I Will Never Watch This, Just Because of the Opening Scene
I like slashers and I'm pretty sure this is a good underrated one but the opening alone is why I'll never watch this. The same reason why I'll never watch Pay It Forward, because of the ending. Like it's one thing to show the brutal beatings from the hands of bullies, but it's another to not have justice for said hate crime. Apparently the director of this film did say the bullies behind the beating did get murdered, then why the fuck wasn't it shown or at least mentioned? Also, the same problem that IT: Chapter Two and Joker had; opening scene where innocent guys are beaten up by bullies/brutes. Who the fuck enjoys that shit? As strange as it sounds, I can tolerate the extreme sadism of Art the Clown in the Terrifier movies. At least there's tiny moments of dark humor sprinkled in. Where's the dark humor in someone getting beat up, especially when they didn't even deserve it? Like seriously; fuck off with that shit, writers! It's unpleasant as fuck to watch!
Anything that shows sadistic assholes beating up incconent people "for teh evulz" and aren't held accountable for it is bad and I don't mean just "bad" as in "brutal to watch"; it's bad writing and they should've known better, but they wrote it, anyway.
Another thing, girls can be very nasty bullies, no doubt. They can tear your soul apart (much like a lion tearing someone from limb to limb), they can make you wish you were never born. They can make you feel ULGY on both the inside and outside. But they FUCKING PALE IN COMPARISON to how male bullies act and I'm not fucking exaggerating when I say this, either! That right there why I can NEVER take ANYONE seriously when they say that female bullying is worse than male bullying! The only time I might agree is when the prom scene massacre from Carrie is brought up and that's a BIG "maybe".
But if I'm being real honest here from what I've heard about this movie's opening, the bullying stuff was done 10X better in Prom Night and that was 21 years prior and written a hell of a lot better than the godawful opening scene from this damn movie.