MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2001) Discussion > Had the JL series continued what would y...

Had the JL series continued what would you liked to have seen?

If it had gone on for a season or two more. Who and what kind of stories could you imagine would've been apart of the Justice League, from the final episodes of the series; "Alive! & Destroyer"! Would you outline your own continuation series and imagine if you had the opportunity to adapted any kind of well known comic book stories, as they did with; "For the Man Who Has Everything" (Superman and Mongul with the *black-mercy* plant) and turn them into animated stories for this series.

Well if fans could this is what i'd imagine a continuation of Justice League Unlimited would've provided us had it gone on just a little longer and given us even more elements, from the DC universe!

Justice League Unlimited series continuation envisioned by ST4

* Would've had the Justice League face off against the returning White Martians in the first episode back and it would've been a Martian Manhunter featured episode. Done as a major 2-parter!

* Included DC comics Global Guardian into a story and had them have a rivalry with the Justice League. And would controversially end with some dis-satisfied League members who feel they aren't treated with the proper respect going over to the more 'foreigners' friendly; Global Guardian team!

* I would've had a; "Doom Patrol" episode! and expanded on this group for an episode or two etc?

* Continued the Camdus Project storyarc in several episodes from previous JL seasons and had something involving Captain Atom that would've developed into....

* The villain 'Monarch' appearing in a 3-parter. Captain Atom's bitterness developing him into becoming this uber badboy villain, who one of the DC universe's stronger villains.

* Might've featured the Kingdom Come prequel story of; "The Kingdom" and shown Magog's origin story. Road To Hell, Never Ending Slaughter & Mighty Rivers. And later featured the Kingdom Come story itself in alternate; What If story, towards the season final.

* Done a seperate Captain Marvel story like; 'Power Of Hope' or Trials Of Shazam. A had a story featuring him heavily! Playing out like a seperate TV series pilot for his own series as it were, within; Justice League Unlimited 'trappings', is all.

* Had a proper story that showed off the supervillains; The Extremists! And had Captain Atom lead a team of League members into take'em down, prior to his Monarch transformation, etc! Lord Havok (Dr Doom), Gorgon (Doctor Octopus),Tracer (Sabretooth), Dreamslayer (Dormammu) and Doctor Diehard (Magneto). Done as a 2 parter and referencing their first appearence in the Justice League Europe comics.

* Had a Green Lantern story where they take on the villain Krona.

* Another Lantern story dealing with the return of The Manhunters.

* A comic book story adaptation of the Flash of two worlds storyline. orlds-hc/37-166416/

* A sequel story with the Justice Lords!

* Shown Brainiac's rebirth and reappearence but with Darkseid or Lex Luthor present. Would play close to series final somewhat.

* Shown another Taskforce X/Suicide Squad episode. Showing the group being more firmly established somewhat.

* Done a sequel story to the Superman TAS episode; "Absolute Power". And shown what actually became of Jax-Ur and Mala after the disappeared into a Black Hole in that story. Thus keeping some level of close continuity between WB's animated shows by Bruce Timm, Paul Dini and Andrea Romano etc. And lead into a.....

* An adaptation of the Superman Adventures #21 DC comic (based on Superman TAS) after Jax-Ur and Mala's defeat. And finally showed and introduced General Zod into JL.

* Done an episode where Aquaman join the big 7. And replaces Hawkgirl's spot.

* An episode featuring; Dr Fate, Zatanna, Etrigan: The Demon and introducing John Constantine. And have this magical based group deal with a plot involving Queen Bee! (inspired somewhat from the 'JL-video game'!)

* Featured another Despero episode. Just to keep things somewhat 'cosmic' tone of the show, for the Justice league in dealing with many threats is all.

* A huge episode, with powerful villains deciding to team up; Monarch, Despero, The White Martians, The Manhunters, Brainiac, Zod, Krona, Ares (still voiced by Michael York, now looking as aritst George Pérez drew him in the Wonder Woman comics!) Desaad and a faction of followers and Parademons from Apokolips and GL villain Sinestro.

As bigbads working together and not alone. No minor lacky type villains here either, this group contains only the most dangerous and elite DC villains. In their first order of business, eliminate all opposing forces who stand in their way. As a showing of their combined massive power-structure, they get rid of other powerful villains who didn't join their cause like; Amazo, The Time Trapper and Doomsday! Thus making a huge impact and are a force to be reckoned with!

* An episode with Swamp Thing.

* Had a Wonder Woman episode with her and the League going up against Circe!

* Done an episode that shows the return of Darkseid and Lex Luthor. Who's flashy disappearence in "Destroyer". And combo of the anti-life equation didn't work (Luthor may have lied and used it to merely stop Darkseid's rampage). they confront the *Union* (unofficial name of their group?) of uber villain, with Lex turning on Darkseid to save his own ass. and buss up on Darkseid, as he tries to warn them all of something he saw while in the alternate dimension he and Luthor were in which he knows of but Luthor didn't.

* Season penultimate episode, another comic book adaptation of; "Kingdom Come". 2 parter. Tying into the 'The Kingdom' origin story earlier in the season's outline etc.

* Season final. Justice League confront his Evil Union of uber villains. Twist here is that this time the battlefield isn't Earth but Apokolips. As the heroes and villain battle each other, one villain has a means to unleash something truly terrible. Desaad, who has found a way to release Darkseid's father from the "Source Wall", Yuga Khan! A badly beaten up and hurting Darkseid tries in vain to get the Justice League to listen to him, but they don't ('boy who cried wolf' references) and Yuga Khan is released from the Source Wall!

To be continued..........................


Green Lantern 4.gif


I would have liked to see a Cadmus-like story arc, it was so good and the season after that just didn't measure up. So not a story like the cadmus one just a great season long story.

We've met smaller members of the league like "The Question" but what about other smaller members? Lets meet some of them!

Terry/Batman Beyond post Epilogue travels to the present and has a adventure with young Bats and the league.

What happened to Hal Jordan and Barry Allen? If their dead then lets see how it happened.


One simple little episode:
'Two Hawks and a Dove.'
Hawkgirl teams up with Hawk & Dove for an adventure.
And poor Dove is going crazy trying to be the voice of reason with TWO Hawks wreaking havoc around him.
But when the episode ends, its Dove that Hawkgirl gives a big, wet, soppy kiss good-bye for being a perfect gentleman.
And when Hawk says; "AW C'MON doll! I thought WE had something in common!"
To which Hawkgirl replies; "Maybe TOO much in common. It's OPPOSITES that attract!"


That's legitimately awesome. Someone should make a fanfic of this.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


There's way too much material and great suggestion made by peoples in this entire thread to be made into fanfics or any fan-made animated continuations. But i so wish Warners were paying closer attention to our requests. So something naturally could be made one day that resolves all the unanswered questions we have about the JL series at large however.


Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown


1. What happened to Lex and Darkseid (duh)
2. A resolution to the Shayera/Stewart romance.
3. An episode about the Speed Force.
4. The Justice League saves Thanagar.
5. A Justice League Beyond series.



Jay Garrick and Allan Scott, more involvement with the JSA members in general and an episode with the Spectre

Plastic Man, Blue Beetle, Firestorm and Black Lightning

The Sinestro Corps

Justice Lords Unlimited

Anti-Matter Universe

Return of the White Martians

Green Arrow and Black Canary wedding

Bigger villains: Starro, Cyborg Superman, Extant, Reverse Flash, Maxwell Lord, Prometheus, Black Adam, Johnny Sorrow and the King of Tears, etc.

Storylines made into episodes (Tower of Babel and Justice come to mind)

Bizzaro World


They really left a lot of things unfinished, and it's a shame that they didn't continue the series, but if I had to pick one, it would be an episode with Wonder Woman and Batman, where we finally got a conclusion of what was going on between the both of them.




Don't want this thread going onto the last page.


Name's Django, The "D" is silent.




Name's Django, The "D" is silent.


Firestorm, just Firestorm.

And with The Crapman out of the way, a return to Bat characters somehow.


You'll be happy to know then, that the recent 2014 Flash TV series is using the character of Ronnie Raymond A.K.A. the original Firestorm!

Guess its even better for you as you'll now be getting a live-action version of The Firestorm character won't you.


Name's Django, The D is silent.


Flash point paradox will probably topple Cadmus arc
