MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > The most unrealistic part happens in the...

The most unrealistic part happens in the first 15 minutes of the film

I dont know whats crazier...The Bride showing up on Vernita's doorstep or Vernita actually answering the door!! I dont know ANYONE who opens the door without looking first and knowing who it is at the door...especially a woman who has a secret past in a gang of thieves and assassins. Seriously WTF!! And there is no way the Bride would actually do something like that either. Ridiculous writing.


Lol she lives in a nice neighborhood where she can leave her kids toys out on the front lawn. Obviously she isn't worried about any kind of threat.


Yeah she should just not answer the door, and when her daughter comes home, just leave her out there and be like "Sorry, you're on your own."


Are you stupid?? Who said she shouldnt answer the door??? Its about looking FIRST before answering the door. What WOMAN answers the door without looking first?? Especially a woman who used to be a criminal and has a trail of blood a MILE long. Some of you are so stupid I swear. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’


Yes, I am. Are you? Rhetorical question, the answer is yes. Stop being such a sheltered, triggered Nazi.


It's not like Vernita's an untrained housewife who can't defend herself. If I were a master assassin like her, I'd probably be confident enough to answer the door in broad daylight without looking first. If you're going to ask about the door, you might as well be asking why she's walking around her house with the curtains open. Because really, any other trained assassin who managed to discover her identity and find her would have dozens of ways to kill her. Sniping from a distance is one, so why does Vernita leave her house ever? Taking her daughter is another, so why send the girl to school? No sense in living in constant paranoia, so she might as well just answer the door. Someone like the Bride could just hide and walk in right behind the daughter anyway.


She opened the door without looking because she thought it was her daughter coming early from the school. She literally says it out loud when she hears the doorbell.


I realize I never really answered to the main point, and I can see it almost equally from two perspective, so I am a bit torn.

On one hand, she's a 'master assassin', an 'elite type' with 'superior skills'. This kind of trained, or SUPER-trained individual that has gone through a lot, has SO much experience in very difficult situations, would basically live and breathe 'optimal lifestyle for self-protection', and NOT answer door like that. They would simply have a routine that has become an everyday lifestyle, where they'd be completely careful and suspicious all the time.

Furthermore, a trained assassin like this would DEFINITELY have developed at least _some_ sort of 'intuition' (however you want to explain this, maybe instincts or whatnot), or they wouldn't even be able to do Kung-Fu as well as shown.

This means, she would not ONLY have FELT something is wrong before she opens the door, there would be internal alarm bells ringing before she opens it - but she would have felt SOMETHING bad is going to happen, maybe even WEEKS before the Black Mamba visits her.

She would've known not to ignore premonitional intuitive feelings like that, so she would've CERTAINLY prepared and not just been a dumb ignorant !@%"* about the door. No one that can fight that well (instinctual 'reflexes' that happen before the individual can even realize what happened - even I have experienced this phenomenon in a life-and-death-situation - it's like something else takes control of you and time slows down, you do the EXACT movement required by the situation, and you do it skillfully and won't die. Later on, you don't even know WHAT happened, let alone HOW you were able to do all that.

She would definitely have this kind of skill, which means she would ALSO have this instinct on a larger scale, which means she would feel like Spider-Man before opening the door, and SENSE something is wrong outside that door. She would've felt 'something bad happening soon' two or three weeks prior.


Every day, this feeling would've become stronger, and the very morning of the 'door opening day', she would've KNOWN "TODAY IS THE DAY!".

The kid would be nowhere to be seen, she would not be at home, she would be at some secret cabin or base, honing her skills, preparing traps, monitoring sensors and camers, and sharpening knives, swords, etc. and loading guns.

There's NO WAY anyone like that could just open the door willy-nilly, while not even looking at what she's doing, absent-minded like some idiot professor.

There's ALSO NO WAY someone like that could miss a shot like she did with the 'hidden cereal box gun' when she had:

- two meters distance (WHO CAN MISS AT THIS RANGE? WHO??!)
- the element of surprise (so she could've taken her TIME to aim)
- faster finger than 'dropping and then kicking a coffee cup' could ever be (think about it; how much time is required for that 'drop+kick a cup' compared to how much time is required for your finger to pull the trigger of a gun that is ALREADY POINTED AT THE TARGET - a gun YOU ALREADY USED ONCE, SO YOUR FINGER IS EXACTLY AT THE TRIGGER? In ANY kind of realistic situation, she'd just have shot ALL THE BULLETS SHE CAN at her general direction, aiming better at each shot before Black Mamba has ANY chance of even thinking of dropping any coffee cup.

A trained assassin would _NOT_ miss from 2 meters with element of surprise and 'all the time in the world to aim', and even is she did, she would realize it, fix the aim and IMMEDIATELY SHOOT AGAIN. This would take maybe 0.4 seconds at best.


On the _OTHER_ hand..

..she has basically 'retired', she's glad to have been able to put 'all that behind', and is aiming for 'happiness' now. She boinked some guy to become pregnant, forgot all her troubles, pushed out the wombturd, raised her for four years, and now has 20 different ads for a 'good provider' in dating apps and papers and whatnot. She's trying to live the 'normal, suburbian family life', thinks all her enemies are basically dead, and her old life is behind her, so she doesn't expect any of this.

In other words, she's rusty, retired, lost her focus, forgot her skills, didn't keep up with her training, didn't care to keep practicing with swords or anything, so all she has is old combat reflexes and nothing more. Could explain why she missed with the cereal box gun, because maybe she didn't want to kill anymore, and was tired and knew she'd lose to her anyway. On the other hand, you'd think a mother would do -anything- for her kid.

She's 'living the life' in a colorful, ultra-peaceful suburb, her everyday routine has her opening door safely to harmless people all the time and every day, she likes her neighbours and they like her and her kid, it's all good, life is sace, secure, peaceful and swell. Flowers are blooming, sun is shining, someone rings the doorbell, she'll just of course open it..

..she's in the 'flow' of a suburbian, secure and happy lifestyle, she's so far away from the 'assassin' mindset, it no longer even occurs to her that there might still be dangers in the world. She has grown to become trusting and neighbourly - why WOULDN'T she think it's always safe to open her door. How could she even suspect Black Mamba is coming to murder her?

I can see both of these viewpoints simultaneously, so I am kind of torn, I don't quite know what to think. Sometimes it's hard to choose.. women are so lucky because they don't have to choose because they're not encumbered or hindered by logical thinking..


... so they can hold two completely opposite and contradictory viewpoints simultaneously and believe in both fully, and see no problem with that.

Lucky bstrds...


Many aspects of the movie are unrealistic, like when the trainer jumps on the Bride's sword while she's holding it and stands there as if he doesn't weigh anything.

Not meant to be taken seriously, and yet it is--Tarantino style, like all of his films.


"Many aspects of the movie are unrealistic, like when the trainer jumps on the Bride's sword while she's holding it and stands there as if he doesn't weigh anything."

First of all, that's a completely different type of 'unrealism' (if you want to call it that) - we're talking about established character, profile, personality, training, mentality versus it contradicts a character's actions.

Also, it's not necessarily unrealistic. A Zen-master may eventually, after diligent work, learn to control their body's mass properties, vibration frequency, weight and other properties. Heck, what we saw could've been a 'condensed version of the master's astral form' or something.

There was a small man once that could make himself so heavy not even 'strongmen' could lift him up, or so light that they could lift him easily. It's not much of a stretch to think it could also go the other way, and people could learn to make themselves lighter just as well.

Don't dismiss something as unrealistic just because it's not part of your own daily life or fit your narrowly defined framework of what you conveive 'reality' must be.


Did you read my second line? "Not meant to be taken seriously, and yet it is."

"My narrowly defined framework of what I conceive 'reality'".... nice insult.
