MovieChat Forums > Duplex (2003) Discussion > Who hated Mrs. Connelly?

Who hated Mrs. Connelly?

I know I did. She was an ignorant person.


Having read a couple of your comments I came to a simple conclusion:
You should simply not write anything at all in future.


LOL. Who likes a complete evil psycho?



Even though she was an old lady, she still was very sly. Acting sweet and innocent, but then being a psycho when the cops arent around certainly makes me hate her, but hey, as Limp Bizkit say: It'sa good to be a hater!

Cya -x-


Yeah, but she was funny!


most elderly people are ignorant. back in their day things were so different to how they are today so rather than adapting with the times, they still think and act the way they would back when they were young. which means:

1) girls HAD to have long hair
2) anyone with tattoos/piercings is a person of low morality and shouldn't be allowed to roam free in society. same goes for people who swear, do drugs or are gay/lesbian/bisexual.
3) men and women didn't have sex or even live together until they were married.
4) you had to be formal at all times, ie, eat dinner at the table, never fart, open doors for women, say your prayers before bed, never flash your tits when drunk, etc.
5) children were not allowed to speak unless they had permission and smart remarks resulted in getting your ass whooped black and blue.
6) blacks and whites were not supposed to mix, let alone breed (and this is a VERY VERY generalised statement so if anyone is thinking of jumping down my throat over it, don't bother, because i won't bother answering you).
7) when you misbehaved, you got your ass pounded, none of this supernanny-time-out-naughty-mat stuff.
8) women stayed home and cooked and cleaned and supplied on tap pussy to their men, while the men went out and worked then came home to eat and get some pussy.

what was my point? oh yeah, elderly people are so old fashioned that they suck. let's dip them in honey and throw them to the lesbians.


when you start to doubt yourself, the real world will eat you alive.


Aggggh! I seriously hated her. IF I was them, I would have done something like in Casino to her and the cop.

But... but... but... but you're black.
- Leo Getz



KarmicDebt don't use this board as therapy -- go out and get professional help.


you're just jealous the voices only talk to me.


to the world you may be no one, but to someone you may be the world.


Alex and Nancy were the bad guys in the story.


Alex and Nancy were the bad guys at the end of the story when they wanted Mrs. Connelly out and they tried to kill her. They should have hired a lawer to see if she could have been legally evicted but then you woulld have had an intirelly different story but that would have also been OK. They migth have one with a lawyer or still lost and still sold the place just the same at the end. Then it probably would have got a PG rating instea of PG-13.


I don't see how they were the bad guys. This crazy old bat was driving them slowly insane a little at a time (call it the Stepping Stone approach).

For me the last straw would have been after she'd gotten the girl fired and threw the guys book in the fire. That would have been where I'd snapped.

Do you know that over time, a single drop of water will wear a hole into a piece of wood ? IMO their murder fantasies were completely justified.


i got so frustrated by her, i was on a coach at the time watching this film and i had been sat down for hours and i was so frustrated, seriously, i could feel the frustration from my chest, and i can feel it as i am thinking about watching it.... lol


I hated the screenplay more...

and the huge plot holes.

and the lame gags.

and the insults to the audience by expecting anyone to suspend disbelief for 89 minutes.


Sadly she never got what was coming to her. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing to them but o no she was an innocent sweet old lady who does nothing wrong. If only......
