MovieChat Forums > Amores perros (2001) Discussion > The Richie subplot ruined this movie! (A...

The Richie subplot ruined this movie! (AWFUL!) *Spoiler*

I'm going to attempt to be rational here, but please note my earnest wish that i could curse like a madman during this screed.

Firstly, this movie is overrated from every point of view possible. This without even getting into the retarded Richie and Daniel & Model story. (and no i'm not citing particulars. it simply wasn't all that. end of list.)

Bernal and Ecchevaria were good though.

Ok...concerning "RICHIE THE DOG"...*deep breath*...what canine spends 3-4 days and nights underneath someone's living room floor and hallway? Anyone? Hello?!! All the dog would have had to do was go back to the light from whence it entered the hole in the floor. holy monkey!

and i guarantee you, it WOULD NOT have stopped whining and scampering and scratching even if it had somehow gotten lost. There would be NO intermittent, 'once every 4-6 hours' evidence of sound from Richie. there would have been constant...UNCEASING...yelping and barking!

furthermore, Daniel was obviously upper middle class, AT LEAST. u expect me to believe he couldn't hire an exterminator to bring in a flexible camera to feed under the floor to see if they could locate the dog? who writes this drivel?

and worst of all....most egregious of all! there is a big hole in the floor, and you have a lady in a wheelchair with a severely fractured leg. don't you think someone/anyone/for the love of buddha would have at least bought a cheap piece of plywood and put it over the hole, so she didn't accidentally get her wheelchair stuck in it? or at the very very very ultimate at least, just put a small piece of furniture or dresser over top of it on its side? or even a kitchen chair on its side?

the stupidity the director insists that we be complicit in during this entirely unnecessary 1/3 part of the film is just maddening. multiple times i physically had to get up from where i was sitting and start pacing and ranting and raving about it. much to my wife's bemusement.


lastly, really, what was the point of most of the movie? as i said, echevarria and bernal were interesting and so were their characters. yet all i could gain from the rest of this overrated atrocity was that the director was trying to show us that life sucks. really? life sucks? no shizzle. that's so groundbreaking. i don't think i've ever seen a movie or read a book that contended that before.

waste of FRICKING TIME! how on god's green earth is this even rated in IMDB's Top 3000?! Much less Top 250 (@ 160). WHAT THE FRICKING FRICK!?

the fact that it is ranked 160th, combined with the knowledge that i haven't seen a truly inspiring, unique, and mind-blowing movie since 2005 or 2006 is starting to wear on me. i'm starting to tire of movie-watching. it's becoming tedious and predictable. this was a "2.5-3.0 stars out of 5" movie masquerading as a "4.5-5.0 stars out of 5" movie. worthless. UGH UGH UGH!!!


I don't feel as passionate as you but I agree. The 2nd story was absurd. I was thinking the same things while watching it. Honestly? You can't get your dog out of the crawl space in 4 days? Just sleep on it, he'll come out some day. In the meantime we'll just listen to him whine and whimper every night while we try to sleep. It was ridiculous and detached me from being engrossed and reminded me that I was just watching a movie. Yes, I understand the point: the dog's suffering (which was the central theme to the rest of the movie) was a reflection of the characters' suffering. But it didn't need to be so silly and implausible here. I couldn't relate to the characters or their behavior, and I couldn't have cared less about them; which made it all the more taxing on my nerves to watch them scream at each other.

The first story was OK, but I honestly had no compassion for it because I just didn't care about the characters. I didn't hate them, I didn't love them, I wasn't amused by them. They were miserable and boring people. They were stupid, dirty, and disgusting. The plot and execution (especially with the dog fighting) took some balls and it was creative. I'll give it that.

The third story was my favorite because El Chivo was so intriguing. I was impressed with how the story unfolded when he dealt with his "contract" the way he did. That was a creative and thought-provoking scene (but out of the 150 minute movie it was the only 5 minutes that increased my brain activity rather than numbing it).

For a first time full-length movie director and first time producer, I give it 4 out of 5 stars. someone to do that on his first try is really impressive, to be fair. But all in all I give the film 2 out of 5 stars. The acting was fantastic, and so was the photography and editing. It was a gutsy film. But the characters gave me no reason to care about them or what happened to them. Also, the suffering dogs was a cheap gimmick. Instead of allowing the stories and characters to provoke my thoughts and feelings, the director used constant suffering of dogs to do the deed instead. In one story I could have bought it, but not in all three stories. It was a manipulative low blow. Also the "linking" of the 3 stories, as well as showing some of the events out of sequence was weak and added no value. It came across as the director having seen something cool that worked in other films, and so he shoe-horned these devices into this movie instead of writing them in organically.



Are you Serious!?!
This is a better , Emotional, & Realistic version of Pulp Fiction.

Valeria was OUT OF WORK, because of her injury, also her husband, Daniel must have lost half of what he owned to his first wife, also that apartment building was a fortune & he must have had trouble getting paid if he were to come home early because of Valeria's needs.

Dogs are COLOR BLIND, they mostly see black & white, besides Richie must have been to short to climb out of that hole, so he just wondered around, AND the rats were surrounding the hole because of the doggy treats , & Richie was scared of rats, didn't you see all the blood he had when Daniel fished him out of the hole?

Also Daniel & Valeria were a metaphor on loving a person for who they were, Valeria was obviously never going to model again, & Daniel had a choice to stay with her or not, & he did, therefore, if anything, he loves her more than he did before.

Life does suck dude, I hate movies like The Notebook, where there's happy endings, & gives people false hope, Amores Perro's means "Love is a B!+ch" Witch it is, your always going to want more in life, because a "Happy" ending never comes in the middle of the story.

HOW IS THIS OVERRATED?!? Overrated would mean that this film would have like 10 Sequels, or it would have been mentioned in TV episodes like Family or Conan. Overrated would mean that this film would have Merchandise, like T-shirts, or Action figures, if anything this movie should be in the top 50


Nice try...

The Dog would have come to the light and the sound...end of story. Have you ever ever ever ever heard of a dog getting lost in someone's flooring for days on end? No. Because it doesn't happen. It's stupid...farfetched...retarded...and unnecessary.

The movie was bloody awful. Awful. And this from someone who even likes it when movies end on a down note.


Actually scriptwriter Arriaga says he based this story on real thing which happened to a friend, even though the dog dies eventually. And if you go through this messege board, there is a person saying it happened to them with a cat and it took it several days as well to come out. Quirky stuff happens.

I wa hugely amused by your comment on how advanced spectator of film you must be when you EVEN like when movies and badly. As if thez were inherently supposed to be happyended and having them not like that is super avantgarde, Such a dumb comment.

All your thinking in the premise of this thread is more silly and extremely far fetched then the improbability of the story´s plot. Of course the character could have done many or some of the things you talk about, but they didnt. Thats just how it is in films and reality, thats just how the cookie crumbles. Plus film dont have to abide to all realitys principles, its called composition motivation.
To create a comedy effect a film for exaple may have a swap of suitcase, regardless of how often it happens in reality, it is just there to create the dramatic situation. Look at shakespeare, he has tuns of stuff like that and it doesnt devalue his work.

I think you should stop watching films if they annoy you that much:))


You do realize that cats and dogs cannot be compared?
First of all, a cat likes dark, hidden crawl spaces and will stay there because she enjoys it. Most cats don't come when called, they are felines and they have completely different behavioral patterns (they are solitary hunters). Also cats hunt rodents, a space like that would be a cat paradise. Why would she come out?
A dog on the other hand will bark, cry and scratch non stop to get out. Because dogs are sociable pack animals and they will go crazy hearing/smelling their owner but not being able to get to him.

"Relics of ancient times. Lonely cenotaphs. Standing along that melancholy tideland."


Was a major bright red banner metaphor.Valeria had a superficial love for her dog and for David and David had a superficial love for her. They were both superficial people, and worse, one sold her own body for money and the other was the seller of her body. The car accident shattered her leg which shattered her superficial coddling of her dog, her superficial love for David, her superficiality in general, and tested David's love for her (him leaving his wife and children was not proof that he really loved Valeria). Richie sinking under the grimy blackened rat-infested foundations of her apartment floor was a metaphor for the inner journey Valeria and David underwent when her physical dehabilitation tested their love. Richie lost and whimpering in darkness and offering willowy barks of hope echoed Valeria and David lost and whimpering internally as they searched deep within their grimy superficial selves to figure out how they really felt about each other and to learn what love and responsibility really meant.The floorboards of their relationship were smashed up and the dog's whimpers of longing and hope were their own whimpers of longing and hope. And at the end, the three of them made it out of the unknown dark, alive.


But if they had cut all that waste of time out it would only have been two hours long, and the director needed to make it two and a half hours so we could all see how Tarantinoesque he is.


"Tarantinoesque"? LOL.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



I really liked this movie, and i even think that their story was my favorite (valeria and daniel. But i agree with you in the hole in the floor part. I thought they would get it fixed, especially after her accident. And Valeria could have been playing with the dog somewhere else in the house and not literally in front of the hole. And when the dog is trapped i don't get why they wouldn't pay someone. I'm sure it wasn't their best moment but i guess she still had some savings and he had a good job. But a few days passed. That part frustrated me and i felt sad about the poor dog. At least I am glad he got out alive. Despite all that like i said, it was my favorite story. I would've loved to see what happened with them after the last incident.

"I hate you, I hate us both"


There's also something a lot of people forget or simply don't know. We mexicans are procrastinators by nature. We could leave that hole on the floor for weeks or even years ("I'll fix it tomorrow, what's the worst thing that could happen?") until something bad happens... and then we´'ll blame whomever we can (the government is an excellent escapegoat most of the time).


I read that some bits were based on true stories, including this piece about Richie.

The story in which a model's lapdog is lost under her floorboards is also based on fact. "But in real life it ended when they noticed a bad smell from under the floor."

This tidbit was found here...,6737,357271,00.h tml


I enjoyed the movie but not the Richie subplot for the reasons given. I also hated the fact that they left a bunch of chocolates for Richie. For those that don't know, chocolate is poisonous to dogs. As soon as they put it down, I assumed the end of the Richie subplot would be finding him dead next to a half-eaten plate.


Yeah, I reacted the same way. I'm going to put a post about the chocolates where people will notice it.
