MovieChat Forums > The Hunted (2003) Discussion > The best fighting scenes

The best fighting scenes

This film may not be a masterpiece, of course,but it definitely got one of the most thrilling,no-holds-barred,uncompromising fight scenes I have ever seen in a movie and,quite frankly,I think it's THE best knife-fighting scene I have ever seen.

I'd like to hear about your personnal favorite fight scenes.

Here's some more gripping fight scenes I liked a lot(but maybe not as hardcore as this one though):

-pretty much all the fight sequences in "Raging Bull"

-The fight between Rocky and Apollo in the first Rocky

- The climatic fight scene between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris in "The Return of the Dragon" (or "Way of the Dragon",if it's the title you know)

-The last fight scene between Steven Seagal and that guy Screwface in "Marked for Death" (ok,Screwface was maybe not a great match but hell,how Seagal killed him in the end was just really hardcore and awesome for the genre)

-The fight scene between Angel Face and Ed Norton's character in "Fight Club"

-That fight scene between Jet Li and the two European twins near the end of "Kiss of the Dragon"

-The final fighting scenes in both Blade 1 and Blade 2 (they weren't realistic,but they were pretty hardcore nevertheless)

-Jean-Claude Van Damme VS Bolo Yeung in Bloodsports

-The last fight scene between Charles Bronson and that bald-headed guy in "Hard Times"

-The last fight scene between Tommy Lee and the not-so-bad Korean guy in "The Best of The Best"

-One of the last fight scenes of "Unleashed", where Jet Li confronts that bald-headed karate guy (the part in the bathroom was particularly awesome)

-The fight scene between Bruce Lee and Bob Wall (the karate guy with the beard)in "Enter The Dragon"

-The long sword fight scene in "Kill Bill" (another one that was anything but realistic,I know,but it was awesome nevertheless)

-the last boxing scene in "Snatch" (very stylish,but pretty hard nevertheless)

-that bloody fight scene near the end of "The Last of The Mohicans" (it's been years since I saw the movie,but I remember it was pretty hardcore)

-the sword fight sequence in the train in "The Hunted" with Christopher Lambert

-pretty much all the fight scenes in "Ong-Bak"

-the last fight scene between Attila and Lionheart in "Lionheart"

-the fight scene at the end of "Bad Boys" (the Sean Penn jail movie)

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy


I agree with the fact that the fight scenes in this movie are grossly underrated. Just totally intense, and raw and graceful too...not too much CGI or anything..just great choreography and makeup effects.

" oughta know what you're gonna get in me/ just a little touch of star quality"


The fight between Frank Castle and the Russian in The Punisher. Easily one of my most favorite fight scenes. Also when the rock kicks the crap out of a offensive football line in the Rundown



Thanks for your comments guys! I didn't know if somebody would actually care to give their opinions regarding my thread... I guess I forgot a whole lot of good fights in my first selection! I'll have to check out some movies you mentionned,by the way, waldosanmiguel. I have seen most of the films you mentionned, but I missed such films as "Silent Rage","Streets of fire","Forced Vengeance" and "Mac",for instance.

As for other great fight scenes I thought about,well here's some:

-That rampage sequence in the casino in "Walking Tall" (the recent version)

-The fight scene where Bruce Lee kicks the asses of all those karate guys in "The Chinese Connection"

-Pretty much all the fight scenes in "In Hell" with Van Damme (particularly one of the first fight scenes where Van Damme wins the fight by bitting the other inmate's neck.It was a change to see Van Damme as a normal guy getting beat up a couple of times before he learns how to fight like hell to survive...)

-The last fight scene between Tommy Lee Jones and Steven Seagal in "Under Siege"

-The fight scenes in a movie called "Histoire de Pen" [a french film from Quebec] (the sound effects and the editing made the fights very realistic and raw)

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



Ha cheese! Waldosanmiguel,I just can't believe I forgot Old Boy... That fight scene was AWESOME! As for the original "Walking Tall",I haven't seen it yet...I'll check it out when I can. The remake with The Rock was just ok I thought,except for the fight scene in the casino which was pretty good... I haven't seen "Bad Santa" yet, but I heard it was pretty funny (the scene you're talking about sound pretty hilarious...).And the only other one I haven't seen in the list is "Cinderella Man",which I heard was really worth seeing (best boxing fight scenes since Raging Bull I heard...).

As for your question about "In Hell",well I liked it,but it's not your typical Van Damme movie,I must say.From a lot of people,though,it's probably one of Van Damme's best film precisely because it's a different kind of movie for him.
In terms of acting,he was really not bad in this one,and the story itself,despite some flaws,was interesting I thought. "The Replicant" (which he made before "In Hell") was also really not bad...

And as for "The Chinese Connection",well it wouldn't be unfair to say that it's probably Bruce Lee's best film..."Fist of Fury" was also pretty good I thought (in terms of fight scenes,of course...).And I wish I could just see the complete unrated version of "Fist of Fury",which I heard was pretty intense and brutal.

Thanks for the suggestions,Waldosanmiguel, and of course,if you have some more,I would like to know about them (from everybody actually)...

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



Again,waldosanmiguel,I will have to check some of the movies you mentionned.

I haven't seen "Grosse Point Blank" and "The Postman Always Rings Twice".I wouldn't have guessed that those two movies had some fight scenes like that though...

As for "Wolf", well you're right,the fight scene between James Spader's and Jack Nicholson's characters at the end was pretty good,pretty intense.I'll have to check out "Naked Gun" again,though,because I don't even remember the fight scene you mentionned.But it must have been hilarious...

And by the way,has any of you seen a movie called "The Big Man" (aka "Crossing The Line") with Liam Neeson (1990)? I heard the fights in this movie were just amazingly realistic and brutal (pure street fights with no gloves,like in "Fight Club",except that there's money involved in those fights...). I'm still looking for that movie but I just can't find it anywhere...

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



Glad you had the chance to see "The Big Man",waldosanmiguel! I'm really still serching for it...As for "Next of Kin",I think I could find that one more easily in a video/DVD store.

And you're right again for "True Romance"! I forgot that one too! Gary Oldman stole the show once again in this scene for me. As for "City of Industry" and "Wild at Heart",it's just been too long since I saw them so I don't remember them very clearly... I'll have to check those movies again too.

And by the way,since we were talking about Jean-Claude "The Muscles for Brussel" Van Damme not so while ago,I would also like to put "Universal Soldiers" in my list. The fight at the end between Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren was pretty good I thought. And speaking about Dolph Lundgren, have you seen a movie called "Showdown in little Tokyo",which is also with Brandon Lee? I always thought this movie was fun... The fight in the sauna baths,especially, was greatly executed I thought.And the chemistry between Lundgren and Lee just add a lot to the movie,which was just a fun,non pretentious, entertaining martial arts movie for me.

I should also add the fight scene at the end of "Unlawful Entry" between Ray Liotta's and Kurt Russell's characters,which was also pretty raw.But maybe it's just because I really like both of these actors...

And finally,for those who would want to see some rather twisted and brutal fight scenes in a rather *beep* up movie,well I could suggest a japanese movie called "Tokyo Fist" to you,by Shinya Tsukamoto, the director of "Iron Man".

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



Wow, you all sure know your stuff. I do have to throw in Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie from Mr. and Mrs. Smith just recently. Something about those two beating the living crap out of each other was very entertaining for some reason. Keep up the list; I'm going to have to look a lot of these movies up!


Yeah,you're right,scantanelli,the fight you mentionned in Mr and Mrs.Smith was quite entertaining! I was actually surprised at how entertaining was this movie...All a question of chemistry probably!

Thanks again for the suggestions,waldosanmiguel.I'll have to check out the japanese movie you mentionned: it sounds pretty weird,but still entertaining!
I liked the Takashi Miike's movies you mentionned by the way.The fight at the end of "Ichi" was...well,quite odd. The guy who played Kokihara stole the whole show for me in this movie.He's just a *beep* up son of a bitch! But I liked his character the most in this movie.And Fudoh...hell,I think this one's even weirder than Ichi! I don't remember the fight scenes very well in this movie,but I do remember how weird and grotesque and oddly entertaining the movie was...

I haven't seen "Raising Arizona" yet,but to be quite honest,I'm not a big fan of the Coen brothers...Still,I'll try to check it out someday. As for "Colors",I don't remember the movie quite well (I saw it once many years ago).I'll have to check it out again when I can.

Here's some other movies I'd like to add:

-Out for Justice (the final fight scene with William Forsythe's character was Seagal's most brutal fight scene for me after the one he had at the end of "Marked for Death",and the fight scene at the italian meat shop was pretty awesome too)

-Undisputed (the boxing match at the end was quite enjoyable I thought.Matching Snipes with Ving Rhames was a good idea...)

-Rocky 3 and Rocky 5 (I know I already mentionned the first Rocky,but thinking about it, I thought the fight scenes between Rocky and Mr T. in Rocky 3 and Rocky and Tommy Morrison in Rocky 5 were quite enjoyable too [the street fight in Rocky 5 was a nice touch for me])

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



Cheese...Once again, waldosanmiguel, I missed some of the movies you mentionned.
I haven't seen "Rob Roy" and "Penitentiary",for instance.But yeah,I guess you could say that Liam Neeson is one tough son of a bitch (I HAVE TO FIND "THE BIG MAN"!)I saw GI Jane,though,and you're right,the fight between Viggo Mortensen and Demi Moore was quite awesome for an otherwise dissapointing film.

Talking of Mortensen,have you seen "A History of Violence" by the way? The brawl at the end, while short,was pretty intense I thought.I just liked the way he got rid of his brother's henchmen.I saw the graphic novel,and they actually show in the book,in a flashback, how he cut the eye of Ed Harris' character,by throwing a barbed wire at his face.THAT was nasty! This movie is not an action movie,of course,but the realism of the fight scenes is pretty awesome. Still one of the best movies of 2005 for me (not because of the fight scenes,of course,but because it was just really interesting and because the actors were really good)...

See ya.

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



Sorry for the wait, waldosanmiguel. In answer to your question about "Get Carter",well yeah,I've seen it and I even have it.I wouldn't say it's a great movie,but I liked it anyway.Every 4-5 months,I see this movie. The action in it was good,but the character development in it appealed to me.I mean,it wasn't very deep,I agree,but just the relationship between Jack and his niece,and how he becomes affected by what happened to her was interesting for me.The scene between Stallone and Rachel Leigh Cook at the roof of the hotel was really not bad,I thought.And I just love to see Mickey Rourke,even if he's not the main character.The dynamic between Jack and Cyrus was fun! But anyway,that's just my opinion!

As for "Two Days in The Valley",well I was young when I saw it,but I remember the wild cat fight in it and you're right,it was fun! Theron was pretty damn sexy in this movie...

And as for "A History of Violence",well,yeah,I guess Mortensen's fight at the end looked alike what Van Damme could have done...but in much more realistic terms,for me.All the violence in this movie was presented in a realistic way,and that's what differentiates this movie from most ordinary action movies for me.This movie is quite frankly the best Cronenberg's movie I have seen from him.Most people just didn't undestand this movie I think...It was just far more than a suspense or an ordinary action movie for me.It was one of the most powerful,complex drama of the year for me.

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy


The fight scene between Roddy Piper and Keith David in "They Live"
The knife training and fight in "Exposure"
The machine shop fight in "Under Siege"
The final shootout in "Way of the Gun"
The fight in the trailer home with Nicholas Cage and John Goodman in"Raising Arizona"
Underground prison fight in "Enter the Dragon" with Bruce and the guards.
Mel Gibsons proper use of knife and tomahawk in " The Patriot"
Pretty much every scene in "The Lost Battalion" that uses the 45 acp and bayonet.


I cant believe nobody has mentioned the fight between roddy piper and david kieth in "they live"


Greetings from Canada, a country where we get all the American movies and even the occasional Canadian one, so it's the best of both worlds... although Canada hasn't put out a really great action movie in... ever. We're kind of stuck in "movies that make us think," for some odd reason. Relax, I'm working on it.

Anyway, since we're all a bunch of adrenaline starved males here, best movie fight scenes:

1. THE HUNTED. Bonham and Hallam's first clash in the forest. The fight told a story in a way that I have rarely seen before. All the history of two perfectly matched warriors came bursting out in a fight that was initially extremely controlled and patient, then gets progressively angrier. I cannot watch the movie without rewinding that scene at least twice. Art as is rarely seen in action films. The fact that Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro did all their own stuntwork in the fights makes it even more impressive.

2. UNBREAKABLE. Okay, I may get some flack for this one, but hear me out. A cloaked Bruce Willis grabs a janitor from behind, and chokes him out with a forearm. That's it. The orange-suited baddie thrashes around and slams Bruce into walls until he finally asphyxiates. To me, the simplicity of their struggle makes it all the more powerful, impassioned, and brutal. Gives me chills every time, as does the wonderful musical score by the great James Newton Howard. Intense, poetic, and the epitome of justice.

3. STAR WARS, EPISODE ONE. True, the final battle with Darth Maul was the only saving point of this overdue yet overdrawn film, but what a saving point! The fact that Darth Maul was played by a stuntman rather than an actor ensured that he would have no lines and no depth of character, but his contractually obligated silence made him so much more menacing than Darth Vader or even the lovably cheesy Christopher Lee. Fast, flashy, tragic, and triumphant. Thumbs up to Ewan McGregor, too. I confess that I rolled my eyes when I first heard he was filling Obi-Wan's shoes, but he carried it well in all three films.

4. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS. Saruman vs. Gandalf! The ultimate example of creative liscense souped up the movie in ways that even the impressive acting and graphics could not. The aforementioned Christopher Lee and Ian McKellon blasting each other across the room without ever actually touching one another, and it's still absolutely brutal. Grandpa's Deathmatch 2000, what more could you ask for? The faceoff with the Balrog can barely even be called a fight scene, but gets marks for being one of the most powerful depictions of good vs. evil to ever be seen in a film. Incredible.

5. FAMILY GUY. Peter's life or death battle with the chicken who gave him a bad coupon. Hysterical, brutal, and even shows ominous hints of a sequel....

6. THE MERCY OF WOLVES. Operatives Chester Wolf and Vance Cougar have such a tragic past between them, it is almost heartbreaking when they finally realize that they have no choice but to kill each other. Only one can live, but they have so much more that needs to be said. Believably, the most lethal men alive. (If you haven't seen it, it's the one good action flick that truly is Canadian. Read the novel, too.)

7. COLLATERAL. A random chance gunfight, won by pure luck. No hand-to-hand (That just would have been too painfully one-sided) but Jamie Foxx firing with his eyes closed is priceless, and Tom Cruise should have got an Oscar nod just for the way he yells "I do this for a living!" Drama in the midst of action, and it works.

8. ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY. The death or glory street battle of the San Diego newsteams is the funniest and most cringingly brutal thing I have ever watched. It escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast... Steve Carrell with a hand grenade also provides the best line in the movie, when asked how he acquired it. "I don't know," is a perfectly logical, no-nonsense answer in Brick's simple mind.

9. THE MATRIX. Neo and Morpheus in the training center. Has any fight scene been so instantly immortalized, or endlessly parodied in everything from "Scary Movie," to "Hoodwinked?"

10. THE TRANSPORTER. Brits don't usually get the best martial arts roles, but Jason Statham establishes himself as the coolest man on the planet from the moment he comes flying through the peep-hole on the front door. Again, extra marks for doing all his own stuntwork. Impressive, and extremely cool.


Nice picks Discodaggett. And since we evolved to gunfights in this message board, well I will just start with what I consider the best, or at least one of the best gunfights I have ever seen in movies,and that is the climatic bloody showdown at the end of "The Wild Bunch". I have to go now,but I'll come back to talk about my favorite gunfights ever... Nice to see there are still more people who are coming to this thread.

And by the way, waldosanmiguel,I'm extremely happy that I could finally ask for "The Big Man" on DVD. I'll probably receive it in a month or so.

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy


So,since we're now talking about gunfights,here's some of my favorites apart from the amazing one in "The Wild Bunch" that I already talked about in my last post:

-the train station gunfight in "The Untouchables"
-the climatic and bloody shootout at the end of "Scarface" (the DePalma version)
-the metro station gunfight at the end of "Carlito's Way" (DePalma is definetely gifted in terms of climatic gunfight sequences)
-most gunfight sequences in "Face/Off"
-most gunfight sequences in pretty much all of the chinese movies John Woo made with Chow-Yun Fat (it's been a while since I saw them,but I remember some pretty hardcore gunfight sequences in "The Killer" and "Hard Boiled")
-the climatic final showdown at the end of "Unforgiven"
-the O.K. Corrall shootout in "Tombstone"
-the amazing gunfight sequence following the bank heist in "Heat"

Oh, and let me just add another awesome fight sequence I forgot, and that is the amazingly brutal and realistic brawl at the end of "Straw Dogs",if we can consider it a fight sequence(which it is,in a way,I think,since it is a fight for survival).

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy


the gunfight at The Victory Motel at the end of "LA Confidential" was good too


Lord of the Rings....hahaha. You've got to be kidding.
About as realistic action as an Atari 2600 video game.


Most of the fights mentioned are great but the best has to be...

... The fight between Sean Connery and Robert Shaw in the train towards the end of "From Russia with Love"

Best James Bond Pre-Title Sequence... ... Elimination Game

"***k you! ***k you! I'm ****ing dying here! I'm ****ing dying!" - Mr. Orange



Yeah,absolutely,waldosanmiguel,the fight you're talking about in "Lock Up" was pretty satisfying too. Actually,it's probably the best fight scene I've seen from Stallone I think.But maybe it's just because I've always liked prison fights.

And of course,the fight Karl89 mentionned in "From Russia With Love" is one of the best if not the best fight scene for me in the history of the Bond movies.

I would also like to add the final fight scene between Dougray Scott and Tom Cruise in "M.I.2". I know the film wasn't exactly a masterpiece,but I thought that the final fight scene was pretty enjoyable.

The Cook: It's not what the pussy can do for you, it's what you can do for the pussy



You all forget Jackie Chan Vs Benny the jet in Wheels on Meals, which is a absolutly fantastic movie for martial art's lovers see it now, that fight is just awesome!

Nobody is perfect....i am nobody, therefore i am perfect.


HERO: Nameless vs Sky. The long awaited rematch of two true martial artist...

CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON: Shu Lien vs Jen round 2. A plethora of weapon play.

THE LAST SAMURAI: Samurai vs Ninja. Beautiful choreography with swords and a true showing of why a Samurai's sword remains with him at all times.

STREET FIGHTER II (animated): Fei Long vs Ryu. Pure Street Fighter...

DRADON BALL Z: Vegeta vs Goku round 1 & 2. Saiyans doing what they were born to do.

STAR WARS V & VI: Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker round 1 & 2. Not the most technical fight but extremely climatic.

And the list goes on...


And let's not forget the bar fight in Serenity!


Irreversible. Scene inside a night club is very brutal, but still disburbingly realistic. A guy smash someones head in with a fire exstinguisher, repeatdly, untill all is left of the head is the jaw.


Without a doubt, the best fight scene EVER is in THEY LIVE. Roddy Piper and Keith David. Excellent. The South Park version of this fight is unbelieveable. It is an exact copy and absolutely hysterical.


I'm particularly interested in The Hunted's fight scenes, because the two principal actors are using Kali, the filipino art of knife and unarmed combat, which tends to get sidelined in the movies in favour of Kung Fu and Karate. Another movie that employs Kali is The Bourne Conspiracy.

You can usually tell if it's Kali, because there's an economy of movement in the chest-height area between the two combatants; it employs locks, counter-moves and deflections, and was devised primarily for knife-fighting. The other nice thing about Kali is it tends to look brutal and poetic on-screen.

Kung Fu tends to involve more punching and kicking. Karate likewise.


Very good choices so far, so I'll only name ones that received only minor attention:

Sean Connery vs. Robert Shaw From Russia with Love (posted above, but such a great, if not the greatest fight)

Roy Scheider vs. some asian guy in Marathon Man (can't believe no one mentioned this! Such a raw and brutal fight. I read somewhere that they had worked out a polished and choreographed fight, but Roy Scheider didn't like it and worked this fight out with his counterpart)

Russel Crowe vs. Guy Pearce in LA Confidential (this beating is one of the most convincing depictions of pure rage I have ever seen! If you look at Crowe during the scene, he's really scary...)

Mel Gibson in The Patriot (The scene at the beginning where he slaughters the last remaining british soldier over the death of his son. Another stunning depiction of blind killing rage.)

John Cusack in Grosse Point Blank (mentioned above, but a great fight. That guy he fights is actually Cusack's kickboxing trainer!)

Viggo Mortensen History of Violence (before the final meeting with his brother, Ed Harris and his henchmen come to get him. Look at how he literally destroys the one next to him. A great movie, but also very very violent. I don't think Viggo became "van Damme" in this final fight at all! With the wire around his neck, he's got nowhere to go but fall on his back and once he's lying on the ground he can only kick at the guy above him. I don't know about the neck-breaking of the guy coming into the door, but from all I hear about accidents, the neck brakes worryingly easy, so that might be quite accurate.)

as for Shootouts, my all time favourite is the quick one in Collateral as Cruise kills those two punks in the alley. No slowmo, no elegant jumps, just plain and brutally efficient killing by a man who is obviously used to it. I think you couldn't have described his charakter better by talking for hours. This scene just says it all!


It wasn't pure Kali it was a modified military style of Kali because while Kali is practical it almost does nothing to teach you defense against a knife while empty handed. Sure its covered but what they teach is not effective. The pendelums, transitions, and disarms are very hard to pull off in an actual life and death situation where someone wants to kill you with a knife. Kali is great when you're on the offensive which is ideal for military use, but no so great for self defense which in our world is more important.


You don't see any fighting in these films. It's just grown men clowning around for (a lot of) money. You don't want to see any fighting. Especially with knives.


Well Duh!

anyay id like to add the fight between 006 and 007 in Goldeneye to the list.

i also like the fight between McClane and Karl in Die Hard. Not that its well choreographed but because of the dramatic aspect.


THE best knife-fighting scene I have ever seen

yup, it is raw

reply of the few boards on this site that is not filled with BS banter...Props to everyone for bein' mature!!

okay, on to some fights of noteable mention*
Xiang Xiyi in RUSH HOUR 2. Her versus Chris Tucker, and the look on her face when she is about to kick his a$$ is better than the action itself. Then she winds her hair back on her head, and gets to work..

There is absolutely nothing more breathaking than a beautiful woman kickin some booty like she was born to do it.

ULTRAVIOLET (since we are talkin about heroines) I love Milla. If you can do a BLUE LAGOON movie, then turn around and be a hooker in a spike lee film, then Kick butt in the future-you got my vote.

UNDERWORLD I & II-Beckinsale is gettin better..I just wished they took out more time for training...

BLADE 3-Jessie Biel on the subway platform, in addition to any other scene she is in..

NIA PEEPLES in HALF PAST DEAD. Okay, ANYONE who can convincingly kick butt-AND to have been on a freakish show like FAME at some point of their career deserves redemption...but then again, see the disclaimer*

ALIENS-(double shot) VASQUEZ and RIPLEY. Of course Ripley battlin the queen, but VASQUEZ screamin "let's rock!!!" before the sublevel battle/fight made the clock read HIGH NOON!!!!

(some guys)
THE CROW-Brandon Lee. in hindsight, knowing he would die makes you root for the hero that much harder. The fight scenes were too few and far between, but thats okay....

The entire cast of KUNG FU HUSTLE. I havent seen shaolin soccer, or the sequel, but I can just imagine its crazy..

come on, who could forget THEY LIVE-"I CAME HERE TO KICK ASS AND CHEW BUBBLEGUM, and I'M ALL OUTTA GUM" Hot Rod at his finest.

THE PROTECTOR (2006) the fight in the museum, i guess it was? RIDICULOUS, but entertaining nonetheless!!

*well, in my little head :)

"boat drinks"


Theres a good gang fight in the first Transporter movie, it gets really inventive using oil and the peddles to a bicycle.


Here are some I thought of. A lot of my favorites were already taken (sorry some of these are comedy related):

Ahnuld versus the Predator - Predator

Rocky vs Drago: Rocky IV

Eddie Murphy vs Della Reese - Harlem Nights (This fight resulted in Eddie Murphy shooting off her pinky toe over a casino dispute. Funny stuff)

The last fight scene in Ravenous - That one was pretty brutal

Borat versus Azamat - Borat (Good despite the gratuitous nudity)

The fight scene outside the bowling alley with the foreigners - The Big Lebowski

Marv vs Kevin - Sin City

Steven Seagal vs Screwface - Marked for Death

Pretty much all of the fight scenes in Jet Li's Fearless

Li Muy Bai vs Jade Fox - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Wolverine vs Lady Deathstrike - X-Men 2

Robocop vs ED-209 - RoboCop



- Dubbed as Jet Li’s last martial art’s epic, this is possibly the film he’s always wanted to make and show the world why his beloved Wu-Shu means so much to him. It tells the story of real-life Chinese martial arts master Huo Yuanjia, and his inner-journey to discover the true meaning of martial arts and show this to the world; set against the familiar backdrop of traditional China as the West was starting to enforce its culture onto it. It’s the journey of Huo Yuanjia that remains the highlight with the political backdrop simply acting to give motives to Yuanjia’s actions. Wisely, in my opinion, as I’ve always found the political themes in a lot of similar traditional Chinese movies to be tiresome and boring. It starts with him taking on four challengers in one of the most exciting opening sequences of recent times, then just as the final Japanese competitor is about to take the stage we are taken into Yuanjia’s past. It’s obvious that the Yuanjia at the start of the flashback is a very different one to the one in the opening sequence; arrogant and selfish using only his martial art’s to prove he’s the best. It’s only once he becomes ‘the best’ does he realise his short-comings so heads off to the mountains in shame.

The martial art’s sequences in Fearless are simply breath-taking and for the first half of the film almost unrelenting, having a great sense of scale, being perfectly directed allowing all hits to be seen in full glory. Oh and did I mention they’re brutal so much so even a hardened action nut like myself shied away at the odd moment, bones are broken, blood is spilt and yet the violence never overshadows the immense martial arts talent on display. If there is one short-coming of Fearless it would be it lacks the elegance and beauty of recent martial art’s epics like ‘House of the Flying Daggers’ and ‘Hero’, that’s not to say their isn’t some excellent sets and awe-inspiring scenery on display, as there is, it just has more in common with Bruce Lee’s sublime ‘Fist of Fury’ than these movies, a much darker story with a troubled protagonist questioning his own morality. Come the end credits I was excited as much as I was saddened, and Fearless had proved its worth as a fitting send off to one of the greatest martial art’s movie stars.
Rating: 8.5/10


noone yet has mentioned the great john wayne fight scenes- hilarious, sprawling action-

the bar fight in 'the war wagon'

the mudpit fight in 'mcclintock'

and the great ending fight in 'the quiet man'.

all great fun.


The fights in EQUILIBRIUM!


BAD BOYS(1983)Sean Penn and Esai Morales. They really hate each other!!!


Brotherhood of the wolf (or Le Pacte des loups as its known) has to have the best fight scenes. especially when wired up to 5.1

Anywhere the wind blows, I'll be there...


or the fight with cable ties in Romeo must Die (or the american football scene from the same film...)

Anywhere the wind blows, I'll be there...
