No 82 on The Times' Top 100 Films of the Noughties
My girlfriend and I are watching through all the top 100 films of the noughties as published by The Times and this was at number 82.
Looking through the rest of the review's on IMDB, people are using words like 'compelling' and 'breathtaking' to describe it. I appreciate that films don't all necessarily need to be 90mins with fast action and directed by Michael Bay, but I found this long and boring. Really, not much happens at all over the course of almost three hours. The main characters were decent, it seemed well written and well acted, but I just could not find an actual plot or story in this to follow. It took us three different attempts to actually watch through it all. Oh well.
Anyway, if you're interested, you can keep up to date with our progress (and see the The Times' full list) on our blog at: