Bridget Fonda Stinks

Has she been in anything worth watching???
(Besides Jackie Brown and Doc Hollywood)



She did look miscast.

Its that man again!!




I've seen this movie well over a hundred times. When I first saw it, I thought she was great. Now...I think she was mis-casted. But only because I see it now with more a modern vision. These days you have a lot more actresses in that age group that could've played both the sweet & bitter of an American prostitute in Paris. I think from the pool back then, Fonda was the best.


She was great in this movie

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi


OP is crazy. BF rocked in this movie. I am sad that she stopped acting but i respect her choice.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


I couldn't disagree more. I found her likeable and easy to sympathize with, and I think she's been good in everything I've seen her in.


Her character was pretty likeable and innocent, despite the profession that her character was meant to be.


I thought Jessica was a rather nice person.


Bridget was the only reason I watched this movie seeing as how it was her second to last theatrical movie (although she did some TV work in 2001-2002, like the decent "Snow Queen").

Has she been in anything worth watching???
(Besides Jackie Brown and Doc Hollywood)

Try: "Point of No Return," A Simple Plan," "Shag," "The Godfather: Part III," "Finding Graceland" and "Single White Female."
