I liked Michael well enough but
there were some points where I just really REALLY wanted to punch him in the face. How do you guys feel about him?
Money isn't the root of all evil. Love of money is.
there were some points where I just really REALLY wanted to punch him in the face. How do you guys feel about him?
Money isn't the root of all evil. Love of money is.
I think the actor's snarky remarks about the show and his character helped fuel the backlash against Michael. Michael was also a stepford husband in the most absurd, obnoxious way that could only exist on tv or in snooty, upper middle class urban neighborhoods.
shareresponce to Surinam 20:58:20,
The only actor who made snarky remarks about the show and his character was Randy Harrison.
How anyone can actually "FAVORITE" Michael character is beyond comprehensible for me. Tolerate, yes, but, favorite, absolutely no.
I can count in my hands how many times I found him endearing. But throughout the entire series, he was basically portrayed as a man-child.
His jealousy and immaturity may be understandable if the character was in his teens to early 20s, but in the show he was a grown man.
He hated Justin so much for betraying Brian, of course being entirely blind of the fact the Brian himself may have played a major part in Justin's infidelity. Oh no, it's entirely Justin's fault. The fall-out of their relationship was the result of TWO people's, not Justin by himself, inability to properly communicate. Brian's refusal to actually admit to be part of that relationship and justin's vulnerability, resulted to their break-up. But as we've seen on the show, Michael made it perfectly clear that Brian was used and abused, and Justin happily and unapologetically took what he could and ran.
How anyone can favorite a character who is capable of not only thinking about such thoughts but tactlessly blurting it out is just unimaginable.
If I were Justin and I found out what was actually said prior to the punch, I don't think I can ever be at ease to be near that person.
Also, I doubt Michael told Temmette the truth, he probably sugar coated it to make sure Justin came out the bad guy once again, probably saying how ungrateful Justin was BUT conveniently skipping the part where he said that Justin should've been left to die.
Even after he apologized, that particular image just buried itself in my head throughout the entire series. I mean I know I'm just repeating myself here, but to be so jealous of a person that you'd wish them death. Absolutely ridiculous.
And let's not forget the cancer arc. During this period, Michael and Justin were in a fairly civil relationship, of course he felt somewhat guilty for betraying Justin. It was out of guilt and nothing else.
Brian was as complicit as Justin in the disintegration of their relationship. But Justin's reaction, cheating and then leaving Brian in a very public and humiliating fashion, was uncalled for. Michael had reason to be upset with Justin over such actions. And Michael might have been Justin's friend, but he was the long time best friend of Brian and was bound to take his side regardless. Add to this Justin showing up at a party with Ethan, knowing Brian was also invited, and it's hard to see why Michael wouldn't be outraged on behalf of his friend.
Don't see how anyone can believe that Michael didn't tell the truth about the punching incident. Both Ted and Emmett were far,far closer friends to Michael than they were to Brian. And as such they would surely have said something had they remained under the impression that Brian hit Michael without provocation.
Forget about Brian and Justin for a second and let's focus on Michael's disturbing way of defending Brians honor.
Let's recap Michael's own words "you might as well just left him lying there"
People cheat, it's not the best way to deal with a falling out of a relationship. Brian and Justin's hurtful actions towards each other are somewhat understandable especially considering what they've been thru in just a short period of time.
But a person saying someone should just die instead. Now THAT is absolutely frightening. Regardless of his apology and acceptance of his wrong doing later, the fact that he hated justin so much that he harbors such vile thoughts like that toward him, and even be capable to voicing it out, shouldn't that raise an alarm? I could never "favorite" a person like that, even if he appears to be the most adorable, endearing, funny and charming BEST friend in the world. Do you get my point?
defending your best friend, no matter the public humiliation =/= thinking someone should've just died.
You only say that to people who are constantly antagonizing your life, people who physically and emotionally bullies and abuses you. You don't think, wish, hope or say that to people who just publicly broke your best friends heart. The public humiliation of your best friend is not a justification to hate a person to that extent of wanting him to just be dead. Justin never did any of those to both Brian and Michael. In fact it was the other way around, it was Michael who was constantly verbally, albeit mildly, bullied Justin. That punching scene truly defined Michael's morals. He has very little, actually.
Also, why would Justin not show up with Ethan, especially since they were BOTH invited? If my memory serves me right, Mel and Linds told Justin that Brian won't be at the party. So was Justin being disrespectful and intentionally hurting Brian by bringing Ethan? A big NO, because everybody knew that Brian wouldn't come. So, judging by your logic(if Justin and Ethan never broke up, that is) for the rest of their lives, everytime Justin goes to a "family" event, he can never ever bring Ethan? No matter how much I dislike Ethan, I think as someone who is in a relationship with Justin, that's quite disrespectful to him, not being introduced to the "family" because of an ex? People reconcile and move on from their ex's all the time, it's fairly normal. Many people break up and remain civil towards each other. You can't isolate yourself from your group of friends and family because of your ex.((Ethan can't come to the Diner either because Brian and Mikey may be there? If let's say, Justin's working the late shift and Ethan has to come and get Justin so they can go home together, he can't do that because it's disrespectful to Brian? They have to meet somewhere else despite it being very late into the night? Forget safety, Brian can never see Justin and Ethan together?)) They both hurt each other, of course in the eyes of many people more so Justin, but isn't the sign of maturity learning to accept? I think Brian's mature enough to forgive and accept.
Lastly, if Michael told Temmette the truth, then too bad we never got to see it. I'm sure they didn't just let it go easily, otherwise, they're just as equally spiteful as michael is.
I understand if someone likes the Michael character, I mean he has one of the best one-liners, he's funny and endearing, Temmette/Mikey scenes are fun to watch. But to have him as a "favorite" I simply cannot fathom the reason why. Arguably, their are much better characters to "favorite"
But you know, whatever, if people adore immature and spiteful characters on tv, (even though I highly suspect the producers wanted Mikey to be portrayed as the lovable BEST FRIEND whose unrequited love we should all root for, on screen it came off as complete opposite) then so be it.
Sounds as if you actually believe Michael truely wished Justin had died in that garage. In case you never noticed, people say things they don't really mean on this show all the time. And Michael is one of the worst for this.
Fail to see how Michael saying what he did translates into his having few morals.
It is true that Justin went to the party thinking that Brian wouldn't be there. But in the end Brian did show up. It's doubtful that Michael knew or would have been interested in this miscommunication. Most likely all he saw was his best friend and the man who left his best friend at the same party. And the ex lover with the new lover in tow at that. Almost any friend of such an injured party would be angry over this situation.
Don't see how anyone can say Ted and Emmett "didn't just let it go easily,". Because obviously they did, since neither of them had any harsh words for Brian or Michael.
regarding temmette, that's why I said, too bad we didn't get to see. If they really did let it go easily, then they're as equally spiteful and immature as michael was. If Cowlip did not give the cancer arc the length of time it deserved, I'm sure temmette chastising michael for his hurtful and disturbing words was not something cowlip thought was necessary either, unfortunately so.
Michael was apologetic afterwards, he said that he shouldn't have said it, but he didn't say he didn't mean it. The Brian character says a lot of things he doesn't mean, but as we have seen throughout the entire run of the show, Michael is very transparent when it comes to how he thinks or how he feels. He's one of those characters who are the "wear your heart on your sleeve" type. Of course he regretted saying it afterwards, but deep within his subconscious, he really wanted Justin to be gone. And anyway, if I'm wrong and (((IF))) Michael really did not mean what he said, clearly, like I said before, he harbors such hatred towards Justin that his mind is CAPABLE of such thoughts. EVEN if he did not mean it, the fact that he even thought about it is disturbing enough. Is it not?
The things that Michael did on the show, ex. embarrassing his mother(mayor's benefit party), of course he was embarrassed first, though neither the guests nor the mayor herself seemed to care that the gang was even there. But you NEVER EVER do that to your mother, EVER. Harassing a pregnant women(melanie), though of course in his mind it was for melanie's best interest that he constantly followed her and stalked her, the custody battle especially if the person involved is a newly born baby. Running to Brian the moment Justin said he had cancer although they agreed not to(as grown and mature men are supposed to do), this clearly indicated how little respect he has for Justin and Brian's relationship, clearly show how little respect and disregard he has for Justin as Brian's partner. He is Brian's bestfriend, but Justin is Brian's partner, shouldn't he at least honor that? Of course later on as usual, he regretted it AGAIN, and try to redeem himself by telling Brian off for kicking Justin out. I won't even include the other things he did and say to justin, because that's just immature behavior combined with petty jealousy and over possessiveness of Brian. I just googled the definition of moral just to be sure of what I'm talking about, moral means: principles of right and wrong behaviour. Judging from the above examples, I can say, that the Michael character doesn't really think about his actions very clearly, he does what he has to do all for selfish reasons, it's always about what would benefit HIM and him alone....and then of course he regrets it later on, once hurtful words have been said, and feelings have been hurt. So yes, I stand by what I said, he has very little moral.
Anyway, my very issue here is there are better people to favorite. Michael, despite him being portrayed as the endearing, adorable best friend, is the worst candidate to be a favorite character.
I completely agree with you that it is very hard for me to understand why Michael would be a favorited character. I can see very good reasons for favoriting anybody else on the cast, but Michael is very hard to make a case for in my opinion.
However, I think you may be being a little too harsh on Michael here. I wouldn't say that Michael has few morals so to speak, I think this all stems back to, as has been discussed by others and yourself, to immaturity. Your list of Michael's not-so-greatest hits is great btw, though hardly covers all of Michael's abhorrent actions in my opinion, and yes Michael's faux pas' do appear to stem from extreme selfishness, though extreme selfishness is a hallmark of immaturity just as much as not having morals.
For example, as to one of Michael's worst offenses, after he took a step back of course he regretted saying that Justin should have died, and he obviously didn't fully mean it when he said it. I think that shows that Michael does have a heart in there, he just has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl (or even younger). Young girls are notorious for lines like "I wish you were dead!" though they don't fully mean it, they are just immature and can't see beyond their own wants and desires to the bigger picture without being shown the way often due to their lack of maturity, but it doesn't mean they have few morals. And being embarrassed by your mother, yes as an adult that is just plain awful, but for a prepubescent teenager that is how they all usually feel.
To me it seems like most of Michael's faults can all be traced to an immaturity that is on par with that of a junior high or early high schooler. Some people do find immaturity endearing, and some, like myself, find it very unattractive and highly annoying. That may lie at the heart of the difference between those of us who love/can't stand Michael in my opinion.
Responce to Sunikota, post Nov 9 23:16:36
(Because these posts won't go where they're supposed to)
So Ted and Emmett were also "spiteful and immature" because they didn't react in the way they should have in regard to what Michael said about Justin. So what would have been the proper responce toward Michael by the others when they learned what he said?
And according to this poster, Brian can say things and not mean them yet everything Michael says Michael means. Guess it's another case of one rule for Brian and another for everybady else. And why does Michael actually have to say he didn't meant it for that to be the case. Does this mean anytime someone says something, that they do indeed mean just that unless other wise stated. If one is going to go on that, then what of Brian never having said he didn't mean all the things he said either. But perhaps since he is Brian, he is exempt from this as well. Also interesting is the idea that saying you wish someone dead means deep down you really want that person dead.
Hard to believe anyone can fault Michael for embarrassing his mother one time, when she practically made a hobby of embarrassing him. And the reason Debbie was there in the first place was part of another attempt to embarrass Michael.
As for Michael's harassing Melanie being in her best interest in his mind. Presumably meaning she didn't need his help. Think the program did a fairly good job of showing that Mel was not taking care of herself or her baby as she should have been. And didn't Mel indeed collapse with only Michael nearby to help? Had Michael not been "harassing" her, who knows what might have happened. Only "in his mind"? I don't think so.
Sounds here like Justin and Michael agreed to not talk about the cancer,followed by Michael almost instantly going to Brian and telling him that they knew. But the actuality is it slipped out during a crying jag. Since mentioning that Justin knew was an accident, don't see how Michael's respect or lack of it for Justin as Brian's partner is a factor. It's agreed that Michael did regret it and told Brian off for kicking Justin out. And if we are to go by the posters own rules, Michael always means what he says unless he specifically states otherwise. Therefore, it should also be agreed that Michael was truly sorry and did make a successful effort to fix the rift he caused between Brian and Justin. Yet his actions here are only considered to be efforts to "try to redeem himself". What would Michael have to do to actually redeem himself in this case?
Think your definition of few morals as it applies to Michale is unsound. True Michael doesn't think through his actions clearly. But that has to do with being impulsive, over emotional, even immature. But it has nothing to do with having few morals. And you say that Michael is selfish and only thinks about himself, but fail to see how anything in the above examples demonstrates this.
Are there better people to favorite? Brian did help people from time to time. But he was far more often the real selfish one in this universe, refusing for years to give his partner even the smallest of assurances that they had a secure relationship. And treating his best friend as an all purpose driver, sounding board, and companion who was to be at his beck and call. So many other people look over Brian's bad habits because he is beautiful. I do not. Justin, who tolerated Brian's distant attitude, then going in the opposite direction and publically cheating on him. Only to go back to Brian and the same distant attitude. Nothing to admire there. Emmett is intertaining, had some of the best lines, and didn't allow himself to be eclipsed by anyone. But there's really not quite enough of a whole person. Mel and Linds. Please. Debbie is a possibility, but found her equally annoying and admirable. But maybe. Ted would be a candidate had he not gone to work for Brian. Prior to that he had his own sense of himself despite his poor self image. Alas, after he came under Brian's thumb, the dynamic was ruined. Ben did come in to himself as a character to a small degree outside of being Michael's boyfriend. But I have this prejudice against people who eat no, or very little meat. So no, there are not better people to favorite.
Hardly anyone noticed at the time. But in the following days it's certain that word would get around. Doubt this mattered to Michael however. To him it was Justin pointedly and publically leaving Brian for another man. Not to mention leaving Brian at a party that Brian held for Michael and Justin at considerable trouble and expence. For Michael, this probably appeared to be ingratitude of the worst order.
Always thought that Brian had asked for Justin and it was just chance that Justin saw him with the guy playing Rage. But deliberately setting Justin up like that even while their relationship was on shakey ground does seem like something Brian might do. So maybe it was on purpose. If so, Justin deserves to be even angrier than he was. Even so, it doesn't make what Justin did any less wrong. It's doubtful that Michael knew about the backroom situation, but even if he had, Michael would still take Brian's "side". Because while Michael might have been a friend of Justin's, he was the oldest and best friend of Brian.
Thought the decision was already made at this time, when Ethan made up Justin's mind for him by throwing him out.
If Brian did ambush Justin in such a way, then he is an even bigger a**hole than I originally thought, which is saying quite a bit. Such an act would almost demand that Justin leave Brian. And while still not approving of Justin walking out with Ethan in such a statement making way, it does mitigate this action by a small degree.
But none of this would be known to Michael. All he saw was Justin leaving Brian for someone else right in front of him and everybody in an "in your face" way.
Perhaps Brian did ambush Justin with the idea of pushing him away and toward Ethan. Which makes one wonder why he made an effort to drive a wedge between that couple at a later time.
I do think Brian is trying to get Justin back. Think this due to no other reason even coming close to being satisfactory. Brian isn't petty enough to break the couple up just because Justin left him for the other man. But neither is Brian altruistic enough, or that much of a busybody, to meddle in Justin's life because he's unhappy with the boy's choices.
second follow up reply ro fairpenguin's May 16 post
Now that you mention it, it was arrogant and presumptuous for Brian to throw Michael and Justin a "Rage" party without consulting them. And Brian was doing that sort of thing over and over. The coup de gras of which is when he went out and bought Justin a house in the country without bothering to ask him about it.
Michael did deserve to be hit in episode 301 it's true. But he deserved to be punched a couple of times for allowing Brian, David, and even Ben to walk all over him on multiple occasions.
Very much agree that David wasn't good for Michael. But as problematic as that relationship was, it did allow Michael to begin seeing a life for himself apart from Brian.
I don't hate Michael, but he's probably one of my least favorite characters. And I loved his counterpart (Vince) in the British series. *sigh*
shareEveryone who says they love Michael's British counterpart never seems to have anything to add to this. In fact, the ONLY thing anyone speaks of when they mention him is that they prefer Vince to Michael. Nobody has anything else to say about Vince, all such fans can do is say he's better.
share* Michael is whiny and clingy. Vince is not (well, maybe clingy )
* Michael's a momma's boy. *shudders at men like that* Vince is not.
* Michael is completely annoying in most episodes. Vince is not (not even once, as I recall).
* Vince it smart and funny. Michael is not...at all. Except...I like his comic book...that showed some brains, IMO (writing is hard). Though, in all fairness (to Vince), Michael wouldn't even have that (comic book) if not for Justin.
* Vince is adorable. Michael is soooo not! And I'm not just talking looks, because Vince is just okay...I'm talking about how personality makes one appear more attractive. Vince is cute, because his personality makes it so. Michael's behavior makes him just...eww. *sigh*
* Vince is a fan of Doctor Who (me tooooo). Michael's clueless (hehe).
Mind you, I had a hard time with Brian in the beginning too...liking Stuart much better...but I've flopped back and forth on that one. In the first season of the American version, I just felt like...OMG, it's all just a copy and Gale's version (Brian) of the character (Stuart) was just...flat. But that changed when it went to season two and the character of Brian didn't have to follow everything that was Stuart (though I liked that they managed to splice some Stuart in there now and then). I'm still partial to Stuart...maybe because that's who I saw first...but I now love Brian too.
So...I guess that's why I dislike Michael so bloody much. The way he treats Brian (and others) is just so...juvenile. Like a pouty child who's not getting his way. I can't even see why Brian keeps him around...except that Brian seems to NEED him there to make himself feel better (about himself). Lol. And Michael's interactions with others aren't any better. He's just completely rude to Justin (IDK why, but it feels different with Vince/Nathan...and that's saying a lot, because I'm not overly fond of Nathan's whininess). Michael's an idiot with his boyfriends (sometimes...though, who isn't, right?)...I have many times wondered what they (David and Ben), two accomplished men, saw in him. Further, I don't like the way he treats his mother (even though she's an odd one)...if my son (or any of my children) spoke to me the way Michael speaks to Debbie, there'd be hell to pay. That would never happen though, but...well, Debbie created that, so I guess she has to deal with it. Lol. And all that stuff with JR is soooo annoying. Totally don't know why Linds and Mel would pick HIM to father their child. Should have had Brian father the child, so that their children would be related biologically...and so the child would be THEIRS (with no ridiculous custody battles). *sigh*
Bottom line though, dergil, it's all just opinion...I'm welcome to mine, just as you're welcome to yours.
Have to say right off that I disagree with most of your last paragraph. But do agree we're all welcome to out opinions. Will expand on why the disagreement later if there is interest, but that's not the subject at hand at the moment.
Despite the thread title, Michael's likability was not the point I was trying to make here. Probably my fault. Should have clarified that nobody has a lot to say about Vince unless they are comparing him to Michael. Vince gets little or no attention on his own.
To that end, while your more detailed rendering of why Vince is supposedly better is putting your money where your mouth is (love cliches), it just expands on what was already said about Vince mostly being spoken of in relation to another character.
You are welcome to expand, dergil, if you wish (I'm interested)...but I will have to read later (tomorrow, probably), as I'm off to work in just a bit. *sigh*
Vince though...is my favorite character in the original series. I hurt for him and his unrequited love for his best friend. It's so plainly on his face every time he looks at Stuart. It's heartbreaking. For me, it looks so genuine that it grabs at my heartstrings. I don't know what else to say. I'm going to have to pull out my DVD and rewatch it...at a time when the BF's not home. It's been quite a while since I've watched...maybe my opinion will have flip-flopped...as it has for others. Lol.
Not sure what is meant by Michael treating Brian poorly or pouting because he ( Michael) never got his way. Michael rarely did get his way as far as Brian was concerned. And nearly every character on the show effected a pouty manner at one time or another, but it might have seemed to come from Michael more often because he had cause to complain more often. And any bad treatment Michael handed out to Brian couldn't compare to what Brian did to his best friend. In the very first episode Brian ditches his Michael, his practically permanent designated ride, to go off with an then anonymous trick. And this set the tone for Brian's treatment of his friend most of the time for most of the series. I always questioned why Michael put up with Brian.
As for Michael being rude to Justin, why wouldn't he be? Justin came along and moved into the boyfriend role Michael had long wished for. To think Michael would react any way than how he did is contrary to human nature. When much of this jealousy dissipated in season two, Michael and Justin got along for a time. But then Justin went and cheated on Brian, which of course caused Michael to come to his best friend's defense. And from mid season three til series end, Michael and Justin got along quite well.
With the exception of the fundraiser where Michael told Debbie she was embarrassing him, I never had a problem with how he spoke to his mom. Debbie was often out of line with her remarks and interference in his life. So there's no sympathy for her here.
Agree that Michael wasn't the only real choice for a father Mel and Linds had. Rejecting Justin because if his young age didn't make a lot of sense. And no reason was given at all for deciding against Ted or Emmett. But while it's true that choosing Brian might seem ideal and assure that the children would be related, it would never fly with Melanie. Melanie disliked Brian, resenting his hold over Lindsay and his continued presence in their lives. And this continued presence was due to his being the father of Gus, a condition that was forced on Mel by Lindsay. Melanie would certainly not want to have this happen a second time with her own child. The only thing that made no sense was that she'd actually consider it at all.
See you've finally managed to say something about Vince that didn't involved Michael, which is far more than anyone else has managed. But it did take a bit of coaxing on this end. Also noticed that neither you nor others who say they like Vince feel compelled to speak of him much on the UK boards.
Love him or hate him, Michael is discussed with some frequency on this and other US qaf forums, but very little is said about Vince on the UK boards. Viewers might like Vince, but his character doesn't really interest them much at all.
First paragraph. Have to say I totally agree with you...Brian does treat Michael poorly. I mean, I think Brian loves his best friend, but his version of love is...totally skewed. Lol. What bothers me is what you said in the last sentence (of that paragraph)...why does Michael put up with it? For me, I lose respect for someone who's willing to keep allowing such treatment. I think this is a contributing factor to me not like the character. And on top of that, the whining and pouting drives me MAD! I have three children (now grown)...and whining and pouting was NOT allowed in our house. Just could not stand it. *sigh*
Jealousy. See, there's something wrong with me here (according to my dad)...I do NOT experience this emotion...AT ALL! And I have a hard time understanding WTF is happening when someone shows signs of it. So, as far as Michael being jealous of Justin...I don't get it. The way I look at it is that Michael s/b used to Brian farking around...and NOT with him (Michael)! Lol. I guess though, Justin swoops in and won't go away ("The one night stand that never went away"...or however that QaF quote goes). As for that cheating thing with Justin and whats-his-face (Ethan?), funny though...Michael was more upset about it than Brian was. I mean, Brian was hurt, but...he muddled on. But not Michael...no, he had to whine and pout about it...and end up getting punched by Brian over it. LOVED that scene! I get the coming to your BF's defense, but he didn't listen to Brian...Brian was okay. *sigh*
Debbie/Michael. Yeah, there was a lot going on there. I'd have to sit down and rewatch every epi to piss and moan about that dysfunctional duo. Lol.
But Melanie eventually DID say okay to Brian being the "father" of her child (or am I remembering this incorrectly?)...Linds talked her into it and while Brian said no at first, he too changed his mind. Then the lesbians decided to check out other options. You're right...Justin would have worked, but...he would have been just as much of a pain as Michael, IMO. The only thing I saw as a problem with Gus, was that they didn't get Brain to sign over his rights BEFOREHAND. If they'd done that, then there'd have been no issues with him dicking them around. Lol. Couldn't do that with Michael...they tried, but he freaked out. I know Melanie didn't like Brian, but you don't have to like the man who gives you a child...especially in a case like this, where you're not with him. I still think Brian was the best choice for the second PG.
UK boards. When I first watched QaF, I was all over the UK boards. After finishing it, I watched the American version and came here. I rarely poke around on either board these days...just happened to have a few hours to blow and ended up in this thread. I like Vince...what can I say?! I shouldn't have to defend why I like him or anyone else. Sometimes people don't know what they like about someone or something. It's just a feeling. Vince seemed like such a nice guy...down to earth...cute...funny...smart. Maybe that's boring and people aren't interested, but...I am. Not everyone likes the same things...thank goodness! Then I watched the American version and the same character was just so eww. It's hard to not compare them when they're basically supposed to be the same person. I still like the British series better, but I love, love, love the American version too. I've watched both of them over and over. What I like about the American one is that it extended the series for me...and that was great. Man, I miss this show!
And hey...thanks for letting me babble out my thoughts on this stuff...even if you don't agree with me.
Had to go back and look at what I'd posted prior to your last post...and it's weird. I went and watched E1 of the Brit series and put together a collection of babbles as I watched. I thought I'd posted them here, but they're NOT there. I'm annoyed.
So, I went into Word to see if I'd saved them, but NOPE! Grr!
*glares at glass of wine* <<-- was probably having one when watching (and I'm having one now)
Ooo, I found my E2 (Vince) babbles (even though I couldn't find what I'd written for E1).
I know you didn't ask for this, but...
So...Vince is an assistant manager (or something) in a WalMart-like store...and boy does he look HOT in that suit! Love watching him check out guys, but trying to hide it...since he’s in the closet. Hate that “in the closet thing”...no one should have to be there! Then they show Stuart at his work and he’s all out in the open. That’s how it should be for everyone. *sigh*
Vince. Talking with his co-workers...he’s just nice! And real. And I want to say that Vince is secure where Michael is not, but...that’s not right/true. This same scene with Michael is...awkward. That might be it...Michael just seems inept.
Love it when he (Vince) gets to the “straight pub”...he’s describing the place, “There are people talking in sentences that have no punch line,”/“Can you believe it...they’ve got toilets in which no one’s ever had sex?” And then he’s like “Twilight!” This same scene with Michael is cringe-worthy for me. *sigh*
I like that Vince and Stuart are similar...in size, if not in type. Not sure why Stuart so full of himself and Vince seems so down to earth. With Brian and Michael it’s different...Brian just makes Michael look ridiculous...not that Brian’s a prize, mind you (but then, neither is Stuart).
Vince’s mum. She’s “off her head” (according to Vince), but not obnoxiously annoying (like Debbie)...and probably why Vince seems to be a regular guy to me. The way Michael is coddled... *shudders* Vince’s relationship with his mother feels different. He’s not so close to her that it’s weird...and he’s not rude to her.
Side bar. I like Phil better than Vince or Stuart! He’s cute and funny too. Too bad they killed him off. Lol.
So...in this epi I feel like Vince is genuine. He tries to help Nathan. Tries to usher him into their world. He wants to school the younger man on what’s going on...and help him through his crush on Stuart. With Michael he’s instantly jealous. Maybe that’s what I hate most about Michael...the jealousy. That emotion is ugly. Vince seems to work through it without looking like a blithering idiot. Can you tell that I don’t like Michael? *sigh* I’m sorry.
Just ignore me if you want me to shut it.
Though think on the whole Vince is adorable, he's also dead boring. But also prefer the UK version of the store scene. The way the couple overhears the joking and walks out in a mini huff in the US show was just a bit too much. But this is due to the script more than any differences in the characters.
Liked both versions of the straight bar/pub scene. Very different but both good. Not sure why the US offering would be cringe-worthy.
As said before, considering what Michael had to put up with from Debbie, his supposed rudeness to her is easily overlooked. Vince never had his mother interfering in his personal life at nearly every turn, or constantly in his business, so it's easier for him to get on more cordially with her.
During his short time on the show, Phil was the most interesting person around. Too bad he was dispatched so quickly. Had Phil been allowed to remain, it's uncertain if his character could continue on such a high level. But it would have been fun to see him try.
Michael is more jealous for a reason. Very early on, Nathan and Stuart's relationship transformed from sex partners to a sort of mentor ship like arrangement. Brian and Justin were on and off lovers for the whole series. Michael and Vince both wanted their respective friends for romantic purposes, but Nathan ceased being a threat quite soon, giving Vince no cause to be jealous.
No need to apologize for not liking Michael, we're not all supposed to agree here. As a fan of the character even I can appreciate someone disliking Michael for himself. But, I have found that the vast majority of his critics dislike him for other reasons and simply claim they disparage him because he's whiny, clingy, ect.
See, I don't see Vince as boring at all...he's very entertaining, IMO. Funny how we all have our own opinions. Hmm. I forgot about that scene in the American version (couple walking out). Yeah, that was a bit much...obnoxious, really!
Bar/pub scene. No...Michael is cringe-worthy...not the scene. Well, he made the scene cringe-worthy for me. Here's another oddity in my personality (to go along with inability to feel jealousy), I embarrass very easily...so easily that if someone else is doing something that would embarrass me (if I were doing it), then I almost can't stand to be in the room. Even characters on television. Michael causes me to cringe many times throughout the series. Yes, I'm a weirdo!
Michael/Debbie. Yeah, he did have to put up with a lot from her. As much as I love her...in a WTF sort of way...she's way over the top. Lol. I just don't understand him not putting his foot down. Why's he so attached to someone who's such a pain in the arse?! I mean, she's him mom, but geezzz!!!!
Phil. Loved him. But you're right...we can't know if he'd have stayed interesting. Would have liked to find out...wish they'd kept up on the series. I wasn't particularly fond of Ted, right from the off...and hated him when he became a drug addict...but I was glad they allowed him to live through the OD.
Part of why "Nathan ceased being a threat quite soon" is because the series ended. Don't you think? I mean, I sort of agree with the things you said in that paragraph ^^ (Nathan and Stuart's relationship transformed from sex partners to a sort of mentor ship like arrangement), but...I wonder...if the series had been allowed to continue, would it really have been that way? Series two (UK), BTW...not so good, IMO. Still like it, but not so much as series one.
Well, I do very much dislike Michael...for the whiny/clingy thing...but that's not all. I've thought about this a lot. Hell, I've watched the series over and over again. I have many times come to the end of season five, only to pop in the first DVD of season one. I love this show! However, while I dislike him, I don't hate him. There are many times/scenes that he's in that I just love. And there are plenty of scenes where I cringe at other characters too. On the whole though, I just like the British series better. It might be because that's what I saw first, IDK. I am grateful though that the American version was made and went on for FIVE years! Gave me (and everyone else) soooo much more to watch and enjoy.
The way I see Vince, and the way I suspect a lot of other people see Vince, is like a cute little stuffed animal, cute and cuddly but not too interesting. You might adore this stuffed animal, but the best you can do with it is get it down from the shelf it inhabits 365 days a year and gaze at it a moment before putting it back.
Not surprised that Michael's so attached to his mother despite her being such a pain. Know several people in the regular world with truly horrid mothers. But these children of bad mothers/fathers still keep trying and trying to gain the love of this person.
Think it was a mistake to kill off Phil and keep Alexander. In the understated manner of most of the UK version, his over the top camp was jarring. Alexander was probably the worst thing in the show.
Think the UK series was only supposed to go on for one or two short seasons. Even read someplace that Davies didn't really want to do even the second season. If this is true, it might explain why so many see the second outing as far inferior to the first.
Had the Brit version gone on for eighty plus eps like the American counterpart would the relationship between Stuart and Nathan have remained possibly romantic longer? That's a good question.
Also saw Michael as whiny clingy doormat of a person in much of the first season. And had he remained so, I wouldn't have liked him much either. Though it would have been more irritation than actual dislike. But over the run of the series, Michael became far more independent and responsible.
Interesting that you are pleased with the comparatively long run of the US series while favoring the British version. Most UK fans who've expressed an opinion here are somewhere between mildly annoyed to outraged over the US remake.
And I could totally be friends with Vince. Michael, I would want to throw up on that shelf and put a bunch of things in front of him...after first putting him in a sound-proof box. I suspect I would have loads of interesting conversations with Vince though, but then...maybe I'M boring as well. Hehe.
Yeah...I guess I agree with why Michael's so attached to Debbie. Funny though, sometimes I love her, sometimes I hate her. Not hate hate, mind...just wish she could tone it DOWN!
Alexander. Lol. "He's a bit camp. But, saying he's a bit camp is like saying Hitler's a bit naughty." I think that's how the line went. Yeah, he was CAMPY-camp! And annoying. Emmett, his counterpart, was hysterical and great, IMO...at least 95% of the time. The thing about the Brit series is that it was too short to kill someone off. While I loved Phil and wished they'd kept him, I wouldn't have wanted to see Alexander go either. In saying that, as much as Ted bugged me, I wouldn't have wanted him dead either. *sigh* To me, the worst things in both the shows were some of the parents. Both Nathan and Justin's fathers were *beep* parents! Unbelievable to me that someone could treat his/her child that way. I mean...it's believable, but...man is it ever WRONG! And Brian's parents (and sister)...disgusting! Same goes for Alexander's parents. And the complete absence of Emmett's family. I just want to cry for them. On the other side...I really liked Stuart's sister...and Vince's mom...and Michael's uncle.
UK S2. Hmm. Series two was more of a movie...a follow up to series one...only two hours (if that), right? Series one was a proper British series with what...eight 30 min epis? Or something. It definitely wasn't great, but I'm still glad they did it...I hate to see things end and almost always want more. I hated how the American one seemed almost word for word in the beginning, because I felt like it was sorely lacking. But then I got attached to the characters (even Michael, I guess) and loved watching how they made minute changes...then bigger ones...then went off on their own. It was just brilliant! Wish it was still on! *sigh*
Yeah, I've seen those opinions about the US version's length ("somewhere between mildly annoyed to outraged over the US remake") and...well...I'm American, so...maybe that's why. IDK. I do tend to like programs to be LONG. When I'm watching Brit shows, I'm always like... "Hey! What...only 8-10 epis? Pfft!"
Didn't mean to suggest they should have killed off Alexander, just that he should have got a lot less screen time. Because a little bit of that character goes a long way. Emmett's character was actually nuanced and believable, unlike the gay caricature that Alexander often was.
Must say that neither show was a big fan of parents.
Wasn't too bothered by the early eps and the way they recounted scenes from the original. Thought it was interesting in the way it demonstrated the different ways US and UK television is done.
Sort of understand the sentiments of those upset over the US approach to the show if they truly hated it. But can't agree as I love both versions. I was also a big fan of the the original brit version of "The Office", and was livid upon learning they were going to remake it for American television. But after much early grumbling, I became as big a fan of the US as I was of the British "Office".
It really is infuriating the way British television will cut shows off after only a couple seasons no matter how much potential they have to continue.
Less screen time. I wish the lot of them had had MORE screen time...as in, MORE seasons! Lol. *sigh*
Parents. I guess I just wanted to see acceptance. My mom wouldn't happy about it either, but she'd accept it if it was the case and move on.
US/UK. I guess it bugged me, because I'd liked the original so much and the remake seemed so horrible when I first started it. I hated the acting. But then I got used to things...people...scenes...and loved it. Lol.
I've never seen The Office...totally not my sort of show. But I hear you.
Brit shows. I didn't actually know this was normal...shows being cut off no matter their potential. That's lame!
Anyway...off to work!
Agree that it would have been nice to see a lot more of the original, even if that meant seeing more of Alexander.
Actually meant the show seemed to take a dim view of parents, hence most were portrayed negatively.
Say the remake seemed horrible at first then got better. How did it go from horrible to good enough to being worthy of love? Seems a big step.
Not surprised at an aversion to the show "The Office" given the comments of hating to cringe from embarrassment for television characters. That show took cringe to a new level.
Yes, one rarely gets the chance to tire of a television show in Britain. There are exceptions, but not many.
Not that you care one iota about my babbles, but...
E3 – Vince
He’s sooo chatty! which is something that would normally drive me insane. Lol.
Love that Vince is always there to help with Alfred (the baby)...so adorable! And it doesn't feel forced at all. He does it because he wants to.
Vince’s mum...love that she seems to be friends with all of her son’s friends. She’s my sort of mom, I mean...that’s me with my kids and their friends. She’s open and loving and not at all obnoxious (like someone else we know)!
More chattiness from Vince in the toilet while they’re doing drugs. Stuart's all, “That’s sad” but I still love Vince! He just makes me giggle.
Vince finally gets snarky about Nathan following Stuart around—then he’s quickly distracted by the guy in silver. And watches Stuart pull him...and the other guy. He’s in love with Stuart and yet he’s accepting of what Stuart is. Nathan seems to get it too.
Those two guys are hot, BTW...the ones Stuart is nabbing. Lol.
Goodness...I hate watching this knowing Phil dies.
I think it’s too cute that Vince calls Stuart to tell him he’s copped off. Obviously Stuart’s too busy, but seeing him listening to the message while he’s otherwise engaged with two guys is great! Then Vince calls him again after the guy leaves...and why wouldn’t he call his BFF?!
Vince. Friend to everyone. I like that. And he gets the call about Phil...so sad! And he’s CLEARLY devastated.
All that might seem to make Vince adorable. But it also makes him a boring doormat of a character whose taken for granted by Stuart. Stuart doesn't treat Vince as poorly as Brian does Michael, but here in the U.S. we usually go bigger.
But again, so sad about Phil. Barely got to experience his wit before he was gone.
I can see why you'd say that...about Vince being a "doormat of a character whose taken for granted by Stuart," but...how is that different than Michael and Brian? What I see as different is that Michael is completely clueless about it all...whereas Vince knows and just accepts.
And I go back and forth on whether Vince is treated better or worse. This part is hard to compare, since the Brit series only went "two" seasons. *sigh* I wonder what else there'd be if it had been extended, but...I do tend to agree...about Brian treating Michael poorly (more)...which just bugs me (more)...because that makes me lose respect for the character of doormat...I mean MICHAEL!
Phil. *sigh*
Don't think Michael is clueless that he's a doormat. Believe later in the series he even refers to himself as such. But in regard to Brian, Michael seemed to be under the impression that someday Brian might see him as more than just a friend. And this impression was actively encouraged by Brian himself. Michael might have been taken for granted, but he hoped for better someday.
Vince, on the other hand, seemed perfectly content to follow after Stuart forever with no change in the situation, and so he remained at shows end. Michael eventually outgrew his Brian fixation, and in doing so became his own person, whereas Vince would happily remain little more than Stuart's sidekick.
Sorry, I'm doing this...you're probably not even reading this nonsense. Hehe. But, it IS making me re-watch, which is something I've not done in a while.
E4 - Vince
Phil’s funeral...Vince is asked to speak, but doesn’t understand why. Because YOU’RE a GOOD friend! Lol. I guess Phil liked him more than friends though...the way they sort of tried to make it seem that Ted liked Michael (though that didn’t go anywhere).
Okay...here’s a side thought...I love how they took Nathan’s doodling in the Brit version and made Justin an artist in the American one!
Cameron. Loved him and Vince in the beginning...just as I liked David...but both characters abruptly got weird. I hate that on shows...when they want to dump a character and they don’t give much of a lead up to booting them. *sigh*
I can relate to Stuart and Vince and the getting older thing...I HATE it!
Vince is angry because Nathan shows up at his mum’s house...Stuart seems angry too, then he jerks the kid off and gets a BJ. Lol. Nathan’s pretty annoying/whiny in this scene too—too, as in, like Michael is throughout the American series (hey looking, I’m comparing Michael to a different character!)—threatening to run away and become a rent boy. LMAO. Pretty ridiculous...love it that Hazel laughs at him. And WHO’S holding Stuart’s baby? VINCE! Just love him! Granted, Vince is a bit of a twat in this scene, but...how can anyone find Vince uninteresting?
How can anyone find Vince uninteresting? All you've said, as well as how little you've said about him makes it obvious.
Agree about Cameron and David. It's like the writers changed their minds about who they were supposed to be.
Sometimes I wanted to punch him in the face, he was always the character to try to please everyone but needed to stand up for himself, especially to Brian. He's always a wounded puppy, and did find more of a voice.
I still want to punch him in the face...
For Mycbl,
This is a very late response but if you're still around, what do you mean by that?