MovieChat Forums > A Man Apart (2003) Discussion > Top Reasons why people like Vin Diesel

Top Reasons why people like Vin Diesel

#1. Because they find him atracting. I dont see how. He looks like an ogre. Women are in this catagory.
#2. He comes off as that "bad boy, cool to like" actor, that truthfully cant act even if he was givin with the talent. 13-14 year olds line up in this catagory.
#3. Because he's bulk. I'm sure after the many years spent with his "gym partner" without doing any "gym" activities if you catch my draft, I would say I would be that bulk too. Big bad tough guys fall in this catagory.
#4. Then of course we have the wannabes. Lets like someone our big brother likes so we can hang out with them after school. Little kids here

Bottom line, Vin is garbage, his movies are ungodly terrible, oh and the person who made the remark about this movie being a successful money makin film, you're absolutly right. I'm sure the wannabes and marks are lining up already for tickets for this disasterpeice



Despite his films of late, i still like Vin.
He won awards for his own little movies which was what got him his part in SPR. Pitch Black was good fun and FATF was the first time but XXX - what was he thinking!?!Hopefully A Man Apart will be good as he needs it. Looks like the kind of crap you'd only rent though.

He should go back to writing and earn respect that way though we do need a new muscle guy - look at Stallone and Schwarzenegger now! Though i want T3 to rule and im sure Stallone will kick a$$ in Spy Kids 3d lol!!

And by the way, I love Kurt Russel (not like that). He might have done a few bad movies but he's done some damn good ones too!

Later All


Yeah right vin is more of a man then kurt russell where is kurt now not in any new movies from 2002-2003 that did any good so my point is made I think alot peeps is hating on vin diesel because there jealous that they don't look like him


I like Vin Diesel. He CAN act. It's just the writers who need to find new jobs. They write stupid dialogue for good actors. I'd like to see YOU cocky assholes out there write a feature film with some major Hollywood actors having a part, make it become a big hit, and have very few people put it down! People are just so damn supid now a days. You're just jealous because you don't have the status or big money that you wish you could have! Do you know how much work it actually takes to make it as big as Vin has in Hollywood? Obviously, not only everyday people, but writers and directors know that he's talented. You people out there just need to get a life!



Haha Roxy, thanks for that laugh. "Get A Life"..hah I still get a life? Okay when you want to pick an arguement over something as rediculous and pathetic like Vin Diesel, heres a tip. The "jealous" comments, are as low as you can get. Just because I dont like him, just because I know he cant act, means I'm jealous? Why would I be jealous of someone that cant act? I'm sorry sweetie, but I think the jealous remarks were useful back in 5th grade, but personally I could care less if Vin Diesel makes more money than I do, I already know this, you're just sad and pathetic for even bringing that dumb *beep* up. Oh I forgot to mention

#5 Reason why people like Vin Diesel:
Vin Diesel is moronic, flamish, and idiotic, all his fans fit in this one.

Roxy, I have a life, I like my life, I'm satisfied with it, I dont see where my life comes in play when I'm talking about Vin Diesel, yet another comeback that doesnt make any sence. Get new material hun.




Exactly man, I mean it doesnt bother me when someone actually wants to put up a challenge on these boards, but pathetic Vin Diesel fans, it's a shame. Hah fans like that, he can have them.


His Movies. They are fun, go-with-the-flow entertainment. You thought they were supposed to have a plot? Didn’t actually look at the posters did ya? XXX was pure roller coaster, sit back and enjoy.

His acting. Maybe he isn’t going to win an academy award, but at least he isn’t trying to do Shakespeare if he can’t pull it off (Keanu Reeves anyone?) However, they laughed at the idea of Mel “Mad Max” Gibson doing Hamlet. Instead, Mel became a respected actor AFTER he made a ton of money doing the fluff.

I’m sorry I got distracted, did you say KURT RUSSELL???? I love Kurt Russell, but my GOD you obviously have never seen ALL of his work. Go watch the Computer Wore Tennis Shoes or pretty much any thing he did in the first 25 – 30 years of his career. Makes Vin look very polished and Vin has only done a few films and a little stage work.

An Ogre? You think he looks like an ogre? How old are you? So he doesn’t look like some skinny little pretty boy from Dawsons Creek, wow. He has the build of a man (okay, a truck driving kind of man. Who looks like he has been having a few too many beers on the weekend but still…)

Lay off the dude. He hasn’t produced enough work to really judge him by yet anyway. Anyone see Strays? Haven’t been able to find a copy locally but I am VERY curious to see it since he wrote, directed and starred in it. Probably a pretty telling piece.


You right people need to lay off him i wasnt a big fan of XXX but it was ok i think we do need to see alot more of his work before we judge him but i have one question why are people that hate vin diesel on his movies board? pathetic.......


Um, perhaps I am idiotic and moronic because i have never heard of the word flamish....Apparently neither have merriam nor webster...could you help a Vin Diesel fan out?




Vin Diesel sells tickets, hence, he is an attractive choice as a star. A movie only needs to be attractive to 5% of the general population to be a blockbuster, and this is the way it always will be. Commando, Red Heat, Running Man etc were hardly top-notch dramatic films, and yet alot of people have a full set of 'Arny movies' on their bookshelf. I think the phrase I'm looking for is 'to each, his own'.

In any case you're certainly entitled to an opinion on any actor, issue or topic in general which prompts you to express yourself. I guess the point is that your opinion is valuable and welcome, but try and remember that the same applies to most opinions. ;)


Yeah, "Soldier" was such a great movie.


We're "supid" just because we don't like Vin Diesel and understand he can't act? At least we can spell the word..s-t-u-p-i-d.


If its the writer's fault, why does Vin Diesel agree to do so many movies with horrible writing? Maybe its because he can't read.


Ooohhh, nice comeback there...pssshh... If you can't stand him, then why do you even bother paying money to go see his movies? Nobody's forcing you to watch them. You have a choice. Obviously you DON'T have lives.


And like Austin4577 said, I don't see any of you in movies. (Let alone feature films.)



WTF is wrong with the movie "Chicago?" You obviously have no taste in good movies. I do however agree with you that Kurt Rusell is a good actor. And about you making it "ugly", go ahead. I care less. You're a very pathetic individual.



Diesel can act better than Keanu Reeves it's all I care. And he's a A-C-T-I-O-N star. why do i care if he can act or not, can Schwarzenegger act?


DAPG and Nightengale should both go back to school. Their spelling and grammer are horrible.


In regards to the X-files obsessed I can see, you know Roxie Hart is R-O-X-I-E...she is ROXYprincess...There is a clothing line by the name of Roxy which is most likely what she is referencing...Nice try, but perhaps she is not the one on this thread who is "miserabel". "UGLY" can it get on a CYBER post board? I cannot speak for your actual life, but your online one seems to be mind blowing.

thank you,


He's a good actor, when given the right roles. He was outstanding in Pitch Black and Boiler Room. Hollywood saw the cash cow potential he had and gave him *beep* like XXX. A Man Apart doesn't look interminably bad (but then again, I said that about XXX, and I was so, so wrong), just trite and noisy. The long and short of it is, he cut his teeth and made his way into the "big time" in the right ways to me, by performing in good roles in good movies. What Hollywood does with him now is to be blamed upon what sells, and whether or not he accepts the checks he gets from it...well, wouldn't you?


It sounds to me form reading the previous messages that you all are immature little pompous brats!! Though Vin Diesel could have found far better parts to play, he has done well with the crappy ones given to him. In my opinion all you people need to cool down. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. This movie is about a man losing something he loves, not about Vin Diesels acting!!


When has any of Vin's movies been about his acting, the less he says the better he does. Everone is entilted to there opinion and mine is he sucks. I am tired of writing about him but it is so much fun. The dude is a gravely voiced meat head that is better seen not heard.


Did anybody see Knockaround Guys? I thought he proved the existence of acting ability in that role, that and Boiler room.
Vin Diesel's movies lately, XXX, The fast and the furious, are ACTION FLICKS.....If you honestly go into these movies expecting good dialogue and great acting then you're even more stupid than the films screenwriters.
I heard he might play Hannibal(the carthaginian) in 2005. That would be a perfect role for him.

Vin Diesel is no meat head. He got famous writing, directing, and acting his own small scale productions. He may actually end up writing screenplays. Give credit were credit is due.

He looks like an ogre??? Well my friend, looks are very subjective. I'm taking it you're a guy. (and most likely a "dork") He has millions of women who love the way he looks, I don't think he'd sweat your opinion too much.
None of this matters, I don't know why you think it's worth getting militant over. hehe


#5. He can spell better than you and chances are, he is more "atracting."


It just cracks me up reading some of the content that people write when they're "trying" to put another individual down. If you're going to do that, then you need to learn how to spell. If my words are to big for you little middle schoolers and high schoolers out there, then let me know. I'll use smaller ones just for you:) You can try and put me down all you want. I get a kick out of reading content directed towards me. I'm getting a rise out of you ignorant people.



All right, there are a few things that I feel need to be set straight. First off, Vin can act, not only can he act, but he can write and direct. I have seen both Strays, and Multi-Facial and anyone who thinks Vin sucks should see them. They are outstanding films. Now I am a huge Vin Deisel fan and I will be the first to admit that XXX sucked. That movie was the worst thing I had ever seen. Vin didn't do a good job, the plot sucked, the action was way over done. It was crap. But don't judge him on that one movie. Go see Boiler Room, or see if you can get a copy of Strays or Multi-Facial. These movies are a much better reflection of Vin's talent. Secondly, as for his looks, ok I know tons of girls who are in love with Vin's body. However, I also know tons of girls who think he is ugly as hell. I personaly being a guy, don't find him attractive, but I do have great deal of respect for what he has done with his body. And besides we do have to keep in mind that he was a bouncer for a good while, before he did movies. Finaly, do not take me to be some stupid fool who has no movie taste. I have a very good taste in movies, and have proably seen more movies then any of you have. While this makes me no expert, I do feel that I can accuratly judge talent.



if people really dont like the actor then why go flouncing it about?

Everyone has a right to their own views and if someone doesnt like Vin then they dont, they dont have to go tryin to change everyone elses views to suit their own.

Personally i like Vin coz i find him smoulderingly hot but i have yet to meet someone else who thinks this as well, does that bother me? no! coz i am my own person and i respect other people views.

how would you like it if someone said "oh u cant go see that movie coz the actor/actress in it is crap", when u personally like that person? do you try to shout them down and have an argument about it like you seem to be doing on here? i think not... unless u like to cause a ruckus in the foyer of the cinema




Vin is not permanently bald. He began shaving his head back in his bouncer days or sometime back before he was famous. He just got so used to it and he decided to keep his hair that way.

I am a Vin Diesel fan. Personally, I think their is a big difference between an actor and an action star. Vin is an action star. The point being, that he doesn't have to be able to act. He sells tickets; beginning and end of story. Whether it is because of his looks, his sexy voice, or his presence on the screen, he sells the tickets it takes to make a blockbuster. Whether you love him or hate him, it doesn't matter; he is a star. Vin has his good points and his bad points, just like all people. Nobody is perfect. Even Kurt Russell makes mistakes.

What makes Vin Diesel desirable? In one word, "Mystery". Not all women want the same type of men. Not all women find the same men attractive or unattractive. So whether you think Vin Diesel is ugly or hot as h*ll, you are entitled to that opinion and you are entitled to voice that opinion. However, why anyone would spend so much of lives precious, valuble time posting messages about someone that they don't like, is beyond me comprehension.

Not all of Vin's movies are great, last forever, kind of movies. However, they are just for "entertainment" and nobody should be getting that upset about them. 99.9% of actors have some sort of "backfire" in their careers. Not all movies can be great and if we all agreed on everything, live would be really boring.


As for Nightngale and X-Files geek, WTF are you doing on this page if you cant stand the man so much!?
The both of you are complete TWATS, the kind of little kids that go on chat forums to start arguements.
As for your threat to "get ugly" to RoxyPrincess - what was that?!!
Do us all a favour and stick to Kurt Russell's movie pages or others that you wont just slag off!
Roxy, I fully support you and hope this movie is as good as most of Vin's past movies (as Chicago proved itself a great movie on Sunday's Oscar ceremony!!!)

I personally dont think I've seen Vin Diesel do a bad job in a film!
Look at the evidence...
SAVING PRIVATE RYAN - Steven Spielberg had the role of Kaparzo written especially for Diesel after seeing Multi-Facial so Spielberg must of seen talent there to put him in his own picture.
BOILER ROOM - Not a bad performance at all, great at the end when Seth tells him the plan.
PITCH BLACK - Great all the way through and such a memorable character!
THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS - A powerful performance and when Brian's secret is revealed near the end, Diesel is electric!
XXX - Okay this was not a good movie, I wont try and defend it but for what it was - an action popcorn no-brainer - he delivered a likeable character. But you must remember this was a terrible script!

If Diesel is not good at anything it is occasionally not choosing a worthy script! I'm sure we'll see him conquer Hollywood and win countless awards. A Man Apart could get the ball rolling in the right direction.




Are you kidding me? That whole "repeat high school insult bit"? I'm sorry but that was a very dumb joke and I hope you don't suck at jokes this bad in real life.


actually, "they're" is an acceptable contraction for "they are" so long as you're (or you are) not writing in a formal environment...

Gemma! Burn in your golden hell!!!
