MovieChat Forums > Fainaru fantajî IX (2000) Discussion > Who else thinks IX is the best Final Fan...

Who else thinks IX is the best Final Fantasy?

Ever since I started fighting Baku with that dragon mask on, I've always thought this was the best Final Fantasy. It had great graphics, deep characters and emotional storylines. VIII was great and VII was good (if a little overrated) but this is THE Final Fantasy. Anyone agree?


i love final fantasy IX the end song melodies of life is a great ending song aswell any think zidane realy died ( i did it was a shock the mian chachter dieing )


Best of the Playstation lot, but #6 will always be the best. You kids today.


final fantasy vii had the best overall storyline and best villian although kuja is a close second. VIII i played but for some reason still have not finished so won't comment but as far as gameplay and battle system final fantasy 9 rocked the only thing that bothered me was the trances because it could be filled almost all the way then wasted on a weak monster
the original ff games were really good

its a toss up between VII and IX


I don't think IX is the best, I KNOW IX is the best!!!!


I always thought IX was one of the worst FF games I've played (I've only played VII, VIII, and X), maybe because the last time I played this game was like 3 or so years ago, and I can't even remember much. I never liked Zidane though, he looked like a monkey. Call me shallow =)

"I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."


IX for me all the way. It's so deep, rich, detailed, beautiful, got a fantastically emotional storyline, and the summons (save for Shiva and Ifrit) were trés cool!



Indeed, it was and (probably) will always be the best Final Fantasy game.

However, it's not as if it tops every game by 100%, the other games were awesome also.

..Then came Enix, and shot the square down, now a great game series has to be seen as crappy or, lost.


This has to be one of the less liked to me in the series only ones that beat it in awfulness are ffx-2 and 4 below that havent played. Dont get me wrong i liked parts here and there but over all it didnt feel right 7,8 and X were ace nothing bad to say ecept X was too short. Plus it was really stupid putting walking animals in it they could have at least made up different species in the world not a damn hippo and other animals. so this would only get a 7 out of ten which is awful to the series as i love giving final fantasy games a well deserved ten out of ten.


this one is the best. the others are just trying to be like it. final fantasy 10 sucked big time.


Agreed, ET. IMO FFX is way too overrated. Sure, it had it's moments, but the amount of things that I could list that I hated...



7 and 6 were my favs.FF9 felt like a 'best of' game and heavy going at times. I also disliked the party breaking up so much on the first two disks and the trance system was bad. And as well Kuja, as a villian I thought was pretty weak. That and he looked like the unholy love child of Sephiroth and Kefka.

If ignorance is bliss you'd think people would be happier when you point out what morons they are.


Just finished 9 last night and gotta say my fav so far the graphics are so pretty and the story so sweet and the ending all wow wow wow wow and awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol defo fav so far.Possibly think diffintly after playing 7 but out of 9,8 and 10 this my fav and the music!Omg the music i love it!


I'm sorry, but I'd have to disagree. IX is my least favorite of the Final Fantasies. I think it moved too slow for me, battle-wise and I got really frustrated with the abilities system. The story was good, up until they went to that alternate universe, then I think I started losing it... What exactly happened there with all the monkey-tail people? I'm trying to replay it, but my PS is at home and I'm at college, so it'd probably be a bad idea to play video games... Maybe this summer... Anyway, I thought the graphics were good, but the story and characters were kind of lacking. Although Beatrix rocked my socks off. ^_^


I definitely think it's one of the best of the Final Fantasy series. I'm replaying it right now for . . . I don't know . . . the sixth time? Lol. All I can keep saying is . . . wow. It blows me away every time. I love everything about it, the characters, the battle system, the story line, just everything. So I'm going to say it's the best of the Playstation Final Fantasies. But I'll always have a soft spot for the old school Final Fantasy 3 and Chronotrigger, easily my favorite games on the old Super NES.

"You already know what it means to live and to die."


The best game. Period. No exceptions. The graphics were phenomenal for the time. The characters were so diverse and had amazing histories. The world was just fantastic, the airships, the chocobos, Condie Petie, Lindblum, all the monsters. It was so engrossing.
I honestly think the plot is better than any movie, book or play. It is simply an amazing story and I wish they'd make it into a movie. I don't think it can ever be topped, certainly for me it wont be. FFVII and VIII are good games but as far as characters and plot go they don't even scratch the surface of FFIX.
And the music. wow. Memories of Life (the theme) is great.
(go to for all game music in MIDI)
Really touching storyline. Best game ever.


FFIX ROCKS! It's easily the best Final Fantasy, and possibly one of the best games of all time.


It's hard to describe just how much I LOVE this game in words, I guess it's all about feelings, but -- Without a doubt this was definitely one of the very BEST games I've ever played, because even though it's just a game, it was truly a great and beautiful story, going from continent to continent, meeting new people and helping them with their problems, fighting and beating the bad guys. The AMV'S were cool and with great quality picture and sound and the music was very Suspenseful, scary, hypnotic, funny, sad and breathtaking-- depending on what was happening of course, and the graphics were amazing.

And I love how each of the main characters tells their own story in their own different way beacuse each of them have all lived different lives and have come from different places, so that makes each one of them unique and loveable-- including Kuja. And at the end of the game were Zidane and Garnet hug each other because Garnet thought he was probably dead and then the the game ended with an overview of the whole cast and Alexandria, and then the screen changed black and we saw Zidane's and Garnet's final lines, that was a great moment in the game and the entire game was great.

This game was incredible, I have never played anyting with this much emotion and heart. I'd rate this game an A+++, 5 stars and 2 thumbs up, I hope the game wins an award-- no make that 10 awards one day in the near future because we all know it deserves them and more. I mean it's been almost a year since I finished the game and I still miss it a lot, sure I could just play it again from the start but I already did so well, I don't know how I could top myself.


9 is the best game ever made by mankind period. 8 is by far the worst in the series and even though I love it to death 7 is sooo overrated. Kuja is my favorite FF character yet and as a villain he is untouchable even by Sephiroth who never actually did anything besides burn down a village and stab a flower girl, Kuja started a world war.

"Rather be dead than cool"
- Kurt Cobain,


Its totally my favorite! It gotten me hooked to Final Fantasy!


I think it had the best story line by far - something about FF tales that leave a bitter taste in the mouth but FF IX had such a happy ending!

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"


8 is my favorite followed by 9 and 5 w00t.


This is my favourite game of all time, no other game replace my love for it.

"Don't go away mad, just go away!"


no its my 4th fav FF though

My list goes like this
This remind of of anyone?


FF IX is my all time favorite game. It is what turned me on to gaming in the first place.

"Viva Wisconsin"



Wow. Most people love 7 so much. I'm suprised to see someone with it ranked last... 9 is so great though. I owned it like 6 years ago, and lost disc 4. Then I bought again a couple years later, and someone stole it. I just got it like 2 weeks ago online, and am loving every second of it. It took me like a week to track down an old ps memory card though. I love this game!

"Viva Wisconsin"


I think Final Fantasy 9 is the best. For some reason, it's just got a different feel like you're literally in that world. And it has pretty good humor too.


Its my favorite to Its the only ff that I can play again without getting bored.


pretty good graphics, pretty fun game


ffx-2 (this is an abomination of a game!!! should not be allowed)



I wouldn't say it's the best. That award goes to IV and VI. But it's definently one of my favorites.


Wow I find this very suprising

I think FF9 is easily the worst of the series.

X, VII, and Tactics are by far the best and XII is getting up there too.

VIII and VI are pretty sweet

IX just doesn't compare.

Gameplay was weaker than the others, characters were weak too. I still love all the games in the series but compared to X and VII it just doesn't stack up.


Gameplay may have been basic but it was nice that they brought the class system back so that every character could not cast Ultima (FFVI & VII).

FFVIII was the same and also the junction system made the game too easy when one limit break could take out all the bosses up until the end of the third disk.

FFIX character development was actully pretty deep with Quina and Armarant being really the only 2 characters that weren't really explored.

Really FFIX is my personal favorite of the PSX generation and VI being my favorite of the SNES generation.


I'm with dang on that one. I much prefer the idea of a class system. Just the idea of having individual characters with their own special attributes appeals to me. Somehow having a particular spell that every character could learn takes away the value of the spell itself. The great thing about IX is that you had to choose your team carefully to balance strength and support - if all characters could learn spells as well as having the capacity for a large amount of strength, then all you need to do is to pick your favourite three or so characters and then just train them up. And also the plot itself can take advantage of the class system - think of when the team in FFIX flew to Oelivert...something like that couldn't really happen with a non-class system, since it's easy just to train up any old character. If you make the mistake of taking Vivi, Garnet, Quina or Eiko to Oelivert, then it provides much more of a challenge for you.

Plus, the music to IX is awesome.

X I really wasn't a fan of. Tidus' voice and dialogue (and thus pretty much his entire character) irritated the hell out of me - all the time he sounded like a grown up guy trying to sound cool (like constantly referring to Jecht as his "old man". Plus - the Macalania / Macarena joke? The fake laugh scene? Please. ). And if you're not fond of the main protagonist, then the whole game is going to see a bit of a drag, no matter how good the rest of it is. All right, so the graphics were amazing, as was the plot. And the majority of the music was pretty good. But still, I would rank it below VII, VIII and IX. Oh, and the training up system was good - the plus about the Sphere Grid is that it creates a compromise between the class system and the non-class system. Lulu, for instance, is obviously a black mage. But if you want to train her up as a black mage, then you can - if not, then just take her on a different path on the sphere grid. Saying that, though - they made the characters potentially way too powerful. I mean, I can take down Braska's Final Aeon with two attacks (one to make him draw his sword, and the other to take him down properly).

Oh, and a game that can spawn any travesty on the scale of FFX-2 can't be good.

FFVIII was pretty good (though I haven't completed all of it yet - I've just stormed the Lunatic Pandora) - though I'm slightly peeved about the plot twist. [spoilers] They all knew each other when they were kids, and all forgot. And the reason? "A wizar...sorry, GF did it." Plus, it didn't have a class system either. And the music from VIII isn't as listenable as with IX's or VII's

And FFVII is FFVII, so there's no need to talk about it.

In terms of ranking:
1. FFIX (just because it was the first Final Fantasy I properly played, and so was the one that had the largest impact upon me)
4. FFX
5. FFX-2

...and I haven't completed enough of I, II, VI or XII to comment on them.

"Smells like crotch."


Thank you for all your points and I respect your opinions.

One thing however I did want to bring up is music. To me the music is one of the greatest pieces of the entire final fantasy series and I am shocked to hear that anyone thinks the music in IX was the best. It really makes me wonder how much everyone was listening while playing.

The music in Final Fantasy Tactics surpasses all the other games easily in my opinion, but a lot of people haven't played that one I know it's tough to compare.

FF XII comes next since they used the same musical director that they used in Tactics and it sounds amazing.

The music in FFX was amazing I thought too, they went away from the typical Final Fantasy music a little so I can see why some wouldn't like it as much but I think the direction they took it in was great. (This is only the music, I do agree with all of you on how annoying Tidus was).

Like you said VII is VII, there is not much else to say on this game, the music was just classic. The thing I liked most about this music was that it made you feel emotionally attached to the story. ex: The music in Nibelheim. Tell me that music didn't make the hairs on your neck rise?

So now we come to VIII and IX which had average music. It was fine, there was nothing wrong with it, but it really wasn't anything special. When I hear music from Tactics, X, or VII I can remember what scene it was and I can almost feel what the characters were feeling at that moment, but there is nothing like that from VIII or IX. The music was good, but nothing more than average for a final fantasy game

So again, I respect your opinion, but I really don't understand how you could think the music in IX was better than the other games or even close to Tactics or VII


I'd agree that VIII had a pretty forgettable soundtrack and VII is (in my opinion) unsurpassed but I thought IX still had some excellent music, like Vamo Allo Flamenco, You're Not Alone, Jesters of the Moon and Steiner's theme just off the top of my head.

IX is not my favourite FF but I've always thought it was seriously underrated and Zidane is easily one of my favourite characters (he's usually cheerful and actually eager to help people unlike say Squall or Cloud who have to be persuaded, pressured or paid to do it).


I understand that we all have our own opinions (and I know that you realise this), but maybe saying that "you wonder how much everyone was listening while playing" is a little over-the-line, perhaps? As you say - it's all down to each individual's opinions. Just because someone prefers a "lesser" soundtrack to a "better" one, it doesn't mean that they somehow lack the ability to discern what is "good music", it just means they have a differing opinion.

Anyway, trivialities aside - Tactics I haven't played, so I honestly can't talk about the quality of the music. And I know it will sound very fanboyish of me, but in my opinion (and in my own experience), most Final Fantasy soundtracks that haven't majorly featured Nobuo Uematsu composing tend to be of a lesser quality. I can think of quite a few tracks from Final Fantasy X that are pretty bad - the final battle music, for instance ("Decisive Battle"). As soon as the dramatic introduction ends, the some fast piano-work comes in - and from that moment on, everything seems a little...messy. It also gets very repetitive - I've just checked the mp3 I have of it, and it seems to loop only after about 2 minutes or so.
And "Scorching Desert", too - it begins to grate on my nerves just with the first thirty seconds of it. It's that constant synthesised couple of notes that play over and over and over again that get me.

Thinking about it, one of the major things I have against the music of FFX is that sure, it's atmospheric where it needs to be, but it can't have been that difficult to compose. If you listen to "Darkness", say, that seems to consist of the same drumbeat looped over and over again, with a couple of string chords changing in the background. It doesn't take a genius composer to come up with something like that. And thinking about it some more, another reason I don't like it is because the music is too experimental (again, "Scorching Desert") for my tastes. A lot of it (e.g. "Fog Sea") doesn't seem to be music, more of a collection of sounds with a bunch of effects thrown in.

And if it's any indication to the quality of the music from X-2: You can see how little sheet music there is - the entire soundtrack doesn't seem to be music, more of a collection of sounds.

And from what I've played of FFXII, the music seems to be pretty good. Granted, currently I can't remember any of it, but I remember it being pretty good nonetheless.

In terms of musical quality, though - my ranking changes:
3. FFX / FFVIII (I can't decide)
5. FFX-2

...and I'm reserving judgement on FFXII until I've played a little more. (though it's good to see that they've brought back the main Final Fantasy theme. )

Kupokupo has mentioned some of the greater tracks from FFIX, and I can list a load more of my favourites - Feel My Blade!, Frontier Village Dali, the Treno theme, Eternal Harvest, Unfathomed Reminiscence, Protecting my Devotion, the Hilda Garde theme...

"Smells like crotch."
