If I were to go from best to worst:
1) Kiss of the Dragon - Li's best English movie IMPO. Acting was ok, but the fight scenes were brilliant
2) Lethal Weapon 4 - Li had great pressence in this film (even if he wasn't the main actor), and casting him as the bad guy was brilliant
3) Unleashed - Li's acting in this movie was probably the best out of all his English films, but I felt the movie couldn't make up it's mind whether it wanted to be an action or a drama
4) Romeo Must Die - Ok action flick, nothing really exceptional. The fight scenes also didn't stand out for me
5) The One - I only put this here because some of the fight scenes were quite good. Otherwise, it was a horrible film overall
6) Cradle 2 The Grave - Crap. Li just stood around with a bored expression the whole time, and the fight scenes were underwhelming (especially the final one with Marc Dacascos, those guys are WAY better than what they did there)
Just out of curiosity, why wasn't WAR included here? Haven't seen it myself, so I can't really comment on it.