Like someone else said, it is a movie and therefore not thoroughly realistic. Someone else suggested the craming this into a week job part should have been dropped from the plot but they doesn't make sense. It added to the necessity of Gordon needing the job and therefore promising the city the moon. It also ads to the pressure he was under.
I'd also like to point out that much of their conversation happened during lunch breaks. Even more importantly part of character development was that each character was being caught up in their own obsession. Mike was fascinated by the tapes, Phil was caught up in using drugs and and hating Hank for taking his girl, Hank was focused on striking it rich to quit the job... Point is they probably would have worked a lot harder if they had actually been focused on the job. Danvers brought the darkness out of each of them and that's a big part of the plot.
And one last point, the budget for this movie was a million dollars. They didn't have the money to higher six other actors to make it realistic.