overtly dumb movie
this isn't regular dumb, this is like what happens when you take a really dumb idea suitable for a comedy or a satire and approach it with complete seriousness. and this isn't a fantasy, but actually looks more like sci-fi, which just makes it worse
first of all, the premise. dragons. not only that, the dumbest kind of backstory there is. basically, dragons existed during the time of the dinosaurs, ie throw evolution out the window and everything we know about earth's geological history.
next, the world is basically destroyed because its military couldn't defeat dragons...with nuclear weapons, but one guy, with a goddamn arrow and some explosive kills the boss of the dragons, right.
and all this time, it didn't occur to the world's government that the solution is to go after the male? what, were scientists and biologists and non-rubes wiped out in a decapitation strike by the ultra intelligent dragons? and bale's character couldn't figure out the solution without bald army guy telling him?
but anyway, nuclear weapons couldn't kill the male. combined armies of the world couldn't do it. a motivated christian bale with an explosive tipped arrow did it.
how did the screenplay pass the stupid *beep* filter? how does someone whose profession is to write create something so intellectually illiterate?