MovieChat Forums > Panic Room (2002) Discussion > Why is this a Fincher film?

Why is this a Fincher film?

Just so weird when you see it next to the rest of his filmography. And it's not like with Alien 3 where it was his first film. He directed this after Fight Club and Se7en. Like way after directing those two movies that are widely regarded as masterpieces. Was this just a studio film with his name slapped onto it? And that doesn't mean that it's bad, because it is actually quite good and tense, but definitely nothing to write home about.


Well I mean it is a thriller so it’s totally in his wheelhouse.


Se7en was great but Fight Club was mostly crap. Panic Room was pretty good though


Why Social Network or Benjamin Button are Fincher films? (BTW, I think they're two of his most uninteresting movies). Panic Room is in his top5 movies, at least.


I haven't seen The Social Network but I agree with Benjamin Button in the sense that it's a different sort of film for Fincher, or was at the point it was made. He was associated with doing adult thrillers up to then and then suddenly we get a slow burning fantastical Forrest Gump knock off. Panic Room is more of a Fincher film than TCCOBB.


For me, Panic Room is like what if Alien 3 was about Ripley protecting Newt from evil men.


He made The Game before Panic Room. Both are sort of Hitchcock-esque. It's not like it came completely out of left field.


Se7en and Fight Club are masterpieces but they weren’t necessarily seen that way at the time and I think Fincher was never really recognized as a great filmmaker until Zodiac and Curious Case of Benjamin Button with Social Network solidifying him as one of the greatest of all time. So when Panic Room came out, the feeling towards Fincher was probably like “he is the guy who made Se7en and that Fight Club movie that frat guys like,” so his directing choices weren’t necessarily taken with the mindset that he is supposed to be an amazing filmmaker.


Wrong, Fincher peaked with se7en. Curious case of Ben button sucked donkey balls. He sold out after fight club and started making commercialized movies like this one, and Oscar baity crap like Benny button. Social network was just another Aaron Sorkin wankfest as well.


This movie was made because Fincher wanted to make a movie that takes place in one setting and not a million setups like Fight Club had.


This movie was awesome in every way and "Raoul", ala, Dwight Yoakum took getting his hand crushed by that steel door like a man.. I cringed when that happened
