MovieChat Forums > Kiss of the Dragon (2001) Discussion > Rate Jet Li's english language films fr...

Rate Jet Li's english language films from best to worst.

I'll start:

1. Unleashed - 8/10
2. Kiss Of The Dragon - 7/10
3. Romeo Must Die - 6/10
4. Lethal Weapon 4 - 6/10
5. The One - 5/10
6. Cradle 2 The Grave - 1/10

"Because anything else would be uncivilized."
-Hulk Hogan, Right Guard commercial


1. Kiss of the Dragon/Unleashed
2. Romeo Must Die
3. The One/Cradle to the Grave

Both KoD and Unleashed were good, its hard to choose which one... the story, and acting were better in Unleashed but the fights and choreography in KoD were much more memorable.

The One was very good technically, for the Xingyi and Bagua purists out there they love the choreography but besides that the movie was pretty bad in all accounts, especially when they underused Gugino. C2TG is the same thing, the last fight between Dacascos and Li could have been amazing especially when both of them are real martial artists but it looked worse than the ending for RMD which it should not have.


1.Danny the Dog (8/10) (Unleashed)
2.Kiss of the Dragon (7/10) (8/10 if not for the bad "cut" in the movie where Jet gets hurt)
3.The One (7/10)
4.Romeo Must Die(7/10)
5.Cradle 2 the Grave (6/10)
6.Leathal Weapon 4 (?/10)


My list will look a bit different it seems. . .

1. Kiss of the Dragon - 8.5/10
2. The One - 8.5/10 (I didn't like it when I first saw it, but it grew on me.)
3. Cradle 2 The Grave - 7.5/10 (I could do without DMX, but Jet and Dacascos were great.)
4. Unleashed - 7/10 (I actually thought it was kind of boring)
5. Romeo Must Die - 5/10 (I'm glad it was all uphill from here)

Lethal Weapon 4 doesn't count.


1. unleashed - far better in every aspect than the rest. a classic.
2. kiss of the dragon - not quite unleashed but good enough story and setting and excellent fights. a smaller classic.
3. romeo must die - very weak but the cast is entertaining, primarily the striking aaliyah.
4. cradle to the grave - hated dmx but not too bad, much better action than romeo.
5. the one - i just cannot like it. too much wrong with it. worst of all, it had so much potential to be great. not enough of the gorgeous carla gugino.


1. Kiss of the Dragon
2. Unleashed
3. Lethal Weapon 4
4. Romeo Must Die
5. The One


1. Unleashed (first Jet movie I EVER saw, made me seek out his other movies!)
2. Cradle to the Grave (Loved had great action and a great story, but I know I'm alone in thinking this)
3. Romeo Must Die (just a bit lower than Cradle for me)
4. Kiss of the Dragon (Not on the same level as Romeo or Cradle in terms of plot IMO)
5. The One (a bit dull)

Never seen Lethal Weapon 4 or War, but I'll see War soon!!


1. Unleashed- 10/10 (one of my favorite action movies)
2. Kiss of the Dragon- 8/10 (Also another one of my favorites)
3. Lethal Weapon 4- 7/10
4. Romeo Must Die- 5/10
5. The One- 5/10
6. Cradle 2 the Grave- 3/10


If I were to go from best to worst:

1) Kiss of the Dragon - Li's best English movie IMPO. Acting was ok, but the fight scenes were brilliant
2) Lethal Weapon 4 - Li had great pressence in this film (even if he wasn't the main actor), and casting him as the bad guy was brilliant
3) Unleashed - Li's acting in this movie was probably the best out of all his English films, but I felt the movie couldn't make up it's mind whether it wanted to be an action or a drama
4) Romeo Must Die - Ok action flick, nothing really exceptional. The fight scenes also didn't stand out for me
5) The One - I only put this here because some of the fight scenes were quite good. Otherwise, it was a horrible film overall
6) Cradle 2 The Grave - Crap. Li just stood around with a bored expression the whole time, and the fight scenes were underwhelming (especially the final one with Marc Dacascos, those guys are WAY better than what they did there)

Just out of curiosity, why wasn't WAR included here? Haven't seen it myself, so I can't really comment on it.


Kiss of the Dragon: 7/10
Lethal Weapon 4: 7/10
The One: 7/10
The Forbidden Kingdom: 5/10

I'd love to see Unleashed and Fearless. I've been curious about Romeo Must Die and Cradle 2 The Grave since I see DVD copies EVERYWHERE.
I've rather enjoyed Jet Li's Hollywood movies but if I could get my hands on original copies of his Hong Kong movies (NOT the butchered Weinstein crap) I'd be in heaven.

Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the center of everywhere.


I read this thread as "Rate Jet Li's English language in his films from best to worst."
Can anyone do that ?


Well, since I've seen a fair larger amount of his movies now, I'll update my list...

Unleashed: 8/10
Kiss of the Dragon: 7/10
Lethal Weapon 4: 7/10
The One: 7/10
The Expendables: 7/10
The Expendables 2: 7/10
The Expendables 3: 6/10
War: 6/10
The Forbidden Kingdom: 5/10
Romeo Must Die: 5/10
Cradle 2 the Grave: 5/10
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor: 4/10

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."
