Does anyone else, for some deranged reason, think DIEGO is EXTREMELY HOTT!?! Wow I don't think I've ever said this about an animal...haha...i feel weird. I hope I'm not the only one. I probably am, knowing me.
Don't worry, you're not alone. I used to think Simba in adult form was pretty hot. I'd probably think Diego was hot if he didn't have the same name as my uni tutor..
Don't worry. You might actually do some good before you die.
I KNOW!!! I THINK DIEGO IS EXTREMELY HOT TOO!!! just like i thnk Rum Tum Tugger from CATS very hot. I think these felines are so humanized that we actually find them attractive.
His voice and personality are EXTREMELY sexy! ;P I thought this the first time I watched the movie, his character is just.... I don't know, just attractive for some reason. I absolutely LOVED when they were sliding down the tunnel at the end! That was the most excitement he showed in all of the movies I've seen.
Now, when I first saw this thread I thought, "Huh?" but having watched the film loads of times since then (& now the fantastic 3rd one) I have to agree that yeah, Diego is hot! Obviously he's a baddie at first, but I hated the fact that Soto & the rest treated him like muck, just mocking & threatening him, so that made me warm to him a bit - that plus his REALLY sexy voice...And I love his mental turnaround, discovering what true friendship's really like. I admire his bravery & spirit, & that dry humour. Diego is truly one of the sex gods of the animated films, lol.
Catriona x
Roger Federer - the greatest champion & sexiest man ever
Yes! Oh my God I thought I was the only one! Even when I was a kid I thought he was hot! and yeah I think they humanize these characters enough to make us think they are hot! His personality and voice is just drooling with sexiness. Man if I was a sabertooth tiger. Oh God I feel really awkward after posting that now lol.
And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid~R.I.P. MJ
Hey, don't feel awkward, we all agree with you! And the more people that I know that love Diego too, the less bizarre I feel... I think you've got it right about the humanising thing - all the characters have human feelings & characteristics, rather than just being 'talking animals'.
Wonder what Diego would be like in human form - I'm guessing lean, athletic, with those AMAZING big green eyes, maybe dark-blonde hair. Lovely...
Catriona x
Roger Federer - the greatest champion & sexiest man ever
Lol, I don't know if I'd want them QUITE as bright as that. When Manny & Sid are asleep & Diego 'wakes up' to try & get the baby - well, I don't know if I'd want to see eyes THAT bright beside me in the dark, I think I'd be a bit scared! But a little bit of glowing would be quite cool, certainly.
Catriona x
Roger Federer - the greatest champion & sexiest man ever