shopping with Eliza
Man, that girl is hot. I like her in any movie she does.
shareIf I had to have an 80-year old librarian break my penis to get a date with Eliza, it would be so worth it.
Weird it may be, but that doesn't make it any less true. I <3 Eliza.
shareYou guys are wrong for this saying. God made people like this and your poking fun at them. The special olympics have nothing to do with a persons mental abilties or IQ level. Some of them are mentally retared, but not all. What about the amputees? They compete in the special olympics. And there is nothing wrong with their mental abilities. What about all your sports heros and icons? How many of them sponsor and take part in the special olympics? People should be more accepting of peoples differences. Thats the only way we will make this world a better place. It shouldnt matter a persons color, nationality, or beliefes......or capabilities.
"we're sick of you and you're people's self-righteous grumbling and socially controlling whiny ideals, so SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH REAL LIFE!!!"
Wow. That really made sense. His attack on her for being "socially controlling" is clearly an example of social control by telling her that she can't behave as she thinks she should. And he calls her a hypocrite. Except that she wasn't angry about it or as emphatic, which makes his behavior even worse. And is his over-reaction really the best way to deal with "real life"? And is this Walmart example of his part of this real life? I've never seen such a thing, and I doubt he has either. And who is this "we" he refers to in the passage I quoted? Is that the royal "we", or has he a hive-mind?
Oh, and just to keep this in the movie theme, I'd just like to say that I would *not* have a librarian cut-off my thingie for a date with Ms. Dushku. Nor do I believe that anyone else would either. I suspect that that was just hyperbole on Skippyballer's part.
I wonder why they waited until now to delete that? You would think that calling someone a "hippie bitch" and making fun of the mentally disabled would call for a automatic deletion.
shareWell, she didn't actually cut it off, just broke it. He still has it, evidenced in the bedroom scene at the party. I just imagine it would have been very painful. Obviously I wouldn't let it be removed, then I wouldn't be able to get all that much out of the date anyway.
Actually, this is horribly off-topic, but the Special Olympics are for people with mental disabilities only. People with physical disabilities compete in the Paralympics, which are held only once every 4 years in conjunction with the main Olympic Games. Lumping the two together makes you just as ignorant as the people you are attempting to condemn.
God didn't make people like this, as he/she/it doen't exist!
If the rest want to believe that people are individuals, and should celebrate their differences, whether in laughter or adulation, you have no right to tell them not to. Commedy is situational, and it's not the actual person they laugh at, it's the situation they're in. And you said it yourself 'It shouldnt matter a persons color, nationality, or BELIEFS......or capabilities'. That is if you could spell Beliefs that is!
Oh, and the reason I came to this thread is that I just saw the shopping scene, and Eliza is Super Hot, or am I wrong for saying this!
thank you needles87 for bringing us back on topic. and yes she is hot
shareyeah she is hot, but the special olympics is just so the mildly handicapped people can kick the crap out of the severely handicapped people.
share"You guys are wrong for this saying. God made people like this and your poking fun at them."
@Misty: Surely then its God with the sick and twisted imagination to destroy lives before they've even begun? Or are we going to stick with rational thinking and go with genetics as the cause?
And yes, she is amazingly hot.
Misty, go kill yourself please. Firespirit completly destroyed you, i couldnt stop laughing that whole post! And yes Eliza is the pinnacle of hotness!!!
sharec-butterworth so far you seem the closest to having it correct in your response to misty. here is the clarification: GOD made the first man and woman perfectly,they were adam and eve.after they sinned by not respecting GOD'S property that's when they became imperfect.since then imperfect humans created more imperfect humans.each one born with the active genes that cause them eventually to grow old and die of old age.some carry dormant genes for deformity and some carry active ones that are passed onto their offspring which we see as birth defects. still other genes and chromosomes are damaged from the polluted man-made enviornment of chemicals,metals,and radiation that over the years has infiltrated the land,air and water right into our food no misty,GOD didn't create retarded people or those with other birth defects.their parents involuntarily created them with mental/physical defects. but GOD does not love them any less since he never judges one negatively by physical appearance but from the heart.
but i certainly thank GOD for making it possible to have such beautiful women exist on this planet and certainly eliza dushku is one exceptional beauty on the outside that i would not be surprised goes to her very soul!!!
She's sooooo hot!! I am a girl and still think she's so sexy. If i have to be a man to go out with her, i would...she's so worth it!!!^^
The scene in the bar was totally unexpected. Thought Eliza was her usually sultry self up until that. Then you see her on the mechanical bull, wearing the bandana and she even says she likes wearing the bandana that way.
What would Jason Mewes/J. Phat Buds say?
Is there anything more anonymous, or more passive-aggressive than posting on bulletin boards?
Damned skippy.