Queer as Folk Marathon - Season 1 - Episode 5
I’m so sorry I’m so late with the thread again. I’m going crazy with so much work lately. Maybe I won't be able to review every single episode, but I'll do my best to start the thread and read and comment other people's reviews and comments. Well, here it goes.
Episode 105
Leave it to Brian to sleep with a different hot guy every night, and not even remember who they are the next morning. “Who the hell are you?” I remember that when he slept with Justin for the first time, in the next morning he didn’t ask “who are you?” He asked “what are you doing here?”, which implies he remembered Justin. Point for Justin.
By the way, hot tattoo guy is the actor who played Captain Astro, hired to be at Michael’s birthday party a few episodes later. I thought he was very sweet to baby-talk with Gus. Not one of the worst tricks.
I wonder why Lindsay asked Brian if that was his Italian tutor. Does he have an Italian accent? “Grazie”, I think this is the first time we hear Brian saying something in a foreign language. Along the series he will say words in French, Spanish, what else?
Gus is soooooo cute. Here again we see a very tiny baby, as opposed to the giant baby in the bris party of the second episode. Lindsay is trying to be nice and give Brian the chance to be in the baby’s life asking him to have dinner. Funny he never accepted formally the invitation. He did not say no either. I can’t believe Lindz had to seduce Melanie so she would accept Brian’s presence in their house.
The scene of Jennifer and Justin with the therapist was very funny! Jennifer means well, and maybe she tried unsuccessfully to talk to him before taking him to a therapist. “Justin how can you possibly know now who you are?” No parent ever asks that question to a heterosexual son. Poor gay people always have to explain themselves to everybody. Loved the “I like dick” speech, so funny!
Honestly I’ve never seen Brian as beautiful as he is in the diner with the boys. Everything is perfect: his hair, his skin, the color of his shirt. He looks stunning! I hate people who uses toothpicks, but even the toothpick in his mouth looks sexy! .
Poor guy, the pressure in the ad agency is fierce. His boss won’t give him a break until he gets that account. The client is a lying phony SOB jerk.
Justin is such a little devil!! He’s not afraid of going after what he wants. So, shirt off and go talk to Brian at Woody’s! Brian doesn’t sound very welcoming, but at least he treats Justin like an adult. I liked that he told Justin that his parents don’t know he’s gay. By the way, the guy he takes home auditioned for the role for Brian. He’s cute, but he’s not competition for Gale.
There comes Jennifer. Poor woman, she’s doing everything she can to understand Justin. They play cat and mouse this whole episode. Deb was a great help. I loved Jen's idea of taking Justin to a beautiful museum so they could talk. Better than a therapist. However, it seems so strange that Justin would have sex with a perfect stranger in the bathroom! The sweet little boy who is so in love with Brian is a little brianesque himself.
The scene in Brian’s loft when he kicks out the trick so Justin can stay, shows that Justin is different from other tricks. In one moment he approaches Justin and touches his face gently, looking at him with so much tenderness! Next moment he asks Justin not to jerk off on his couch! Well, at least he puts Justin above his desire to spend the night with the trick. That was huge.
Michael and Tracy. This girl really has a big crush on him. She is very sweet. He totally freaks out every time she makes a pass at him. I’ve always thought that if Michael had a different mother and different friends, he would marry a girl like Tracy, have kids, live in the closet and be and be unhappy for the rest of his life. Exactly what Brian’s client did. What gives him strength not to be totally in the closet is his mom and friends.
Well, now Michael meets a perfect man. David is everything: gorgeous, successful, kind. I think it was a little out of character that Michael tries do have sex with David in the first date. He was so worried that he would do something stupid and he actually did. I lolled at Emmet’s taste in clothes for Michael. On the other hand, Brian's taste is perfect! Pure elegance. I was surprised to learn that Brian was once in a real date. I wonder who the guy was and why it didn't work.
I love Babylon’s contests: big basket, chests of death, king of Babylon… Brian’s client reveals his preference and makes it clear for Brian that he wants him. Brian is in a dilemma: compromise his principles (whatever they are) or lose the account and maybe his job.
Is it me or there are many scenes of Brian looking in the mirror in this episode? He looks in the mirror at Woody’s, the mirror that was behind the trick he took home. Then we see his reflection in the mirror in the rear view window of his car, when he’s talking to Michael about his predicament; and finally he looks at himself naked in the mirror in the client’s hotel, just before ditching him.
I love the last scene. It’s beautiful seeing Brian holding his baby boy. Even Lindasy was all touched. I think Brian wanted to show Gus (even though he can’t understand yet) that he’ll always be there for him, unlike his client who showed total disregard for his daughter.
For a change, in the end of the episode Michael is the one having sex, while Brian is holding his baby. Beautiful ending.
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor