I’m so sorry I’m so late with the thread again. I’m going crazy with so much work lately. Maybe I won't be able to review every single episode, but I'll do my best to start the thread and read and comment other people's reviews and comments. Well, here it goes.
Episode 105
Leave it to Brian to sleep with a different hot guy every night, and not even remember who they are the next morning. “Who the hell are you?” I remember that when he slept with Justin for the first time, in the next morning he didn’t ask “who are you?” He asked “what are you doing here?”, which implies he remembered Justin. Point for Justin.
By the way, hot tattoo guy is the actor who played Captain Astro, hired to be at Michael’s birthday party a few episodes later. I thought he was very sweet to baby-talk with Gus. Not one of the worst tricks.
I wonder why Lindsay asked Brian if that was his Italian tutor. Does he have an Italian accent? “Grazie”, I think this is the first time we hear Brian saying something in a foreign language. Along the series he will say words in French, Spanish, what else?
Gus is soooooo cute. Here again we see a very tiny baby, as opposed to the giant baby in the bris party of the second episode. Lindsay is trying to be nice and give Brian the chance to be in the baby’s life asking him to have dinner. Funny he never accepted formally the invitation. He did not say no either. I can’t believe Lindz had to seduce Melanie so she would accept Brian’s presence in their house.
The scene of Jennifer and Justin with the therapist was very funny! Jennifer means well, and maybe she tried unsuccessfully to talk to him before taking him to a therapist. “Justin how can you possibly know now who you are?” No parent ever asks that question to a heterosexual son. Poor gay people always have to explain themselves to everybody. Loved the “I like dick” speech, so funny!
Honestly I’ve never seen Brian as beautiful as he is in the diner with the boys. Everything is perfect: his hair, his skin, the color of his shirt. He looks stunning! I hate people who uses toothpicks, but even the toothpick in his mouth looks sexy! .
Poor guy, the pressure in the ad agency is fierce. His boss won’t give him a break until he gets that account. The client is a lying phony SOB jerk.
Justin is such a little devil!! He’s not afraid of going after what he wants. So, shirt off and go talk to Brian at Woody’s! Brian doesn’t sound very welcoming, but at least he treats Justin like an adult. I liked that he told Justin that his parents don’t know he’s gay. By the way, the guy he takes home auditioned for the role for Brian. He’s cute, but he’s not competition for Gale.
There comes Jennifer. Poor woman, she’s doing everything she can to understand Justin. They play cat and mouse this whole episode. Deb was a great help. I loved Jen's idea of taking Justin to a beautiful museum so they could talk. Better than a therapist. However, it seems so strange that Justin would have sex with a perfect stranger in the bathroom! The sweet little boy who is so in love with Brian is a little brianesque himself.
The scene in Brian’s loft when he kicks out the trick so Justin can stay, shows that Justin is different from other tricks. In one moment he approaches Justin and touches his face gently, looking at him with so much tenderness! Next moment he asks Justin not to jerk off on his couch! Well, at least he puts Justin above his desire to spend the night with the trick. That was huge.
Michael and Tracy. This girl really has a big crush on him. She is very sweet. He totally freaks out every time she makes a pass at him. I’ve always thought that if Michael had a different mother and different friends, he would marry a girl like Tracy, have kids, live in the closet and be and be unhappy for the rest of his life. Exactly what Brian’s client did. What gives him strength not to be totally in the closet is his mom and friends.
Well, now Michael meets a perfect man. David is everything: gorgeous, successful, kind. I think it was a little out of character that Michael tries do have sex with David in the first date. He was so worried that he would do something stupid and he actually did. I lolled at Emmet’s taste in clothes for Michael. On the other hand, Brian's taste is perfect! Pure elegance. I was surprised to learn that Brian was once in a real date. I wonder who the guy was and why it didn't work.
I love Babylon’s contests: big basket, chests of death, king of Babylon… Brian’s client reveals his preference and makes it clear for Brian that he wants him. Brian is in a dilemma: compromise his principles (whatever they are) or lose the account and maybe his job.
Is it me or there are many scenes of Brian looking in the mirror in this episode? He looks in the mirror at Woody’s, the mirror that was behind the trick he took home. Then we see his reflection in the mirror in the rear view window of his car, when he’s talking to Michael about his predicament; and finally he looks at himself naked in the mirror in the client’s hotel, just before ditching him.
I love the last scene. It’s beautiful seeing Brian holding his baby boy. Even Lindasy was all touched. I think Brian wanted to show Gus (even though he can’t understand yet) that he’ll always be there for him, unlike his client who showed total disregard for his daughter.
For a change, in the end of the episode Michael is the one having sex, while Brian is holding his baby. Beautiful ending.
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
Is it me or there are many scenes of Brian looking in the mirror in this episode? [] He looks in the mirror at Woody’s, the mirror that was behind the trick he took home. Then we see his reflection in the mirror in the rear view window of his car, when he’s talking to Michael about his predicament; and finally he looks at himself naked in the mirror in the client’s hotel, just before ditching him.
He was very narcissistic in these early episodes. He really liked the way he looked. So much so that he turned himself on, and I can't say that I blame him. He's sexy, and he knew it.
But all jokes aside, I think that when he was looking at his naked reflection in the mirror, he had actually realized all that he was about to do with the client was wrong. The client (Forgot his name) wanted to ditch his injured daughter's request to have him there, just so he could be with his trick. Looking into the mirror as if it was a window to his conscience, Brian knew he had abandoned his own child just to entertain his selfish client/account. I'm so glad Brian took the high road and walked out of that entire "business deal' with his dignity (Not to mention clothes) in tow.
finished this prior to reading any other 105 reviews or comments. if anything appears reactive to, or a copy of, another's comments, it's just a coincidence.
.............................thoughts on qaf episode 105....................
Brian's tale culminates in two unappealing Friday night invitations. He can have dinner with a woman he hates and who hates him, as Lindsay is hell bent on making Brian her quasi husband, or engage in coerced sex with a client who wants him for a whore. Although it makes sense that Brian could not display his "I don't give a s!*t" attitude at work and be successful, it's still odd to see him try to ingratiate himself with a difficult client. So much kissing up might be realistic behaivior in this workplace when a big account is up for grabs. But when Brian does it, it's seems almost like kowtowing. Brian is taken aback when the client pretty much offers his firm the account in exchange for Brian himself. Was a bit confused here. Does calling Michael naive mean Brian has traded sex for work rather than fun. If so, maybe it's the combination of a man Brian finds ugly and blackmail that has him hesitant. In the end Brian decides to go through with it only to get a reprieve when the client's daughter has an accident. As when Ted came out of his coma, circumstances or luck is again on Brian's side. Not only does Brian use this as an excuse to refuse the man, he is also sanctimoneous and pissy about it. Perhaps we are supposed to applaud this. But Brian getting up on his high horse seemed even less palatable than his earlier ass kissing. Still overall, I was pleased with this ending. And we do get that shot of a nude Brian walking out into the hotel hallway.
After a rare moment of appreciation for Lindsay last episode, I am back to dispising her again. Seems lately Brian has had the good grace to stay out of the women's lives, which suites both him and Melanie just fine. But this is not good enough for Lindsay, who not only wants Brian in their lives seemingly full time, but also expects her lover and her fantasy husband to be happy about the idea. When Brian says Mel hates him because " She's just jealous because she thinks you love me more than you love her. And she's right" He is speaking what I believe to be one of the fundamental truths of the qaf universe. Lindsay doesn't even bother to contradict him. And when Melanie asks why they can't be a regular two parent family and not, presumably have Brian around, Lindsay gives another one of her dumbass nonanswers about how screwed up they are. I would like Lindsay a little more if she could at least come up with some creative lies to hide her longing for Brian. Anyway Melanie, for some unfathomable reason, accepts Lindsay's poor excuse. And when Brian doesn't show up for dinner, Mel sees Brian as the bad guy with poor put upon Lindsay dissapointed again. Don't understand why Mel never calls Lindsay on her Brian crap. I would condemn Brian's not calling to say he wouldn't be coming. But throughout the series this sort of thing happens over and over with Brian as well as other characters commiting this same faux pas, with little or no protests from the put upon parties. So, one can only assume that this is acceptable in qaf land. Very late in the night Brian finally shows up all apologetic. Lindsay not only lets him in with no real reprimands, but also waives off his apology. Several viewers have mentioned how often Michael and Lindsay enable Brian by putting up with his bad behaivior. This is easy to see with Michael but I hadn't noticed it with Lindsay. But after again watching Brian and Lindsay's final scenes together here, now I see what they were talking about.
Apparently all the understanding and acceptance Justin's mother had for her son's sexual orientation was bulls!*t, since she has hauled him into a therapist's office and insists that he is too young to know what he wants. Seventeen and he doesn't know if he likes boys or girls. Please. Loved Justin's "I hate it here" body language as well as his "I like dick" monologue. Normally wouldn't approve of a teenager talking this way around his mother, but someone in such clear denial about her son's sexuality probably needs the verbal equivalent of a brick falling on her head. Later Jennifer becomes even more annoying as she literally starts chasing Justin around. Have to agree with Justin here, his mom is pathetic. Tired of his mother's constant dogging or perhaps just wanting the excuse, Justin gets Brian to let him stay over. Some fans see Brian throwing that night's trick out for being rude to Justin as evidence that he already had a special attachment to the boy. I say "pfffft" to that. The man was way out of line speaking in such a way to an aquaintance of Brian in Brian's own home. His behavior was as much an affront to Brian as it was to Justin. Brian would have done the same for pretty much anyone else.
A talk with Debbie seems to put Jennifer at ease with the idea that it's not her fault that Justin is gay. But Debbie saying she also asked herself if she did something to cause her son to prefer men just doesn't sound like her. From her actions it would seem that she would be dissapointed if she didn't have a gay son. It's also interesting that even in this show the possibility of creating a gay child is seen as being something to be at fault over. The next day the chasing resumes as Justin's mom follows him to school yells out to the boy that she still loves him right on the school grounds in front of his classmates. You'd think this would cause Justin to be mortified and result in titters from some surrounding schoolmates. But instead, it brings Justin around as he and his mother share a visit to the museum. Think Justin's a bit of an ass here, going off with a boy on a rare day trip with his mother. But he did tell her he was going to the bathroom and presumably will be back soon. Which is why he's only a bit of an ass. And Jennifer coming to terms with her son is not a happy embracing of his lifestyle, but a resigned acceptance. The show gets points for presenting a different reaction to her son's sexual preferences from Jennifer as opposed to Debbie.
This is a big Michael episode,and an important deveopment comes with his character. Michael has the romantic interest of someone he wants and someone he doesn't. Feel bad for Michael with his Tracy situation. He knows she's attracted to him but sees no way out. He can't tell her the truth, and he's just not the type to dissuade her by acting like a jerk. To bad he didn't lie about having a girlfriend when he had the chance. As far as we're told, David is Michael's first serious love interest. From the sound of things, dating and romance for Michael have been limited to quick trips to the backroom or one night stands. This, as well as Michael's poor self image, are revealed while he prepares for his date with help from Brian. In the past, Brian has treated his best friend poorly. But he comes off pretty well here. In a quiet and mildly heartwarming scene, Brian lends Michael his clothes after the disaterous wardrobe choices of Emmett. Brian often has the best lines, and "Who did this thing to you?", is my favorite of the episode. But Brian can only do so much. And even though Brian tells his friend he is "hot" with all sincerity, it's obvious Michael doesn't believe him.
During dinner with David, his and Michael's very differeent backgrounds and interests is apparently represented by David ordering wine, and Michael, "Diet Pepsi". Think the show fails here, as I know educated people who must have their "Coke", as well as high school dropouts who like expensive wine. The "ebay" discussion is a much better display of these two men's differences. Really like the way this is set up. The divide when David prattles on about a bottle of wine, the fleeting connection Michael grabs onto over their shared use of ebay, and the renewed divergence when Michael starts talking about a comic book. Love Michael's mimicking of David's "I have a collection" But the more telling part of the dinner conversation comes earlier, when mention of Michael's borrowed jacket leads to talk about Brian. When this happens, Michael is off and running, unable to shut up about Brian til it's quite clear to David and us that Michael's infactuation with his best friend borders on obsession. But David appears undeterred by this. Can't really decide what David thinks of Michael. But he appears either bemused by Michael's boyish charm, or condescendingly amused by his lack of sophistication. The date goes south, however, after David refuses Michael's offer of sexual favors. Michael is confused and feels rejected by this, seeing any date that does not result in in f#*!ing as a failure.
When Michael goes to complain to his friends that the problem is that he's not Brian, I am stymied. How is this Brian's fault? Don't understand Michael's thought process here. But it seems like Michael is living in Brian's shadow even when Brian is not around. Frustrated and angry, Michael finds "somebody who wants" him in Babylon's backroom. At episode's end Michael has managed to end date night with sex after all, but he's clearly not enjoying it. This storyline demonstrates just how deep Michael's obsession with Brian goes. Felt both exaspiration and pity for Michael. Because as long as Michael's interest and devotion to Brian are so all encompassing, it will be impossible for him to have a life of his own.
The scene with Michael and the chiropracter is set up from the beginning to be mildly sexual in a semi-comic manner. The room is very white and brightly lit with multiple bone scupltures. This is not an atmosphere condusive to romance. But when Michael lays eyes on the attractive chiropracter, you can tell he is instantly interested. You see very little of what Dr.Cameron is doing as he works on Michael, but it clearly involves very close contact and actually seems way more hands on than nessessary. Almost all you see is Michael's silly grin. He in enjoying this a lot. Michael following the doctor's directions with earnest speed and eagerness is downright adorable, as are his vague but poorly veiled sexual references. The scene even ends on a comic note, with Michael laying there in a state of imbarrassment from feeling "too great" Hal Sparks has a fairly decent body, but I was distracted by Michael's farmer's tan and chest hair that looked to me like a patch of dirt. As a fan of both the hairy and smooth looks, I have no problem with chest hair in general, but Michael's little wisps don't have enough presence and just don't look good. Also, I've seen tan lines used for comic effect on the screen, but in this case, I think the actor was just out in the sun too long. Wonder if Sparks caught any grief for this. But though it is a big factor, I don't choose what I like based solely on how pretty the players are. I liked this scene for the mildly funny physical comedy.
Justin and his mother's friendly but overpolite manner at the museum is somehow even more unnerving than the earlier chase scenes. But all is right with the world again when Justin is distracted by another boy who catches his eye. Justin excuses himself to go to the bathroom, which he does, with the other boy, which Jennifer witnesses and quickly makes the connection. As obnoxious but still appropriate music plays, the action cuts back and forth from Justin and his new friend making out in the bathroom and his mother awaiting his return while she stares at the figure of a baby presumably and unsubtly remembering when Justin was that age. Didn't like that the scene ended just when things in the bathroom were really starting to get interesting. But did like the scene ending with a closing door, a semi cliche I never tire of. Feel bad for Jennifer here. To learn that your son is gay, and then be almost immediately faced with his sexuality would be tough. What I like about this scene is that it shows that Justin may want Brian, but he's not so single minded that he can't enjoy the company of others as well. And he does look good in that school uniform.
The end scene with Brian and Gus at Lindsay's and Michael in Babylon's backroom is two different events one assumes happened at the same time . Michael is at Babylon, upset that his date didn't end in sex and was therefore, to his mind, a failure. So he is prowling the backroom looking for "somebody who wants" him. Love the way they have the backroom lit in this scene. The place looks eerie, and almost sinister, all bathed in green light with the men moving in what looks like only slightly slow motion. Michael walks through this looking for an anonymous partner. Strangly enough, Michael actually looks pretty good here. The sickly green light, with the chiaroscuro shadowing and grim expression that would be unflattering on most people, actually makes Michael appear quite handsome. You can hear the usual backroom sex noises mingled with the slightly haunting music. The scene shifts to Brian holding his infant son on Mel and Lind's couch while Lindsay looks on. This is a very touching homey scene with dim but warm lighting and a happy grounded feel. Brian's seems to enjoy holding the baby. Love that they actually use a child with the very oversized head, spindly arms and legs and wide open eyes that mark a baby of real near newborn age. Brian's adorable, even slightly heartwarming scene contrasts greatly with the goings on at Babylon, yet the same music somehow manages to fit both of these stories. The music selection on qaf is without equal. No other show has even come close to matching it. And this scene is another in the countless examples of that fact. As the action cuts between the two friends, Brian remains largely unchanged, lying there with his son, while Michael presses on, soon finding somebody who wants him. Michael looks at his new friend with little enthusiasm, but allows the man to runs his hands over his body and to fellate him. As the other man does this you notice that Michael is still wearing Brian's jacket. Michael's expression through all of this is that of a man about to be sent to prison. The scene ends with Michael staring off into the distance, while getting what is probably the unhappiest blow job ever.
................other things of note...........................................
There's a sign in the background at the Big Q advertising a breakfast special. This place truely is one stop shopping. I like stores with cafeterias, don't care how gouche it is.
Also like how Michael always places his tie over his shoulder when he eats at the diner.
This show is sometimes criticized for it's lack of ethnic diversity. But here, they seemed to be trying to meet some quota for people of color all at once, with one of the contestants, the man talking to Marvin at Woody's and many of the shoppers at Q Mart being black.
Brian smacking Emmett in the back of the head and Emmett saying "Don't touch me.", is my favorite small moment in the episode. Find it adorable mostly for no reason. But also because it demontrates that not everyone worships Brian Kinney.
Don't understand why Marvin would be concerned about getting out of the "boring family market box". Why should anyone care if their customers are trendy, hip, single, or interesting so long as they spend a lot of money?
Brian and Michal's faint tan lines, and Michael's "patch of dirt" chest hair makes one notice how seldom you see either on this program. The lack of the former is actually kind of strange given that the first couple of seasons were shot partially in late summer and it would have been hard to avoid getting a light farmers tan. Makes me picture the actor's under orders to wear long sleeves and wide brimmed hats outdoors at all times. However the rarity of chest hair is addressed as talk of shaving and waxing are in evidence. Gale Harold naturally has a dirt patch chest hair pattern very similar to that of Hal Sparks. Harold's was obviously and thankfully removed for the duration of the show, while that of Sparks would come and go throughout the series.
Cynthia only has three or four lines in this episode, but she makes the most of it. Never thought they used her enough. But maybe this was for the best. Because when Cynthia did appear, it was always affective.
The Big D*#k Contest highlights the fact that to my recollection, unless you count the quick side view of Brian in the pilot, we have yet to see any male frontal nudity. This contest also seems to be a reversal of popular stereotypes, with a disqualified black contestant and a winner who looks to be asian.
It is surprising and somewhat hippocritical that for all his remarks about Michael keeping his homosexuality a secret at work, Brian has never told his own parents that he is gay.
Brian smacking Emmett in the back of the head and Emmett saying "Don't touch me.", is my favorite small moment in the episode. Find it adorable mostly for no reason. But also because it demontrates that not everyone worships Brian Kinney.
I LOVE that moment too and I'm not sure exactly why either. Most fans find Emmett adorable and perfect, but while I disagree about that, his Brian-immunity and the way he commands respect in spite of his outrageous style are why I love him best. And because Emmett isn't infatuated with Brian, I love how he agrees with Brian in this scene because it's rare.
It is surprising and somewhat hippocritical that for all his remarks about Michael keeping his homosexuality a secret at work, Brian has never told his own parents that he is gay
I think it's different because, in Brian's case, he's not leading anyone on. Personally, while I find fault with Michael's behavior with Tracy specifically, I don't blame him for not being out at work; that place is horrific. It's easy for Brian and Emmett to be out in their work environment and I think that's why they don't get Michael's situation.
Don't understand why Marvin would be concerned about getting out of the "boring family market box". Why should anyone care if their customers are trendy, hip, single, or interesting so long as they spend a lot of money
The way I saw it was that the "boring family market box" is limited. He wanted to win a bigger number of customers and if the ads are targeting the family market, they're not gonna attract a wider, more varied category of customers.
I absolutely love the details you point out in some of the scenes, e.g. how the same music fits both scenes at the end of the episode, the actors' tan lines (lol), the contest breaking stereotypes (be it intentionally or not)...
Will try to come back later for part 1! (I have no clue why I began with part 2, LOL)
Agree that Michael is not dealing with Tracy as he should. He's digging a hole for himself that will only get bigger. But while I agree that Michael should stop leading the woman on, I don't really know how he would go about it.
I took the "boring" part as my cue. If it's only about getting a wider market share, why worry about the excitement quotient of your customers. But perhaps I am just hung up on the word. And you have a point. Brian didn't really say anything about ditching the old market. It does makes better sense that way.
The scene even ends on a comic note, with Michael laying there in a state of imbarrassment from feeling "too great"
This is something I can't understand. Why did Michael get a boner? I thought adult men had control over their "packages". Unless he hasn't had sex for a long time. Anyway, when you are at the doctor's office, you're generally focused on your health problem. Even if there's attraction, I can't understand the boner in this situation.
But all is right with the world again when Justin is distracted by another boy who catches his eye. Justin excuses himself to go to the bathroom, which he does, with the other boy.
Again, I can't understand uncontrolable sexual attraction. If Justin is in love with Brian, why he would be interested in having sex with a random boy?
This show is sometimes criticized for it's lack of ethnic diversity. But here, they seemed to be trying to meet some quota for people of color all at once, with one of the contestants, the man talking to Marvin at Woody's and many of the shoppers at Q Mart being black.
Yeah, but still, it lacks diversity.
Why should anyone care if their customers are trendy, hip, single, or interesting so long as they spend a lot of money?
I think some of these businesses support political conservative or more liberal political parties. In this case, they care about who their consumer is. In Season 2 we'll see that man who owns a beverage company (who supported the conservative party) scared that his product would be consumed by gay people, as Brian suggested.
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
About the incident in the chiropracter's office, men have more control when they get older. But what happened with Michael can still occur with men in their thirties and even older, though certainly not as often.
Why wouldn't Justin have sex with a random boy? Justin decribed his earlier experience with Chris Hobbes as just f@#king. The museum encounter would probably be in the same category. Besides, if one always equates sex with love, this also means Brian doesn't, and never will, love Justin. Either that or the characters on this show love a whole lot of people.
OMG! Is this why they say men are perpetual boys? Unintended erections! Maybe.
About Justin, this is what I can't understand. For Brian it's clear that love and sex are separate things (he doesn't even believe in love). But for a 17 year old boy who has just fallen in love and had his first sex experience, I would think that he would be all over Brian exclusively. Maybe this is a man thing too.
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
Yes, Justin is a starry eyed teenager, and so you'd think he only had eyes for Brian. But the museum incident apeared to be an indication that Justin didn't have Brian on his mind every waking moment.
A less flattering possibility is that Justin was trying to emulate Brian. Throughout the series, Justin had a tendency to ape the behavior of select people he spent a lot of time around. Maybe this is an early example of that.
A less flattering possibility is that Justin was trying to emulate Brian. Throughout the series, Justin had a tendency to ape the behavior of select people he spent a lot of time around. Maybe this is an early example of that.
Yeah, that's a possibility. Justin told Daphne that Chris Hobbs was just a *beep*, exactly the way brian would word it.
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
I favor this interpretaion of the encounter at the art gallery. That being Justin living out his distiction between love and sex. But there is still the possibility that he is just copying Brian.
Throughout the series, Justin had a tendency to ape the behavior of select people he spent a lot of time around.
Even though I agree with fairpenguin that this particular scene is about Justin's sexual awakening, I believe that Justin does have a tendency to imitate the behavior of others around him. I guess it makes sense because he was young and still trying to find out what he wants, likes,etc. This is one of the reasons I hoped his wanting to be married like Ben and Michael would be just a phase. Another example is Cody and the Pink Posse.
Was a bit confused here. Does calling Michael naive mean Brian has traded sex for work rather than fun. If so, maybe it's the combination of a man Brian finds ugly and blackmail that has him hesitant.
I think Brian has done it before but maybe having a son and growing older is making him hesitant about it now? Mostly I think Brian despises homosexuals who lead double lives and/or have a heteronormative lifestyle.
Not only does Brian use this as an excuse to refuse the man, he is also sanctimoneous and pissy about it. Perhaps we are supposed to applaud this.
Personally, I do applaud it, not because Brian was "pissy and sanctimonious about it" (I think he was more angry with himself and taking it out on the other man) but because he realized it was wrong and that he had missed an opportunity to be with his son for this.
Have to agree with Justin here, his mom is pathetic.
It's true but I also found Jennifer's behavior very realistic. She's a mother who knows nothing about the "gay world" and what "they" do, she thinks she's losing her son and wants to do everything she can to save him. Debbie helped her a lot, but it would have been unrealistic if Debbie alone was able to convince Jennifer that it's OK. I like how Jennifer is gradually coming to terms with her son's sexual orientation.
But Brian can only do so much. And even though Brian tells his friend he is "hot" with all sincerity, it's obvious Michael doesn't believe him.
When Michael goes to complain to his friends that the problem is that he's not Brian, I am stymied. How is this Brian's fault?
Those are some of the things that annoy me the most with Michael. Brian is blamed for a lot of things in respect to Michael, making Brian look bad to everyone else (especially Ted, Emmett and Debbie) and Michael is never told that it's his own doing, not Brian's.
Again and again, I fail to see the a$$hole, insensitive jerk that the writers, the fans and everyone keeps describing when referring to Brian. I love it when Brian acts "evil" because it's very rare. Here again in this episode, Brian tells Justin that his mom is worried and trying to understand him, he lets him sleep over (and not for sex), he helps Michael to go on a date and is genuinely happy for his friend (even though he himself doesn't like/do dating), he rejects a huge account and risks his job because he felt guilty toward his son. The only bad thing I believe he did is not showing up to Mel and Lindsay's dinner (and I don't blame him!)
From part 2:
The scene with Michael and the chiropracter is set up from the beginning to be mildly sexual in a semi-comic manner.
I think this was my favorite scene this episode. It still makes me laugh even after so many years of rewatching the show. But I was surprised with Michael. I didn't think he's someone who'd be too obvious about being attracted to someone (but maybe the writers did it on purpose for comedic effect).
I also find it strange that Michael is so attracted to David here but later when he tells Emmett, Ted and Brian, he describes David as very old and says he agreed to go out with him out of pity!
Agree that Brian strongly dislikes homosexuals who lead double lives. But don't think that alone would make Brian adverse to sex with them. Presumably the married with children client Brian pulled into the bathroom was living a double life. But Brian was clearly contemptious of his client's choices here. So the combination of this and the fact that he was being forced may have put Brian over the edge. And don't think Brian took Gus into consideration much at this point. In any case, you hear of far more cases of people prostituting themselves for their children, in hopes of giving them a better life.
I do like the way in the end Jennifer in trying to be accepting even if she doesn't understand, and would prefer her son not be gay. Still, when she took to chasing him around, it was hard to feel anything but sympathy for Justin and exasperation for Jennifer, even if she meant well.
Don't recall Brian doing anything bad in this ep either. But do see "the a$$hole, insensitive jerk" at other times. Often when Brian does do jerky or insensitive things, they are done in such a dramatic fashion as to shine a spotlight on them, making them appear even worse.
Always enjoy the scene in the chiropracter's office, even while I wasn't a fan of Michael and David's relationship. I saw Michael describing David as old as just how he objectively saw him. And Michael has been shown to have no trouble saying "No" to men he doesn't want. So doubt he truely said yes out of pity. Most likely it was the idea of dating itself, rather than David, that had Michael so anxious.
As Lindsay is hell bent on making Brian her quasi husband.
Loved it!
Still overall, I was pleased with this ending. And we do get that shot of a nude Brian walking out into the hotel hallway.
That was the best part!!!
When Brian says Mel hates him because " She's just jealous because she thinks you love me more than you love her. And she's right" He is speaking what I believe to be one of the fundamental truths of the qaf universe.
Me too. There are many storylines in this show that shows how much Lindsey wants Brian. I'm sure if Brian "became" straight, she would dump Mel immediatelly and try to have a relationship with him!
Don't understand why Mel never calls Lindsay on her Brian crap.
Beats me. I think she is afraid of losing Lindsey if she does, and on the other hand she thinks Lindsay is totally lesbian (which she isn't, IMO).
Normally wouldn't approve of a teenager talking this way around his mother, but someone in such clear denial about her son's sexuality probably needs the verbal equivalent of a brick falling on her head.
Agree. I think after Justin's "I like dick" speach, Jennifer had no doubts about his sexual orientation.
Some fans see Brian throwing that night's trick out for being rude to Justin as evidence that he already had a special attachment to the boy. I say "pfffft" to that.
OK, maybe not. But when Brian touches Justin's face gently, I think that shows that Justin has some kind of effect on him, something he cannot explain. I doubt he would do that with other random trick.
The next day the chasing resumes as Justin's mom follows him to school yells out to the boy that she still loves him right on the school grounds in front of his classmates. You'd think this would cause Justin to be mortified and result in titters from some surrounding schoolmates. But instead, it brings Justin around as he and his mother share a visit to the museum.
Yes, that seemed weird. Only in TV shows, sometimes it seems that the main characters are the only ones in the scenes, all the extra people is quiet or deaf.
Feel bad for Michael with his Tracy situation. He knows she's attracted to him but sees no way out. He can't tell her the truth, and he's just not the type to dissuade her by acting like a jerk. To bad he didn't lie about having a girlfriend when he had the chance.
Or he could have made clear to Tracy that she is not his type.
The date goes south, however, after David refuses Michael's offer of sexual favors. Michael is confused and feels rejected by this, seeing any date that does not result in in f#*!ing as a failure.
It's so unlike Michael to offer himself to a man, especially a charming rich older man who's interesred in him. Why would he do that? David never implied that he was expecting sex. Maybe because David pais for na expensive dinner, maybe Michael thought he was expected to pay him back?
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
Have to agree that Brian walking into the hallway carrying his clothes was the best part of the scene. But the shot of Brian unbuttoning his jeans comes in a close second.
Also agree, and have said many times, that were Brian ever to want Lindsay, she would dump Mel for him in a second.
Yes, Brian touching Justin's face and allowing him to stay is not something he would do for all his past tricks.
So right about the extras in film and tv being deaf and silent. If my mother yelled out at me in the manner Justin's mother did at his school, it would make me run if nothing else did.
Think it would be difficult at this point for Michael to convince Tracy that she isn't his type. Because now the girl definitly thinks she is his type, thanks in no small part to Brian.
Why is it unlike Michael to offer himself to a man? He was slow to warm up to the guy with the fake parts, but he was all over the water-polo player. Think that hanging out with Brian gave Michael a skewed idea of how dating and romance in general, works.
I just re-watched the scene where Brian kicks out the trick so Justin can stay the night. When I first saw the episode, I literally squealed at that scene, I was so happy. I'm a huge Brian/Justin fan though, so that's why I got into the show in the first place because I'm really into Youtube and some people I subscribe to make Brian/Justin fan vids, and the first one I ever came across, I was hooked! I knew I had to watch this show. Thankfully, I fell in love with the other characters too!
Anyway, I want to share some of the dialogue from the scene:
Brian says: "Look, I told you. I'm not your lover, I'm not your partner... I'm not even your friend. You're not anything to me." Justin- "I could be. If you gave me a chance... I need you." Brian- "You think you do, because that's what you're taught to think. 'We all need each other.' Well, it's a crock of sh!t. You're the only one you need. You're the only one you've got." And then Brian gently touches his face.
I think when I first watched this I was kind of mad that Brian was talking to Justin that way. And I was kind of sad too because of how it made Justin feel. I guessed though, that deep-down Brian couldn't really mean all of what he was saying. Looking back now it's interesting, because I can see clearly that Brian was just convincing himself of what he was saying. He knew he was starting to fall for Justin- he just didn't want to admit it to himself just yet. But the little things, like letting him stay there instead of the trick and then touching his face as he did- both really sweet moments that show he cares.
Other random notes from the episode---- When Justin, Melanie, and Lindsey were at the house and Brian shows up, I was upset at Melanie again when she pulled Gus away as Brian went to hold him. It was things like that that made me so mad at her. I didn't like that she disregarded Brian wanting to care about Gus.
Unfortunately, I don't view David in the same light as you do. I did at first, on their first date and for a few episodes, but not so much later on. He was way too demanding (I felt) regarding Michael and his life. It got tough to watch scenes between them- to the point where in the season finale, I was praying that Michael wouldn't even consider leaving with David. But, back to the date, I LOVED the outfit Brian put Michael in, but I laughed really super hard at Emmett's fashion choice for Michael.
I also noticed the mirror thing with Brian when I watched the episode. I agree with you in that it probably is trying to show a "reflection" of his conscience regarding the client in the hotel. Also, Brian simply likes the way he looks Again, we delve deeper into Brian's caring side- both with him kicking out the trick so Justin could stay, and then ditching the client out of a sense of taking the high road. I was glad he left that client to do what's right- come over to the girls' place to be with Gus. Besides, the guy was totally being everything Brian doesn't want to be- a bad parent. You could tell it really got to him and I LOVED the way the episode ended with Michael and Brian being opposite for once. I love when Brian's with Gus, it's so sweet! I was also happy for Michael- that he was breaking out of his shell a little bit
Brian says: "Look, I told you. I'm not your lover, I'm not your partner... I'm not even your friend. You're not anything to me." Justin- "I could be. If you gave me a chance... I need you." Brian- "You think you do, because that's what you're taught to think. 'We all need each other.' Well, it's a crock of sh!t. You're the only one you need. You're the only one you've got." And then Brian gently touches his face. []
I've always been majorly confused about this scene. Not only was he giving Justin mixed signals, but he was also giving the viewers mixed messages about how he felt about him. Brian is nothing short of a walking contradiction. His mouth often said one thing, yet his body would say another. I think Brian's attraction to Justin went well beyond the depths of his consciousness.
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Looking back now it's interesting, because I can see clearly that Brian was just convincing himself of what he was saying. He knew he was starting to fall for Justin- he just didn't want to admit it to himself just yet.
For me, the face touching was what implied that Justin was different from any other trick, even though Brian was trying to make him believe that he was nothing to him.
When Justin, Melanie, and Lindsey were at the house and Brian shows up, I was upset at Melanie again when she pulled Gus away as Brian went to hold him. It was things like that that made me so mad at her.
I know!!!! In Season 1 Melanie was a b-i-t-c-h! I start dislinking her less from episode 13 on.
Unfortunately, I don't view David in the same light as you do. I did at first, on their first date and for a few episodes, but not so much later on. He was way too demanding (I felt) regarding Michael and his life.
I think David felt threatened by Brian. I believe he really loved Michael, in a condescending way, but he really loved him.
I LOVED the outfit Brian put Michael in, but I laughed really super hard at Emmett's fashion choice for Michael.
Brian has a wonderful taste. Honestly, I don't think Michael ever looked better in the show. And he never looked worse with Emmett's outfit.
I was glad he left that client to do what's right- come over to the girls' place to be with Gus. Besides, the guy was totally being everything Brian doesn't want to be- a bad parent.
Exactly, I agree. That moment was all about Gus. And from Lindsay's look, she was very touched to see him with Gus on the couch.
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
As always, appreciate that you take time out of what sounds like a very busy schedule to review.
Didn't notice that was Captain Astro. Will have to pay close attention when that episode comes up.
No, the guy does not have an Italian accent. Really have no idea why Lindsay asked Brian about an Italian tutor.
Yes, the client is a creep who uses his money to bully others into doing what he wants. It's a shame that in the real world, there are truely clients like this or worse.
Totally agree about Michael's fate had he had a less tolerant background. And he'd most likely be married to Tracy herself.
The last scene is beautiful, both the Brian and Michael sections.
No, the guy does not have an Italian accent. Really have no idea why Lindsay asked Brian about an Italian tutor.
He doesn't look like Italian, either. But I can't recognize his accent, although it sounds he has one.
Yes, the client is a creep who uses his money to bully others into doing what he wants. It's a shame that in the real world, there are truely clients like this or worse.
Maybe Brian didn't lose the account, as he threaned to tell his boss what "services" the client wanted. The jerk might be afraid of having his secret revealed in case he hired another agency.
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
A talk with Debbie seems to put Jennifer at ease with the idea that it's not her fault that Justin is gay. But Debbie saying she also asked herself if she did something to cause her son to prefer men just doesn't sound like her. From her actions it would seem that she would be dissapointed if she didn't have a gay son.
It seems quite out of character for the current Debbie to be concerned about her son being gay, but I think the Debbie of 15 - 20 years ago may have had some sleepless nights about it. It could be just that she was lamenting the fact that she’d probably never have grandchildren, or something similar.
This, as well as Michael's poor self image, are revealed while he prepares for his date with help from Brian. In the past, Brian has treated his best friend poorly. But he comes off pretty well here. In a quiet and mildly heartwarming scene, Brian lends Michael his clothes after the disaterous wardrobe choices of Emmett. Brian often has the best lines, and "Who did this thing to you?", is my favorite of the episode. But Brian can only do so much. And even though Brian tells his friend he is "hot" with all sincerity, it's obvious Michael doesn't believe him.
See, I thought the ‘hot’ comment was really Brian manipulating Michael a bit. On my first watch of the series, I didn’t really notice Brian’s subtle manipulations, but upon my 2nd and 3rd viewings, I noticed and enjoyed them so much more. They happened throughout the series, mostly when Brian thought Mikey was drifting away from him, but it was never more evident during Michael’s relationship with David! I saw Brian’s admiration of Mikey’s hotness as the first in a series of attempts to break up Mikey and David, who I know Brian loathed from the beginning.
You see very little of what Dr.Cameron is doing as he works on Michael, but it clearly involves very close contact and actually seems way more hands on than nessessary. Almost all you see is Michael's silly grin. He in enjoying this a lot. Michael following the doctor's directions with earnest speed and eagerness is downright adorable, as are his vague but poorly veiled sexual references.
I loved this scene! So funny! Mikey was truly adorable in his eagerness on the table! My Michael love waned a bit as the series progressed, but I’ve always thought Hal Sparks was quite cute, and never so cute as during these early episodes.
The music selection on qaf is without equal. No other show has even come close to matching it.
Amen! The right music can make a mediocre show or movie better, and it can also elevate a great show to even greater heights. Such is the case with QAF. I can't gush enough about the music on this show (or the lighting, or the camera work!). I’ve been turned on to quite a few new songs and bands through this series.
Brian and Michal's faint tan lines
I never gave the tan lines a thought, until very early in Season 2, when you see Gale/Brian in all his glory, with a gorgeous tan on his upper body, and a cute white butt! (drooling!!!) Fortunately he didn’t have an awful ‘farmer’s tan.
Cynthia only has three or four lines in this episode, but she makes the most of it. Never thought they used her enough. But maybe this was for the best. Because when Cynthia did appear, it was always affective.
I *love* Cynthia! I wished they used her more, too (like Daphne), but she was great when they did use her. She and Brian had such a snarky, brother/sister relationship. Two peas in a pod!
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It seems quite out of character for the current Debbie to be concerned about her son being gay, but I think the Debbie of 15 - 20 years ago may have had some sleepless nights about it. It could be just that she was lamenting the fact that she’d probably never have grandchildren, or something similar.
I wonder for how long she knows Vic was gay and how she coped with it. That was a preparation to cope with Michael's homosexuality. But apparently she had problems accepting it at the beginning, considering that, according to Michael,
"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor
I am beginning to wonder why guys who are the age of the characters hang out in a dance bar.
I didn't think about this before but they seem a bit old for this scene.
Well, you have to take into consideration that they're all gay, single, very late 20's (although I believe Ted is already in his early 30's when the series starts), and living in a large city with a big gay scene. Plus, Babylon seems like a prime place to pick up a trick for the night, since most guys seemed to go there for that purpose.
I think if I was in their shoes, I would have been out on the scene a lot, too (though probably not every night!).
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Agree with that. None of these characters have any obligations that demand their time be spent elsewhere. So why shouldn't they go to clubs if they still enjoy it.