MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2001) Discussion > Favorite Leaguers besides the founding m...

Favorite Leaguers besides the founding members

I just want to see who everyone's top 5 or top 10 characters were well besides the original members. I've always seen people say he or she is my favorite well who are your top 5 or 10. Do either.
Mine are.
1. Green Arrow
2. Captain Atom
3. Huntress
4. Black Canary
5. Vigilante, I just wished they had a different voice
6. Question
7. Fire
8. Zatanna
9. B'wana Beast, should have expanded on him more
10. Metamorpho


If I had to be my next seven...
1) Green Arrow
2) Aquaman
3) Supergirl
4) The Huntress
5) The Atom
6) Black Canary
7) The Question
If you want to go 3rd string ...
1) Hawkman
2) Red Tornado
3) The Demon
4) Elongated Man
5) Dr. Fate
6) Miracle Man
7) Viligante


Vigilante was voiced by freaking Nathan Fillion, OP. What you just said is blasphemy. There is literally no one in the universe that would be better cast for Vigilante than Nathan Fillion.

My favorite non-founding character, by far, was the Question. I loved how they snuck in tiny elements of Rorschach to his character, he felt more like Alan Moore's version than the original character.


1. Green Arrow
2. Hawkman
3. The Atom
4. Huntress
5. The Question
6. Black Canary
7. Supergirl
8. Captain Marvel/Shazam
9. Vigilante
10. Stargirl

Those were my favorites to see outside the originals Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter. Aquaman and Dr. Fate get honorable mentions, as I did enjoy seeing them from time to time as well. Actually they could have used Aquaman a little more.


1. Question
2. Green Arrow
3. Huntress
4. Supergirl
5. Black Canary


Green Arrow
The Creeper


Question (one of the best things on the show)
Green Arrow
Hawkman (but they butchered him for the show)
Black Canary
Vigilante/Shining Knight


Question no question about it.


Vixen (probably the most interesting power set in the League.)
Shining Knight
Black Canary
Green Arrow
Captain Marvel (SHAZAMing Superman...genius. Vulnerable to magic, remember?)

somebody says something that you think is wrong or incredibly stupid.
-VD outlines the IMDb boards.


My absolute favourite is Black Canary (maybe it's the fishnets & the blonde wig!) I also really like Aquaman, the Atom, Green Arrow & Hawkman (in no particular order).


The Question comes right to mind. Steve Ditko, who created The Question along with similar character Mr. A (the original) and inspired Rorschach, was a genius. The Question was great in every appearance, but I particularly like how he sided with Huntress against Green Arrow and Black Canary, that episode and those two parings in opposition being among my favorites.

Supergirl comes to mind next. What's scarier than a teenager? A Kryptonian teenager under a yellow sun!  Yet she's just so much Superman's cousin, so good natured, that she's still a hero. I especially love her in the JLU premiere, where she sticks out her tongue at Jon Stewart's hard-necked fomer marine GL, only to smile with a bit of embarrassment at the sympathetic Green Arrow, who also doesn't care for the former marine. That episode too features some great interplay among characters, as Ollie doesn't think much of Captain Atom either, neither his military manner nor his connection to atomic energy. "I think you're what I protested in college." 

Captain Atom is another great character (and also co-created by Ditko). I love the polite, military way he disses Green Arrow in that episode, and the way he uses the same tone when ordered by the US government to stop Superman from rescuing The Question. I love the way that Superman pounds him down, but then takes him with, because "he's Justice League." (In fairness, that's something I loved about Superman, but still, it's a great interaction.) I love the way Captain Atom manages to come to the rescue on the Watchtower when Galatea shows up controlling an army of mindless Ultimen.


Captain Marvel and Green Arrow
