made them watch it.
Douche: *Gets ignored* .... *Thinks* - Oh who am I kidding....I'm gonna find me a man.

I forget what the film was so Babe will do.



Gangbanging an ugly chick? Yeah....tis kinda sad. It would have been good in Multiplicity though...hell it'd probably have won an Oscar if they did that...regardless of Michael Keaton going full retard for one of his clones.


Crying is okay if you are a Marine.


Bringing the subject up that way is just creepy and weird. Watching a sad movie with a girl and crying is normal. There's a difference.


They like the sesitive guy so they have someone to walk all over.


the part where rita was telling sam she thinks she is a horrible person and she wakes up and fails got me goin




it made me tear up a bit. mostly because i could see myself having the same problems and doubts about my own capabilities if i was the sole parent of a child, and even with a partner there too. im disabled, and it scares the crap out of me that if i ever have kids, i wont be able to even do simple things like pick them up and carry them when needed.



this movie made me cry more then any movie I've seen (at least in the latter days..) i think.

I think Sean Penn did an excellent job portraying a mentally retarded man, but the Oscar is another question (you can't just get an Oscar if you play a retarded person..). The thing about never to go full retarded is fun in the sense of Tropic Thunder, but when talking about really retarded people, it is just not funny.

The reason for my tears, is at least from what I believe, is that my own father is suffering from a mental sickness which makes him in some sort like a mentally retarded person.

This does not make me in anyway in a position where I can "know" in which position Sam is, but I can on some level understand the pain.

The movie i s beautiful, and shows how much love really does matter.



I definitely cried at this one - I guess I'm also a sissy. Wonderdul movie, I would put in on top 250, that is for sure.






I am a girl, but I never cry in movies, seriously never but this film was the first movie I ever cried in when I watched it a few years ago. It is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen.


I'm a guy and I never cry at movies (some movies almost- Dead Man Walking, Marvin's Room) but this one I burst into tears, I dont know why.

And it wasnt at any of the Dakota or Sean scenes... the one scene that got me was Michelle's Pfeiffer's characters breakdown. I just started bawling. Dont know why, but whatever way Michelle acted I just felt sooooo bad for her character.

If you rape a prositute isn't it technically shoplifting?


I am watching the movie right now 1:42AM, on January 23, 2010, and I am trying not to cry anymore (it hurts to much), it to me, and this is just my opinion, the saddest movie I have ever seen (and I'm no movie expert or super buff, just a regular guy) both of streight saddest and happiness. I used to do a program in High School called Best Buddies . . . so I relate to this movie on so many levels.



Agreed, it's a sad movie. and Sean Penn was great. He usually pisses me off, but I loved him in this. I don't understand why he didn't win for this, but won for Milk. Honestly, what the hell is the Academy thinking?


There is nothing wrong with a guy crying during this movie. I am a 24 year old male and I blubbed through it.

The idea that men can not show their emotions and have to be tough and all that is just a load of rubbish. Real men cry, real men don't keep their emotions locked away. I love action packed 'guy' films just as much as anyone, but I also love films that make you feel, that affect you on a powerful and emotional level.

I don't understand why most guys feel like they have to be made of stone. They eem to think they are showing signs of femininity if they show emotion. That's so misguided though. I am 100% straight, i'm getting married this year and I have no problem at all with letting my emotions out.

It's not a bad thing at all that you did the same.


Straight men are so weird.


no, it's sweet. it means you actually have feelings and compassion.

i can not watch this movie without crying. it's almost too excessive. i'm a female so i guess it doesn't matter.


I cried all the time while seeing this movie...


I cried,too...:(

Amanda Bynes is hot, Lindsay Lohan is not


saw it three times all three i cried from the start of movie till the end and i am a guy also more like blubbered the whole time


Im a woman, as I get old I cry more. The first time i saw this maybe ten years ago, only shed a tear or two. Just saw this on tv today and im bawling.

"He must be stopped"
-Colin Firth-
