MovieChat Forums > Reign of Fire (2002) Discussion > 100 things we learned from Reign of Fire

100 things we learned from Reign of Fire

#1: if a nuclear missile doesn't kill them, try with an harpoon
#2: vines bear tomatoes (and, probably, tomato plants produce grapes...)


101. Soirées sicken Denton Van Zan.


104. It's a good thing kids only smoke when they drink (watching this with my 7 yr old nephew and is first remark at that line was "he drinks too?" - had to explain it was a joke)

104 a. Reign of fire has the #1 thread on the site. This was a great read. Thanks everyone.

I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no1 around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all? DrWho
