My experience watching this for the first time
OK so the first few minutes of this was literally teen porn and Later on, there's a scene of the two boys jerking off at the pool, topped with a close-up off the sperm dropping in the pool. Not the kind of image I'm looking for but The goal was to provoke an they sure succeed. But if you stick with it, you're in for a little gem of a movie. Really. The main quality is that it feels so realistic and genuine. It's like the director just told the actors "OK, so do whatever you would do in that situation. Action!" It's the same thing for the background action. Everything that happens on the screen seems like it's just real people doing real things. When the movie is over you feel like you just traveled to Mexico, it's amazing. The editing and voice over were very original, liked it a lot. The narrator provides countless random off-screen details that you just end up craving for. Overall, it's very sexual but also passionate, it's a wonderful road trip drama that takes you an exotic voyage. Although I wished it last a little longer because I loved it so much, I'm sure any movie lover can tell that the ending was rushed. It's too sudden too abrupt . Still, I'm very glad to add this to my collection and will rewatch it many times I'm sure. 8.5/10
Excuse my English, I am French-Canadian