Dr.David or Ben?

Both have their own strengths and weakness but which is you favorite?



Ben for sure but I lolled at knittzu's reasoning that David made more sense
I didn't think that Ben was perfect but he was definitely a better man than David and a more loving partner to Michael.



Yes, I will admit the showdowns between Brian and David were entertaining.I was going to mention this in my original post but I was just too lazy. However, the Brian and David scenes were few and far between. Most of David's screentime was spent controlling and manipulating Michael.Agreed,the question was not who was a better partner for Michael,but David's treatment of him was simply not fun to watch.


Ben but without the drugs bit. David was too smooth.




I liked David more, but both men were great.

The difference is that David was a good man, but a man too soon.

In all four episodes before David arrives, Michael throws at least one jealous hissy-fit over Justin: Michael simply was not ready to devote himself to any other man and relinquish his useless hopeful dream of ending up with Brian.

But the baseball bat changed more lives than just those of Justin and Brian. Once Michael found himself witnessing Brian's on-going devotion to Justin's recovery, he was forced, however reluctantly, into seeing that Justin meant much more to Brian than just another trick.

In turn, this gave Ben -an admittedly more patient character- a much more level, starting playing field, such as David never had, to foster relationship building with Michael. But even Ben endured an often-absent Michael, his attention again on Brian-matters when it should have been at home.

I also count myself in the group confounded over what Michael brought to any relationship with David or Brian. He's not even good in bed. Oh, no he's not. In those same early episodes, every one of his friends, and Michael himself, remark on how infrequently Michael gets laid. If he were any kind of nymph in the sack, in this gossipy neighborhood, the news would have already reached back to Debbie, who'd trumpet it at every opportunity. Plus, if Michael were any kind of good in bed, Brian's -"never old ones, never the same ones twice"- 15 years long-resistance of trying out Michael wouldn't make any sense.

And to this day I resent the fact that after losing a first-rate prospect like David, the show simply hands Michael a second Prince Charming in the form of the very first customer to walk into his just-opened comic book store. See how often that happens in real life.


I always liked Ben more than David. One reason is because I think Robert Gant is a great actor and a total hunk. I never mind watching Ben and Michael's sex scenes; it is always painful for me to watch David and Michael together, because I dislike David so much.

The biggest difference between David and Ben was that Ben respected Michael's love and friendship with Brian. Of course, when Ben came along, Justin and Brian's relationship took up more of Brian's time and emotional energy, so Ben was able to have more of Michael's attention than David ever did. Of course, in the beginning of Season 3 after Justin left Brian, Ben nearly left Michael because Brian was taking up so much of his time. Even when Ben was feeling a bit neglected then, he never queened out over Brian like David did. If they would have kept David with Michael through Justin and Brian's breakup, David would have left Michael then. Also, Ben wasn't a pushy, controlling snob like David.




David was condescending, selfish and an ass (not unlike brian, but at least brian was honest about it).

Ben: loved Michael's passion for comic books and was in awe of it.
David: was completely condescending towards it.

Ben: didn't always appreciate Brian, but understood the relationship the two had.
David: never made an effort, tried to turn Michael against Brian

so many more examples like this, but i won't go on.

As for people not understanding why Ben loved Michael...

I think Ben loved Michael because he was young at heart, and because he was passionate and caring. I don't think their different social-statuses would matter to someone like Ben.


Michael loved David because he was a welcomed distraction from Brian, he was goodlooking, and kind of a trophy as well. Sexy, older doctor type. David was with Michael because he saw Michael as something to take care of. Treated him like a decoration and pet that he wanted to spoil. Michael wanted a lover and partner, not a sugar daddy, and didn't want to be someone's kept arm accessory.

Michael loved Ben because Ben was the super hero that he always dreamed about growing up and reading comics. He saw Ben as that selfless giving type who was physically an adonis, acted like he wasn't even aware of how he looked or cared if he was, but deep down goodhearted and loving. But like all super heros, Ben had a weakness. He was HIV Positive. Ben was also flawed because he was scared *beep* of his disease and often took that fear out on Michael. He was also jealous of Michael at times for two different things. Being able to father a child and having his comic book become a movie when Ben's novel was rejected by 25 different publishers. When Ben was a jackass, he was a HUGE jackass. More so because it was so out of character with him that it was startling. Brian being a jackass was mildly upsetting but shrugged off as, "Oh, well, that's just Brian being Brian."

When it comes down to it... I don't really like either of them. I think David was a full on douchebag, and Ben was just a flat, one dimensional character so utterly boring that of course his relationship with Michael was the one that lasted the entire show. Exciting characters make for *beep* relationships, which is why everyone loved Brian and Justin. It's much more fun to watch a trainwreck.


I agree with you on the last part about Michael and Ben's relationship being boring but while *beep* relationships provide some of the excitement, I don't think Brian and Justin's was a trainwreck. I think the excitement also comes from seeing something new and getting exposed to new concepts or ideas that are rarely discussed in the mainstream or on-screen.



Ben; he's not a douche bag and is way more attractive than the "Doctor."


I liked David. Ben was okay.


Hm.. good question. But are hot. Yes, Robert Gant and Chris Potter.

But Ben was the more charming character.

David was a bit a control-freak. But otherwise I also understand David because Michael was hanging around so many times with Brian (and very close).
