This film is all mood over a simple plot but it has some great performances, amazing fight scenes filmed clearly, and nice cinematography and musical score.
I think people expected something more complex from William Friedkin but seriously ... compare this to a modern action film. It's pretty great.
I agree. It was a fine film, but I think it's main issue was the script. There could have been more meaningful dialogue. But I like the two characters, and I wouldn't expect them to speak very much, but I just think some of the dialogue could have been better. But this is one of the few films that I think should have been longer because it does feel like two really long chase scenes.
That said, the film really reminded me of the video game Metal Gear Solid 3. And the fight scenes were the better parts of the film.
However, I'm really surprised Tommy Lee Jones's character lived. Not just the three large gashes across his torso, but the fact that he's clearly 20 years older than his Del Toro. That said, in the final fight, did you get the impression Del Toro's character didn't want to kill Jones's? Because when he blinded Jones with his blood, Jones left so much open; really inebriated. Seems like one good knife throw would have ended it.
My other problem was footprint lol. I feel they could have used other tracking methods instead of footprint. Footprint. Footprint lol.
I agree with that rating. It was often implausible, requiring some suspension of disbelief, especially as it progressed but was nevertheless good escapist entertainment overall.