this movie sucks ass
i hated everything about this movie i didnt laugh once
shareThis movie is awesome!
shareYour comment sucks more than any movie ever has. Please learn the following things before posting anything anywhere again:
- punctuation
- grammar
- sentence structure
- topic writing
- avoiding low-brow expressions
- capitalization
It's pretty miraculous to express stupidity SO efficiently with such a short post and such a ridiculous, yet typical topic, then not even back up your erroneous and ignorance-based wrong opinion in any way. Congratulations on that!
If you want to be taken seriously, though, I recommend you learn how to actually write sentences in english, first.
In any case, this movie doesn't 'suck', as you so childishly put it, but it's not exactly the cream of the crop, either.
These movies are basically harmless timewasters that you can pop in when there's nothing to do. They are entirely forgettable, and bettered by other movies in all possible ways. They're 'good', as in 'slightly above mediocre in a sea of all kinds of movies', so they basically drown in mediocrity and absolutely sink below excellent movies.
Hong Kong movies have better stunts, action and fight scenes. Classic western movies have better stories that are also told better, more intensity, more drama, more and better twists, and more interesting story structure and coherence. Comedy movies have better jokes, more fun and edgy humor, and so on.
So these movies don't offer anything you haven't seen done better in other movies quite a lot, but they don't completely drop the ball, either.
They're like 'lackluster version' of better things you have seen. Old Jackie Chan Hong Kong movies are much better in action and fight scenes, let alone stunts. Western comedies are way funnier. Proper thriller movies are more interesting to watch, and proper mystery movies have better mysteries and told better.
So what's left is basically Jackie's and Chris's charisma to enjoy, and even those can be enjoyed in other movies as well.
Cynthia Khan has good 'female charisma' as well.
Pretty awesome that this thread is still alive, 20 fucking years after it's creation