MovieChat Forums > Vanilla Sky (2001) Discussion > I see evidence for 2 interpretations, bu...

I see evidence for 2 interpretations, but what about the other 3?

Two interpretations have evidence: 1.) "Tech support" is telling the truth: 150 years have passed since Aames killed himself and subsequent events form a lucid dream, or 2.) The entire film is a dream, evidenced by the sticker on Aames' car that reads "2/30/01"

But what about:
3.) the events following the crash form a dream that occurs while Aames is in a coma
4.) the entire film is the plot of the book that Brian is writing
5.) The entire film after the crash is a hallucination caused by the drugs that were administered during Aames' reconstructive surgery.


2.) The entire film is a dream, evidenced by the sticker on Aames' car that reads "2/30/01"

Moreover, the film ends the same way it begins . with the alarm clock ringing


Since the movie seems to alternate between reality and dreams ala eXistenZ, not to mention the story is being told to a fictional psychiatrist and is in itself within a dream, one could make an argument that the dream starts at various parts of the movie...the entire movie, after the crash, after he awakes from a coma, etc..

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


#4 is extremely unlikely. I've know aspiring writers like Brian. Even in the real world, I'd find it much easier to believe that my reality is just a dream induced by some company than that Brian would ever finish his novel.


It's all a f ucking dream!


3. and 5. are almost the same

you forgot

6.) everything is real up until the end, David is suffering severe mental illness due to his injuries. They find his broken body, splattered on the ground.


I'm going with #1.

The "it was all a dream" ending has to have substance, a reason for why the story was told in dream form, so that the reveal at the end has significance. I don't see that reason in VS, maybe I missed it, but that's my take.

And if it was all a dream it was a waste of time having tech support take the time to go into the whole bit at the end. Another reason I don't think it was all a dream.

For the record, when David opens his eyes at the end of the film I believe that was David waking up, having been brought back from the hibernation induced by LE.


"For the record, when David opens his eyes at the end of the film I believe that was David waking up, having been brought back from the hibernation induced by LE."

Or it was reset (by Tech Support) to the beginning of the induced dream.


Could be. I never considered that.

But being that David opted for ending the LE, I'd lean the other way.


There also is the interpretation that the 7 dwarves really were setting up David and convinced him that he is dreaming so he will commit suicide so they can take control of the company.


In Cameron Crowe's director's commentary, he pretty much says that his intent is what was put forth. But he said he loves all of the other interpretations and that his favorite one is the one about Brian's book. He also said that whatever interpretation you want to go with is ok by him.
