MovieChat Forums > Reign of Fire (2002) Discussion > 100 things we learned from Reign of Fire

100 things we learned from Reign of Fire

#1: if a nuclear missile doesn't kill them, try with an harpoon
#2: vines bear tomatoes (and, probably, tomato plants produce grapes...)


im sure those were apples... which also makes no sense :/

#3: When guns don't work, an arrow will do the trick
#4: With dragons all around, its perfectly safe to fly a helicopter

Still, i loved the film :D


#5 Jumping through the air with an Axe to slay a dragon may look cool, but is extreamly ineffective.



#9 Star Wars is still the greatest story ever told

#10 Only hot women live post-apocolyptic worlds

#11 Instead of the realistic (but impossible) problem of killing 100,000 enemies, you only have to take out one big baddie and the other 100,000 will be too stupid (or in this case, penis-less)to fend for themselves.

"Cause the 'BUSTER' kept me outta handcuffs!"



#13 leave it to the scottish bloke to clear up

#14 americans are worse than dragons

#15 kids cant eat hope

#16 dragon bodyparts smell like Sh*t


17 Matthew McConaughey is a bender
18 The movie is much better if you watch it without sound

too slow chicken marengo, too slow for THIS cat


19. the only thing that scares a dragon is the smell of a dead one. nice
20. matthew mcconaughey is like a slightly crappier kurtz

What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?


Matthew McConaughey is a slightly crappier Kurtz?? Do you need corks on your forks at mealtimes mate? Do you have a special parking badge?

too slow chicken marengo, too slow for THIS cat


21. Dragons can survive rush hour in the London underground for centuries
22. You can fly a helicopter into dragon filled London without waking a single dragon
23. Helicopter fuel in post apocalyptic Earth is abundantly available



#23 is awesome

"Punk. Quarterback, Punk."


I loved this movie. I went and saw it with my papaw. There was ONE. count em ONE! other person in the theater. I think i had lowered expectations and thats why i loved it then. But upon repeat viewings i STILL loved it.

I believe what doesnt kill you simply makes you... Stranger.


24. 20 years after a city is ravaged by dragons, it will still be burning.
25. Female helicopter pilots in post-apocalypse times always wear lip gloss.
26. With the world practically destroyed, people take the time to scratch graffiti onto an overhead road sign right outside the new dragon capital.

Nobody is entitled to an opinion. Everyone is entitled to an informed opinion.


27. In a post apocolyptic world a C-5 Galaxy can apparently carry a Tank, a helicopter, various other armored vehicles and upwards of 122 men and STILL get off the runway!

According to the AF numbers the C-5 is the largest cargo plane and can still only hold 36 standard pallets and 81 troop simultaneously. Even assuming he packed that plane so tight a person couldn't so much as fart without blowing everything apart, Van Zant would have to have rebuilt a HELL of a lot more than 1 C-5 to carry all the crap he brought from Kentucky.

Of course that's assuing he brought all his own stuff and didn't pick any up along the way since they never mentioned scavenging any of their equipment.


28. A horse can outrun a flying dragon.

29. An explosive arrow shot down the throat of a dragon will not blow its head off, only scorch it's organs. Or something.

30. Someone is always willing to reach into a decomposing dead dragon to pull out an egg. Which means that somewhere along the line, someone went looking for a dragon's vagina.

31. When all else fails, just jump screaming at it with an axe.

32. Tanks are totally and completely useless in a world ruled by dragons. The cannon is just for show.

33. 50 caliber bullets obviously have no effect whatsoever on dragons. Nor do bullets of any caliber, including assault rifles or shotguns.

34. Instead of attaching heavy machine guns to the helicopter and blasting the dragons out of the sky, throw living breathing humans out the door and hope that the other two guys can shoot it with nets before you hit the ground and die.

35. In a world where your greatest opposition is huge, flying fire breathing dragons, wear a sleeveless bomber jacket. Don't worry about getting cold or getting your arms burned, you'll look COOL.

36. All enemy creatures have one immortal member who is responsible for the continuation of the entire race.

37. When gathering for your armory, don't forget the completely non aerodynamic arrowheads. But leave them in the locker and use your useless guns first.

38. If you're a rebellious moron, you're allowed to run out and get the food ruined.

"If you can't keep up, don't step up, you'll just die." Truer words have never been spoken.


#39. In a post-apocalyptic world,food may be scarce, but cigars are still being manufactured.


And coffee & candles.(lol)

It's Saks! There's a reason why Winona stole from there.Their stuff is gorgeous!


#30. had me in stitches. I can't stop laughing


40. The terrain just outside of London looks an awful lot like Arizona or Utah, but with medieval castles.
41. Iodine has special magical powers to clear up bruising and broken facial bones after a serious beating, but makes a strong man crap his pants in pain.
42. It's a good idea to let strangers from a distant land with huge amount of armament right in the front door; just glare at them from time to time.


lmao #41
43. helicopters can apparently fly at gargantuan altitudes
44. little pieces of cloth stitched between your arm and your torso are 'wings'
45. showing christian bale a dragon tooth is all the credibility you need to storm his castle


46: Evidently Americans were the only nation capable of killing dragons while the rest of the world quaked in terror.

Check out my artowrk:


47. Even though we have the technology and artillery and even weapons of mass destruction, we'll still never beat the dragons. We have to wait till the world is destroyed and then shoot an arrow into their mouth in order to kill them.

48. Quinn wrote 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back'.

49. If you're the best friend, you have to die for no reason at all.

50. You may not have time to trim that beard, but you'll always have time to shave that head.

51. It doesn't matter how many babies dragons have, none of them will ever be male.

52. Even though Denton Van Zan was around the same age as Quinn and there was an apocalyptic dragon war going on, he still has time to get a tattoo.

- Jt Taylor


* 48. Christian Bale wrote Star Wars


69 After living for years underground , trying to hide every single aspect of your life so the millions of evil dragons do not find you or your crops you meet this American guys that help you kill 1 dragon , and you positively know there are more dragons around , forget about that , time to crank up Jimi Hendrix and bonfires and party all night long , all niiiiiiiiight.


#53 apparently Quinn and Creedy were like the pied pipers because you rarely saw many adults and there were a lot of children.

#54 we're all going to hell in a handbasket if we do indeed pity the country that needs a hero

#55 who knew they were drinking water out of those flasks

#56 if you are sprayed in the eyes with this mixture of napalm from the dragons mouth apparently an eye wash station will stop the scarring of your retinas


#57 If Christian Bale and Izabella Scorupco are the last living people, the new human race is going to be hot.

#58 Even with body tatoos, a manly beard and an axe Matthew McConaughey will never be cool.

#59 Even after the apocalypse, people will only like Star Wars 4, 5 and 6.


60. If you’re struggling to grow food in a ruined postapocalyptic nuclear winter, don’t try to grow hardy shade vegetables or edible weeds that thrive in a cold climate, like kale, nettles or potatoes. Grow a delicate Mediterranean crop like tomatoes!

61. In the future, the UK has shrunk to the size of Malta and can easily be flown across in a helicopter without needing refuelling.

62. Post apocalyptic people are able to pinpoint the location of underground trap doors in ruined cities with ease.

63. When the world is being destroyed by fire breathing dragons and nuclear annihilation, magazine editors can still produce extensive colour supplements documenting the event.

64. Post apocalyptic heroes, rather than dressing in whatever rags are left, will always manage to look like gay bikers from about 1983.




66. german world war 2 guns are easily found in England

67. if all weapons fail, go back to basics with an axe

68. morse code will be back to working order in a post Apocalyptical time


69. When dragons come out to eat, after starving for millions of years, they start by burning all the food and then they get pissed because there's no food left.


70. If you have fire proof suits, dont use them to fight fire breathing dragons, only put out crop fires with them.

(epic thread btw.)

Never made it as wise man, couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing- Nickelback


71. The only way to get a dragons attention is by jumping from a helicopter to your death at 10000ft, or picking apples.
72. Its ridiculous to think any planes could still fly in a world of dragons, but helicopters do ok.
73. When faced with a major threat to your species, nuke yourself.
74. Not wanting to walk into a nest of dragons to face the biggest one is a sign that something traumatic must have happened in your childhood.
75. Mathew McConewhatever will always get his shirt off, regardless of the situation.
76. The sprinkler system is put to better use in the stone basement while the wooden furnishings and anyone above ground are burnt to a crisp.
77. Blast doors must be closed from the bad side, meaning one person needs to run out to close it and sacrifice themself in the process.


78. The Kentucky National Guard uses British Chieftain tanks.
79. The U.S. Cavalry has hot female pilots with European accents.
80. Parisians are stupid enough to think fire-breathing dragons setting fire to the Eiffel Tower constitute a terrorist attack.


A lot of good ones been taken already, but i'll give it a try...

81, A: It's water!
81, B: Yeah, keep it, you're gonna need it.

82. Leonidas is actually named Creedy.

83. Kids are allowed to run around in underground construction sites.



lmao on this thread.;)
85. if a male dragon spits fire on 250 soldiers, 248 of them will be completely carbonized in a matter of seconds, while the other 2 will have all of their close on.
86. Dragons like to play hide&seek.
87. Dragons have good vision during a day, and even better at night
88. Dragons mate like fish, and the male dragon can eat a female dragon if he goes hungry.


89. Batman gets rocked by the guy from The Wedding Planner, while Leonidas is too scared to jump in.
90. British children overact horribly while watching The Empire Strikes Back.
91. Dragon eggs are transparent.
92. Alex is the Keeper of the Dead.
93. "Playing with us" and "setting us up" are two different things.



94.) A beautiful woman traveling alone with a rogue band of soldiers lead by a war-crazed psychopath/sociopath in a post-apocalyptic world is in absolutely no danger of being sexually assaulted.

95.) A starving dragon would rather burn 50 soldiers up than eat them just to prove a point: Stay away from London!

96.) 3 men can jump out of a helicopter 10,000 feet in the air with absolutely no fear of the inevitable crash onto the rocks and hard soil waiting below them.

97.) Dragons do not attack helicopters.

98.) Military tanks can drive 8000 miles and show no visible signs of dragon attacks.

99.) Once you slay the male, it is perfectly safe to ride a horse nearly 400 miles from London to Northhumberland without being attacked by the thousands of other starving females.

100.) Despite all of this, it was still a pretty cool movie. ;) EPIC thread ladies and gentlemen.

"...and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair." -The Joker


re: #2
vines do bear tomatoes, as well as grapes.

How 'bout this one instead--

#2: On the way to London, the best place to park your caravan of military vehicles is... the road littered with military vehicles that have been burnt up & attacked by dragons. Don't park in a tunnel or anything.



The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


Considering this board was wiped not long ago, it seems like a good idea to bump this once again. I'd hate to see this wonderful thread die at the 'hands' of the IMDB bot.


Agreed. I read IMDB after nearly every movie I watch and this is, bar none, the best thread I've read. No bickering or name calling - what a treat! Thanks everyone!


102 - None of them tried to make dragon soup

103 - I didn't see the Soup dragon appear
