I was really curious to see this flick, a good portion of it shot here in town and wondering why it bombed at the box-office being a Ford fan.
Any movie that has the line..."Look... He has made himself a hero" tells you how much intelligency they expected their audience to have. Ya, thanks for pointing out exactly what just happened on screen.
The accents were horrible and made Costner's Robin Hood accent seem like academy material, the dialogue was aimed at 5th graders (see above), and the ending looked like it was a bit of tagged on cold war propaganda.
Ford was awful, someone else said this movie really showed how old he is looking and I have to agree. Donald Sutherland, Freeman, Hopkins etc all get better with age, Ford is just walking through his latest movies. I guess his night's out on the town, that became so famous while he was filming here, really caught up to him the morning after. (Note to Harrison, stay out of the strip clubs and work on the acting)
It's a shame when a true story seems like a bad remake of a 100 other formula nuclear sub movies.
Watching a 1/2 hour of that anti-Christ Martha Stewart is a 100 times more entertaining than this garbage.
You really match with your "name". I don't care about the accent of people in this movie because K-19 is good enough to stand out for the story itself and the performances. Harrison Ford made a good job, being the outcomer captain, pushing his crew to the limit to finally realize they all are a team, in good and bad and they together are serving to something bigger(the former URSS) in a stupid and pointless nuclear race. But they stood, whatever happened and didn't receive a real acknowledgement from their nation until many years later when they honored the memories of those who fell avoiding a nuclear problem. Their behavior in front of a nuclear disaster made them heroes and the movie really caught this basic idea, supporting the argument to the end.
Liam Neeson was excellent as a support character and the rest were good. Not boring at any moment, it took you to the stress level these men felt when they had to acomplish their missions. That's what make this a worth seeing and I really don't understand why is so underrated.
Somehow, it reminded me the memorable "Das Boot". It's a shame you are not able to see this saying "Watching a 1/2 hour of that anti-Christ Martha Stewart is a 100 times more entertaining than this garbage"
I thought it was a great movie. The accents were fine for being done by americans and brits. All the actors were great in it.But, hey don't listen to me(a girl), I also post in the Catwoman board and said that it was a great movie, though everybody else in the world thought is s*cked.
Life's s*cks, But someone's got to live it.
Stating opinions is just a way to annoy people. - Black-Gryffin
Look, most people from countries who dont speak english, speak english with an accent similar to where they learnt the language, a lot of them speak english with an english accent, some speak it with an american accent, i speak russian with an english accent because i learnt it in england....................i thought the accents were alright, and i have studied russian and listened to it now for 2 years.
I didn't think that this movie was that bad. It wasn't that exciting, but it wasn't meant to be. Although I love Hunt for Red October, I liked this one because it showed it from another side, it wasn't just about wanting to be american and hand over the best sub coz america was so great. It was more realistic, the soviets actually didn't want to give up to the americans once it was explained to them, when they all decided to 'do their duty' and obey the captain. And the captain, after years of propaganda hated the americans (the same went for the americans hating them after years of propaganda) and so opposed any moves to surrender to them, but once he had no other option he was willing to do so, unlike
Sean Connory who was trying to find any way he could to get to America! It showed that not everyone in the USSR hated it, they loved it as much as anyone else loves their country, including americans. Just coz there are bad people in charge doesn't make most people (not the minorities, obviously) stop loving your country.
I could just imagine a more american version of this film, the crew would all be stupid and realise that communism was wrong and terrible, and the capitalist west was paradise.
Also, someone above said that comunism has killed over 500,000,000 people in a century! Wow, I didn't know it was that much! But comunism didn't kill them, evil power grabbing people who found communism the best way to impose their beliefs on people killed them. Does anyone really believe that Stalin was a communist, coz he certainly wasn't in favour of everyone being equal workers treated right!
The capitalist west was and is paradise. You should see how bad the Baltic republics are now, economically, after all the years of being repressed by the Soviet system. Well, they are slowly pulling themselves out of that mess. I do not know if communism has killed over 500,000,000 in the last century, but it certainly did kill some crewmen on the K-19. The fact remains that the captain of the K-19 had a perfectly good opportunity to save the lives of his men by defecting (or at least allowing rescue by the U.S. Navy) but he did not take advantage of that opportuntiy.
hey, enthusiast, have you ever lived in a communist country? as long as you werent against the party, you lived really good without any troubels, without worrying about your living. after the fall of communism it has got much worse. im not praying for communism, im just saying the facts. ragarding the movie, i really liked it. there is finally film which shows the other side of cold war.
K-19 was a great movie, especially for people with a little interest or facination of submarines, the cold war and history.. Even though I giggled a little of the funny russian accents, I much prefer them speaking english, since I don't know a word of russian (But hey! I'm a Star Trek fan, and I don't complain about aliens speaking english there either!!). Like mentioned in the thread, it was nice to see a more realistic image of the soviets than the typical crap hollywood usually creates. I'm not saying it's a perfect film, I was somewhat bored sometimes, but when the crisis occurred I thought it was pretty exciting - especially the relationship of the two captains, and the fact that it was based on a true story (I wondered what REALLY happened!).
"It's a shame when a true story seems like a bad remake of a 100 other formula nuclear sub movies."
And of course this board is missing what the Russian thought of this movie so therefore I'll contribute. The movie tells a wonderful true story and shows all Americans that not all Soviets are crazy Cuban cigar smokers with bad hair and hot women. Yes, the accents were a tad weird but the overall movie was wonderful.