
Does anyone else, for some deranged reason, think DIEGO is EXTREMELY HOTT!?! Wow I don't think I've ever said this about an animal...haha...i feel weird. I hope I'm not the only one. I probably am, knowing me.

'Ello, Beastie!


He's a fricking animal and has huge teeth. Creep. He ain't even real.

You confuse his hot voice for HIM being hot. Children, there's a BIG BIG difference.

IMDb is not a fansite.


Oh nooooo, my friend! He is EXTREMELY attractive!! I think he's the sexiest thing ever!!

"The world isn't split into good people and death eaters."


He's hot because Dennis Leary (the voice) is hot.



Yup the only dowmside is it being Denis Leary, the slug.


I think it's hot Dennis Leary's voice that makes that happen.

~~VO~~Lap Up All Of My Sugary Badness.


^SAME HERE. i'm thinking to myself while i watch the movie "why do i think Diego's really attractive?" hahaha oh god no bestiality plz! xD


As a male, I have to say no, but as a small-time author, he's got so many of the character traits I like to write into a character, fierce, sarcastic, independent, secretly caring, etc.


He's not hot to me since he's an animated animal character, but I still think his personality's the best out of all the Ice Age characters. Ask most people, and they'll most likely tell you that they have a preference for Sid or Scrat. I'm one of the few Diego fans. He was at his best in the first movie.


Lmao. Hilarious. Get your beastiality on.
