MovieChat Forums > Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000) Discussion > How is it that black people do not compl...

How is it that black people do not complain about Leon?

That idiot turns my stomach whenever I see him. Maybe the reason no black people complain is that no black person has ever watched "Curb"?


I don't get it with Leon. I never thought he was funny. I also don't care for the non-stop swearing. He's probably good for the show though. I know CYE is still around. I was a big fan the first four seasons. It started getting tired in season 5. By season 6, I was no longer a regular viewer. The show keeps going though so I'd have to think Leon has something to do with it.


To be fair, sometimes Leon is funny.

Maybe if it's Leon that contributes to the show he does it because making fun of a low-life black guy, that is having a black butt of jokes helps disguise the fact that Larry is running out of ideas. I've pretty much thought all the seasons were pretty good and had one or two really classic outstanding episodes, but that was missing in this last season pretty much.

I just feel like if I were a black person, the Leon character would offend me fairly often, or more specifically the use of Leon as representative of a ignorant, object of ridicule. They do try to make up for that by pretending that Leon can cut through the BS and get things done most rich white aloof people could not, but more than not it backfires on him.


Maybe they're busy trying to pay bills, raise their kids, live their lives without worrying about a tv show?


Yeah, and not get shot by the police while sitting at home watching TV.


Because that's a thing that actually happens...


they share a watermelon with him


So you're saying stereotypical people don't exist?


Why do people always seem to jump to negative conclusions or come back with the most accusatory statements.

Why do I need to be saying that? I am saying if there is a stereotype that is generally regarded as negative that has been done, redone, moredone, and overdone, etc, is it a great idea to do it yet again.

It seems in later seasons Larry and group humanized Leon a bit, but he still is the butt of jokes.


Black people are not a monolith!


How is it that black people do not complain about Leon?
posted 6 years ago by brux (14666)

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That idiot turns my stomach whenever I see him. Maybe the reason no black people complain is that no black person has ever watched "Curb"

Or maybe they just like the show and don't trip off of it like Gen Z does??


Leon is an eccentric, mooch of a neighbour with hairbrained schemes and a lot of big, quirky presence. If it wasn't racist for Larry David to write that role for Michael Richards on Seinfeld, why is it racist when JB Smoove does it?

