Great sequel?

AP2 really works as a sequel. It's not just more of the same. It's a great character developmental piece. The scene where you see Jim arriving home and looking around his room having a nostalgic moment is surprisingly poignant. The emotional and sentimental attachment we have for the characters from the first movie is strengthened in this sequel. I wish the cash cow that is The Wedding was never made. It ruins any hope we once had for these great characters.


seriously i actualloy think this is one of the best films around

most sequels are jsut there because the first film made loads of money and so it just bring more money in (and the film is usualyl poor)

whereas this is as good, if not better, than the first!


This one was better than the first!

Remember the Soviet Union? They quit after watching an uncut 'Delta Force' marathon on TNT.


This is one of the best sequals and comedy's ever made, this is just as well made and funny as any judd apatow movie yet dosen't seem to get the respect it deserves.


Not only is this the best American Pie, it's the best comedy ever.


I agree, it beats the 1st for me. Amazing sequel.



i entirely agree. this is an absolute classic. and yes, maybe even just a little better than the first.


I love one, its the best one out of the entire trilogy. I really hope that they are actually doing a 4th one.


I've always said that this movie has the best pacing for a comedy. There's not a scene in the movie that's not entertaining and it never feels like it's too much. It's the only one out of all 3 that I would watch again right after it goes off and I still love the other 2 but this one had everything from the best humor and even heart.



I think it is such a great sequel because it taps so many of the facets that people experience coming back to their hometown after the first year of college - i.e. Jim looking around his room again, being back at the same house party, finding that there is nothing to do in town or returning to the same old hangout spots (like when they try and go to Dog Years), etc.

These are all things that everybody can identify with and really hits home that bonds everyone further with these young men. We see ourselves in them.

The third one felt very disconnected and almost like Sean William Scott is on some kind of drug for half the movie.


I agree qith quball87 -- I liked how the film portrayed the nostalgic feeling of returning home from college.


To be honest, my "nostalgia" moment was coming back home to see my high school's homecoming football game. I visited my high school 4 or 5 times throughout my first year of college, so the first semester was a mix of nostalgia and new, which is actually a really good and cool feeling, but my second semester started to suck so i actually nostalgia'd for my first was weird. So going home for the summer wasn't really a "nostalgia" thing for me, it was basically me being kinda bummed all the time and trying to "recreate" the summer before I went to college. That being bummed has since passed, but I feel like the first summer back from college sucked, and this movie made me realize that. (if you're wondering, yes, i saw it for the first time a few days ago)

that being said, I thought the movie was really good, it had a lot more laughs and more well-developed characters than the first one, but it had the same problem that I have with most sequels; the first movie introduces the characters and what they're like, sequels just bring them back and usually they're a bit different....its hard to explain but its weird, and generally the only thing I dislike about sequels.


I totally agree. The first two films really set themselves apart from all the other raunchy teen comedies. For one AP has a great cast, and is very cleverly written. It also builds the characters more; i liked what they did with Natasha Lyonnes character even though she had a smaller part, and i also thought it was cool that they made Nadia more than a hot "piece of ass" lol. Also SPOILER AHEAD
i liked the relationship with Allyson Hannigan. The movie showed the different classes of people in high school, and how as Jim matured he realized what was important to him.

Sure Superbad was really funny, but everything about it is a hollow shell of what this movie was. It was full of disgusting gags, salty language and humour but is so well written it makes it "acceptable" to the masses. That's something that hollywood has no idea how to do anymore (with the exception of some, not all, Judd Apatow productions.)

I saw this during junior year of high school, a real coming of age era for me, and as a movie buff now i though this was a great sequel even then!

"i can taste the bubbles!!" lmao......poor stifler he's drank everything!



I agree, brilliant sequel. Together with Toy Story and Back to the future, it has succeeded to deliver a preferable 2nd!



AP 2 I would put right up there with the classic comedy "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" in terms of greatness.


One of the greatest sequels ever. It really does touch on a lot of emotions and memories we all have. A very special film.
