The best fighting scenes
This film may not be a masterpiece, of course,but it definitely got one of the most thrilling,no-holds-barred,uncompromising fight scenes I have ever seen in a movie and,quite frankly,I think it's THE best knife-fighting scene I have ever seen.
I'd like to hear about your personnal favorite fight scenes.
Here's some more gripping fight scenes I liked a lot(but maybe not as hardcore as this one though):
-pretty much all the fight sequences in "Raging Bull"
-The fight between Rocky and Apollo in the first Rocky
- The climatic fight scene between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris in "The Return of the Dragon" (or "Way of the Dragon",if it's the title you know)
-The last fight scene between Steven Seagal and that guy Screwface in "Marked for Death" (ok,Screwface was maybe not a great match but hell,how Seagal killed him in the end was just really hardcore and awesome for the genre)
-The fight scene between Angel Face and Ed Norton's character in "Fight Club"
-That fight scene between Jet Li and the two European twins near the end of "Kiss of the Dragon"
-The final fighting scenes in both Blade 1 and Blade 2 (they weren't realistic,but they were pretty hardcore nevertheless)
-Jean-Claude Van Damme VS Bolo Yeung in Bloodsports
-The last fight scene between Charles Bronson and that bald-headed guy in "Hard Times"
-The last fight scene between Tommy Lee and the not-so-bad Korean guy in "The Best of The Best"
-One of the last fight scenes of "Unleashed", where Jet Li confronts that bald-headed karate guy (the part in the bathroom was particularly awesome)
-The fight scene between Bruce Lee and Bob Wall (the karate guy with the beard)in "Enter The Dragon"
-The long sword fight scene in "Kill Bill" (another one that was anything but realistic,I know,but it was awesome nevertheless)
-the last boxing scene in "Snatch" (very stylish,but pretty hard nevertheless)
-that bloody fight scene near the end of "The Last of The Mohicans" (it's been years since I saw the movie,but I remember it was pretty hardcore)
-the sword fight sequence in the train in "The Hunted" with Christopher Lambert
-pretty much all the fight scenes in "Ong-Bak"
-the last fight scene between Attila and Lionheart in "Lionheart"
-the fight scene at the end of "Bad Boys" (the Sean Penn jail movie)
The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy