MovieChat Forums > Kangaroo Jack (2003) Discussion > Lowest ever Mark for a No 1 Box Office M...

Lowest ever Mark for a No 1 Box Office Movie?

This film has an IMDB mark of 2.5 out of ten, is that a record low for a no 1 Box-Office?

It's unfortunately not bad enough to get into the IMDB bottom 100 where scores of 1.x are required!!

It'll be interesting to see if it can keep such a low mark


I have not seen it yet, but I feel dirty knowing that it is in the number 1 spot, after the trailers I've seen.

I need to take a shower........a very long shower.
(Music from The Crying Game begins to play ever so subtly in the background......)



I have not seen KJ yet, but I'm really intrigued, a film has really got to suck to get a 2.7 rating. I mean "the Avengers" got 3.4, but its better than "Battlefield Earth" which got 2.3!!


Almost anything is better than Battlefield Earth. That includes this piece of crap.

If I had a choice between the two, I'd see this one.
But if you really gave me a choice, I'd leave the goddam theater.


Battlefield earth didn't make number 1 of course, and was jointly trashed by the critics and the public, I must see it one day tho'.

BTW KJ has now dropped to imdb rating 2.3/10 but what boxoffice position will it have next week?
Does anyone know what the lowest previous rating was for a no 1 Boxoffice
(they are often in the range 4.7 to 5.5)??


If I could talk during it, I'd see Battlefield Earth. You could riff it like on MST3K! Thats fun. Trust me.


The sheep have spoken errrrrr I mean the public.

Only confirms what I already suspected most ppl are idoits and will pay to see crap like this >insert bad movie here<


I suggest to all of you self-conscious movie lovers out there to GO OUT AND DESTORY THIS MOVIE!! Go to the theaters and protest! Vandalize merchandise of the movie!! Deface posters you see around!!! STAND IN FRONT OF THE THEATER DOOR AND NOT LET ANYONE IN. This reign of bile has to stop immediately, and we're the only ones who are willing to do anything about it!! JOIN ME MY BROTHERS! Together we shall FIGHT!! MWAH!!! DEATH TO THE FILM! DEATH TO THE PRODUCER!!! DEATH TO THE DIRECTOR!!!! Kill them all!




Yep, we're all right behind you.
Way, way, WAAAAAAAAAAAAY behind you.



No, I think there was one other movie that sticks out as being significantly more crappy (since it actually had pretenses of NOT being crappy--- something KJ cannot lay claim to).... and that movie.... is Crossroads with Britney Spears.

And while it currently has a rating of 3.1 (it was 1.8 after the first week) to KJ's 2.3, 3000 people voted for Crossroads while only 300 have voted for KJ--- Crossroads had more 10 votes by percentage than KJ (not by much) which means more morons actually liked that movie than loved KJ. Also, KJ has more of a reason to be #1 since it actually had talent in the cast. I have to think that the 12.5% of 10's for on Crossraods were Britney-fanatics, and as such, worthless. Therefore, from a little extrapolation.... Crossroads was a much worse movie since it was just sad to watch, rather than morbidly, mind-numbingly stupid drivvle (KJ). Give credit for the worst #1 where it is due: Britney Spears.

Arguably, I think this was a stupider movie than Crossraods, but it obviously has more entertainment value and actors. Also, Britney Spears movie would have made it straight to cable had it not been for her, just as KJ probably should have went straight to Disney Video or TV.

The stench is just unbelievable here.


Gee I didn't think of Crossroads, but it make no 1? Obviously if it only got 3.1 that's astonishing considering all the Britney fans. It's funny how the IMDB rating seems to be more accurate than viewer comments, which always contain a few "If you'd a switched off your brain, you'd a loved this movie like I did"


Nope. Crossroads debuted at #2 the weekend of Feb. 17, then fell like a rock.


So close :) Kangaroo Jack WAS worse than Crossroads. I'm just glad they're both on the bottom 100 list and in the lower end of THAT! lol Kangaroo Jack wasn't THE worst movie of all time, but it just may go down that way. My vote goes to Leprechaun in Space... or at least Battlefield: Earth!


im sure it will go up a little, no i havent seen this movie, but only 300 or so people have voted so far...we'll see.


Still dropping 2.2


You must keep in mind that most of the comments on this thread, hell, on this entire board, are from individuals who have never or will never see the movies themselves. They base most of their opinions and votes on, trailers.
So taking that into account, I think the chances that the more people who vote the greater the percentage of error. Error being people who vote 1 or 10 for the hell of it.

PS- Battlefield Earth IS the worst movie ever, mainly because it had so many good actors in it. But I hated Signs as well, so....



trueice that is so true. I saw the movie with my friend only because Im not a jack nicholson fan, and adaptaion didn't seem like my cuppa tea either. So i said what the h*ll (can i say hell here?) im gonna go see this. Now it started out just like everyone thought- crap, but it slowly turned into an enjoyable movie that if someone else payed for, id see it again. Don't judge a book by it's cover, don't judge a movie by it's preview.


There's something odd here surely with such a low mark this film should have bombed the second week?!?


I guess, that in school playgrounds round the country, the word goes round that there's this really great film where a kangeroo farts!


Whats with all these *beep*- movies hitting number 1? just before kangaroo there was just married? how can these be beating the blockbusters like LOTR and Chicago?



"I haven't seen this piece of crap yet.."

Talk about pre-judging a film - you been a follower ALL OF YOUR LIFE??!!


are you defending this movie?


No I'm not defending it - I can't defend it (or slam it) because I haven't seen it yet.


the best part of this movie was when it finally ended.
the worst part of this movie is when I decided to see it.

Battlefield Earth is STILL not the worst film, though. I know plenty that rank below it, those movies that their names be not mentioned.

But don't even TOUCH battlefield earth. Steer clear of it, just like you would with this.


I actually saw Battlefield: Earth to SEE how crappy it was. It wasn't as funny as I'd hoped, since they were serious when they made it. It had it's moments of stupudity that made for good mocking...

