I saw this on the FF7 board, and thought it was an interesting question. Did you rename your characters, and if so, what did you call them? I was really into Elvish (the elf language from Lord of the Rings) when I first played this game, so I gave some of my characters Elvish names. Here they are.
Freya, Amarant, Quina, and Vivi got to keep their original names, but I gave the name Kellie to Eiko, just because I thought it was a cute name for her, especially when combined with her last name.
"Uh, I completely get "Rusty", but their was already a Puck in the game, and...HELMET!?"
If you call Vivi 'Puck' when the real Puck asks what his name is he'l say sumthin like "So your name's Puck, huh? Funny name...Well hi, my name's Puck!"
Garnet names herself after Zidane's weapon, so it would be wierd if she called herself sumthin that wasnt a dagger, like 'Sheild' or 'Uzi'
I kept the names the first time I played. The next time, I named Steiner "Captain" Since it was funny to see Queen Brahne say "And Captain, uh... (after naming him) Captain!" I aslo once named Amarant "Poo" so he said "Some people call me the Flaming Poo." (Forgive me if I don't get the quotes exactly, I haven't played it in a while since I lent it to my cousin a few months ago.)
But if you want some weird names, Look at what my friend named his characters (By the way, he's stuck in the Treno card tournament, can anyone help?).
Zidane: Banana Steiner: Fruit Vivi: ? (Don't remember) Eiko: McBlib Dagger: DOGSKIN (don't ask) Quina: 4+3-2+= Freya: ? (don't remember) Amarant: ? (again, I don't remember, I haven't seen it in about a month)
I am proud to say i have never changed any Final Fantasy Characters name the only game i played with a changed name was Chrono Cross my brother renamed Kid Kate.
Go ahead laugh, make a jackass outta yourself - Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)
Dude, I So Know where your coming from on that Digimon thing, we did that on VII....anywyas, my list consists of......
Zidane- MnkyBoy (not enough letters to spell munky) Vivi- Weirdo Garnet- Foxy (my dad names that one Steiner-IronMan (we wanted to hear him say "I am Ironman" lol) Freya-Hhraggt (the sound u make when u couch up a flem) Quina- FatFrek (not enough to spell fat freak) Eiko- Jlbait (Suppossed to be Jailbait) Amerent- Badass (i think)
I give everyone their original game when I play except for Vivi and Amarant. I always name Vivi "Skillz". It's something I just did the first time I ever played and I've called him that ever since. The name Vivi doesn't even seem right to me now.
I NEVER use Amarant so I always try to give him a funny name. Most recently I named Idiot. It's funny because in Treno people see him and are like "You're the Flaming Idiot!". I also named him Flamer once.
For those of you who dont know Vivi makes sense. In Spanish- Vivir- is the termanology for "to live...". It's probably the same in French or Italian so yeah.
I also named Zidane, Steiner, Quina, Freya, Vivi and Garnet/Dagger with names from The Lord of the Rings once. Frodo, Aragorn, Gimli, Gandalf, Sauron and Arwen. Those names sucked, though.
I kept all their names the same except for when Garnet was going to change her name to Dagger I made it Garnet again. It was funny, Zidane said to change her name and she made it Garnet again.
I never changed the names of the FFIX characters, because I don't change them the first time through. I don't like this game, so I never played it again... But I did change FFVIII and those names were funny. Well, really, my brother changed the names. For some reason, he named Squall "Moo Man" and Rinoa was "Jack!" and Angelo was "Meow6.0" or something, but with the letters with the foreign accents over them. It was kind of funny. And we also changed the GF's names. Let me tell you, that was a good time. Unfortunately, I was just goofing around one day and I saved over my file that I was almost done with with the Moo Man file. So I had to beat the game with Moo Man and Jack!... lol
i played this game like 5 years ago, it was my brothers and i never beat it.but he let me borrow it while he is in boot camp so i renamed them all what i named them the first time
Zidane~~Thomas Garnet~~Chelsea Vivi~~Whiz Freya~~Jigsaw That Knight(totally cant remember his name)~~JOHN that fat thing that eats stuff~~FROG that annoying little girl~~Elocin(its my middle name spelled backword) and that last guy wit the red hair i didnt get to rename him cuz i pressed confirm instead of delete oops lol.
~~Chel ~~"Your entrance was good, his was better."~~Batman Forever
i named Vivi "fred" i think it so suited him and now i always refer to him as fred. I also named Stiener "butman" which suited him to. All the other characters i named after me and my friends
(This was a like a year ago when I las played it with my friend...And uh...This is what we came up with...) Garnet: Froot Vivi: Barney Steiner: Oogly Freya: Apljcks(Betcha can't guess what that one is!) Quina: Xena(Don't ask...) Amarant: Kitty(My cat was right next to me!) Eiko: Soupy Zidane: Homo
I look back at this and find it a miracle that I have a social life...
I love how people didn't know if Quina was a boy or girl so they gave him/her gender neutral names! And Jenova0602, the "It's Pat!" reference was brilliant!