I feel so alone

Am I the only person in the world who actually LIKED Bulletproof Monk? But I would enjoy anything with Seann in it, and I'm also one of very few people I know that watches movies for the actors and doesn't give a *beep* about the plot.


i liked the movie. i plan on buying it when i get some money... i really enjoyed seann william scott too.



No I watch a film not because of the stpryline but who is in it.

Luckily all the films I've seen with an actor is good.

I've not seen this film yet, it got really bad reveiws but I might see it.


I've seen it twice and I love it...it is not a rip-off of "the Matrix" at all, all the acting was wonderful and I think that if you don't see why we tink its a good moive...o well for you...


I loved this movie it was fun to watch. It had laughts but also had cool fights and how hot is Jade.. Huba Huba..Id like to spar with her anytime ( before you ask no Im not 18 Im 27).Anyway sure there were faults but who cares they were rare and easy to over look. How can u enjoy a movie if you pick at faults or worry about how unreal it is.Plus I thought the story line was cool I mean Its an action film with romance and the plot had a twist. Not long after we meet Jade I thought hey maybe she is the next Bulletproof Monk but then close to the end I changed my mind but I didnt think they both would be the next BULLETPROOF MONKS.. Well at least Im hopeing for No2 I cant wait an action,comedy,romantic,mind twister..

Happy Happy Joy Joy


Yeah, Jade was hotter than I've ever seen her before.

The plot was good, the characters were good, the actors were good, but I didn't really like how the film was shot. I'm pretty sure that's the director's fault. I would say there are way too many continuity mistakes, and I'm not talking about the goofs they show on IMDB about how she has her hair combed in a way during one shot and the next it's the other way. I'm talking about how they don't show everything. For example, in the scene before they kill Kar's employer, the employer grabs for the phone, then we see the two guards coming toward him, then in the next shot we see the other blonde bitch, already behind the employer, with the phone cable already halfway around his neck. I'm not sure if people will get what I'm saying but there it is.


i don't feel so alone anymore... but all i kept seeing was people who hated the movie, and i'm like, ok, fine whatever... maybe there was more than just me and my friends who enjoyed it, but then... i suppose we could enjoy almost anything. it could have been better, but the fact is that it came out how it did, Seann did a good job and looked hot, CYF was great, and Jamie King was hot and she was good.

"Sanity is madness put to good uses"


This move was G-R-E-A-T!


I loved this film too. Excellent.

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!


You aren't alone. I have a collection of Guilty Pleasure Cinema as I call it. Mostly movies that get raked over the coals by critics and people who don't get certain types of humor or can't seperate film from reality. And boy howdy are these boards FULL OF THESE PEOPLE.
I like a goofy action flick now and then, and I like good chemistry on screen, and I like characters you wouldn't mind having a drink with...all of which this flick had. This is the first role I've seen of YCF where he's actually almost not acting, as far as the character's personality. The monk's kindness, humor, and charisma is more like YCF than any role he's ever played. And I think that's a large part of why this one stood out to me.



THREE YEARS...later!
Gosh people still love it hmm!


I thought it was a fun movie that made me laugh. It was entertaining, whats wrong with that?


What's the point of watching a movie only 4 the actors. So if they stuck your favorite actor/actress in a totally garbage movie and u knew that the movie was gonna be garbage just from the previews and the critics totally tore the movie apart in their critiques you would still watch it?!?!?


So if they stuck your favorite actor/actress in a totally garbage movie and u knew that the movie was gonna be garbage just from the previews and the critics totally tore the movie apart in their critiques you would still watch it?!?!?

Probably. I prefer to think for myself and make up my own mind - as opposed to blindly following whatever the powers that be have pronounced as either good or bad this week...

I left the herd long ago so I could avoid the cliffs. :)




Am I the only person in the world who actually LIKED Bulletproof Monk? But I would enjoy anything with Seann in it, and I'm also one of very few people I know that watches movies for the actors and doesn't give a *beep* about the plot.

Same I usually only watch movies if there's an actor I REALLY like in it, such as Seann William Scott.
& no your not the only one, I liked this movie too.

"No mother, I can blow myself!" - Buster Bluth, Arrested Development.



I like this movie too! It's no masterpiece but a lot of fun.

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know!


I just replied to myself.... Awesome!


It was fun.
