Okay, I guess you're entitled to your opinion of Americans, but I have to burst you bubble. I am an American. I know that America isn't the center of the world. I know that we have a short history compared to many other countries. I don't get how you can lump every single American together with just a few (Bush being one). Yes, I will agree that some Americans are way too proud of their heritage, but not all of us are idiots. There are idiots in every country, I might add. What I'm saying is this--You can't go around with the assumption that every American is the same. We're not. We're not brainwashed from birth, you know. Have you ever been to the U.S.? If not, then you can't exactly back up your comments, can you? If so, then I'm sorry you went away with such a poor opinion of this country. As for American cinema--Yes, there are many, many crappy movies made here. I haven't seen "Maid in Manhattan" myself, and I plan not to watch it--ever. There also happen to be a great many inspiring, intelligent and, well, good movies made here. Everyone has different tastes as to what is good and what isn't. I agree with you that Jennifer Lopez isn't a good actress, she's not even very good at singing, but someone actually thinks she is or she wouldn't have a career, would she? Plus, many of her fans come from different countries, so don't put the blame all on us. I just want you to think about what you said. Not all Americans are self-centered. I'm actually pretty curious about the world outside of this country. Don't put us all in the same category. It's not right.