what a waste of clive owen

watching owen in this movie is alot like watching sigourney weaver in vantage point. what an irrelevant character for such a brilliant actor.


His character reminded me strongly of the sniper assassin in Point Blank (played by James Sikking) who looked a lot like Clive Owen and also only appeared in a couple of short`ish scenes.

But, yeah, excellent acting there and possibly the best scene in a strong movie.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Thing is he stole the show with the lines he did have.


I'd go as far as comparing him, and the impact of his character to Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back - the guy was on screen for what, ten to fifteen minutes? Spoke less than twenty words, and the fans (me included) go nuts for him.

The Professor is the Boba Fett of the Twenty First Century.


I'm probably being sarcastic...



Clive Owen wasn't as big as he is now back then, at least here in the good 'ol USA. If he was featured in lets say the 3rd one, then of course he'd have a bigger role.

It's about the same as Aaron Paul in Van Wilder. Well not really, since that was one of Paul's first roles. But as far as notoriety, it's about the same. You could fast forward for Paul in MI:3 though. Both good actors with very minor parts. It happens.

What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?


Agreed! I wonder why the filmmakers chose him for such an irrelevant and almost silent role!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
