How does this fit into the "Before ____" Trilogy?
It's directed by the same guy, and Ethan Hawke & Julie Delpy (according to IMDb) play the same characters in it. So how does it fit into those movies? What is this?
shareIt's directed by the same guy, and Ethan Hawke & Julie Delpy (according to IMDb) play the same characters in it. So how does it fit into those movies? What is this?
shareWaking Life is like a collection of different scenes that are loosely connected. There's only one main character that shows up consistently. Ethan and July are only in one scene and i believe it takes place between the Before Sunset and Before Midnight movies. Although it's not important to see it in regards to the Before trilogy, it's still amazing and one of Linklater's best imo.
sharePoorly. Very poorly.
Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.
I always liked to think that the main character had seen Before Sunrise and Jesse and Celine's appearance in this are his interpretation of how they ended up.
"Our critique began as all critiques begin: with doubt"
That’s pretty good, because it certainly doesn’t fit the continuity of the second film.