MovieChat Forums > The Hunted (2003) Discussion > The best fighting scenes

The best fighting scenes

This film may not be a masterpiece, of course,but it definitely got one of the most thrilling,no-holds-barred,uncompromising fight scenes I have ever seen in a movie and,quite frankly,I think it's THE best knife-fighting scene I have ever seen.

I'd like to hear about your personnal favorite fight scenes.

Here's some more gripping fight scenes I liked a lot(but maybe not as hardcore as this one though):

-pretty much all the fight sequences in "Raging Bull"

-The fight between Rocky and Apollo in the first Rocky

- The climatic fight scene between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris in "The Return of the Dragon" (or "Way of the Dragon",if it's the title you know)

-The last fight scene between Steven Seagal and that guy Screwface in "Marked for Death" (ok,Screwface was maybe not a great match but hell,how Seagal killed him in the end was just really hardcore and awesome for the genre)

-The fight scene between Angel Face and Ed Norton's character in "Fight Club"

-That fight scene between Jet Li and the two European twins near the end of "Kiss of the Dragon"

-The final fighting scenes in both Blade 1 and Blade 2 (they weren't realistic,but they were pretty hardcore nevertheless)

-Jean-Claude Van Damme VS Bolo Yeung in Bloodsports

-The last fight scene between Charles Bronson and that bald-headed guy in "Hard Times"

-The last fight scene between Tommy Lee and the not-so-bad Korean guy in "The Best of The Best"

-One of the last fight scenes of "Unleashed", where Jet Li confronts that bald-headed karate guy (the part in the bathroom was particularly awesome)

-The fight scene between Bruce Lee and Bob Wall (the karate guy with the beard)in "Enter The Dragon"

-The long sword fight scene in "Kill Bill" (another one that was anything but realistic,I know,but it was awesome nevertheless)

-the last boxing scene in "Snatch" (very stylish,but pretty hard nevertheless)

-that bloody fight scene near the end of "The Last of The Mohicans" (it's been years since I saw the movie,but I remember it was pretty hardcore)

-the sword fight sequence in the train in "The Hunted" with Christopher Lambert

-pretty much all the fight scenes in "Ong-Bak"

-the last fight scene between Attila and Lionheart in "Lionheart"

-the fight scene at the end of "Bad Boys" (the Sean Penn jail movie)

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



One of the ways to kill someone is by slicing their throat using a knife and a belt.


When that guy gets thrown through a window upside down gets me every time.

"He'll be stronger than Hercules and Gumbo combined."




By far the best fight scene I have ever seen is in the film Oldboy. One man with a hammer vs. 15 men, scrolling side-shot in a single take. Beautiful violence.

**In desperate times, shoot B&W Super 8**


How about the first fight scene in The Bourne Identity? It was a short one between Jason Bourne and two police officers but it was pretty cool I thought.


Young Master-Finale is insane. That hand exchange at the end blows my mind.
Warriors Two-Night fight in the woods. Two men battle it out and try to gain the upperhand even though they can barely see their hands infront of their faces.
Phantasm 2 and Tiger On Beat-Reccomending both of these for some kick ass dueling chainsaws.

Who says violence is not the answer?


Awesome thread, some of my favourite movies with fight scenes, I won't name the actual fights just the movies because most of them are packed with awesome action anyways:

Ong Bak
The Hunted (Tommy Lee Jones/Benicio Del Toro)
The Hunted (Christopher Lambert)
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Ultimatum
The Transporter
Kiss of the Dragon
Banlieue 13
Undisputed 2 (Michael Jai White/Scott Adkins)
Marked for Death
Brotherhood of the Wolf
Tom Yum Goong

There's heaps more but I tried to list most of the recent ones ('cept Marked for Death).


Good list,ugh the boot.

I saw Undisputed 2 about a month ago,and I have to say I was really surprised by it.The fight scenes were a lot more impressive and brutal than I thought they would be.Good choice.And Tom Yum Goong was maybe even better than Ong Bak im my mind.Tony Jaa is really pushing the martial arts movie genre in an interesting direction.And I still have to see Banlieue 13!

I'm not sure if anyone mentionned it,but Eastern Promises had one of the most memorable,most daring,yet also most realistic fight scene I have ever seen.That now famous scene would have to be in my top ten list.I love Cronenberg!

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy


The fight between Bourne and the 1st assassin in Bourne Identity was absolutely thrilling, accompanied by a pulse-pounding musical score.

Flawed movie, but Celtic Predator vs Grid Alien in AVP was sweet to behold.

And the ultimate fight scene of all time-Brody and Quint vs. the Great White in the end of Jaws. 2o minutes of the highest tension.


Brad Pitt (Achilles) vs. Eric Bana (Hector) in Troy.

It was a very flawed film, but damn if the fight scene outside the Gates of Troy didn't have me practically jumping out of my skin. And I was even aware ofwhat the end result would eventually be.

Brilliantly choreographed, Brilliantly edited.

Don't get me wrong, many of you have posted a crapload of awesome fight scenes, and I agree with many of them.

But for some reason this one stands out for me. It is short, exhausting, brutal, and powerful.

I can't imagine a dude as quick as a leopard, with a spear, ashield, and a fricking xiphos sword.....hacking the frick away at me.

Pure terror.


Has anyone mentioned the rain fight in "A bittersweet life"?

Pretty brutal.... check out what he does with a brick!

Speaking of it, I found the fight scenes in "Brick" pretty good too..

