My sense was that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were tops. Hufflepuff took any leftovers who weren't evil d-bags. Slytherin took the evil d-bags.
shareYes, but each was suited for different types of students. Been awhile since I read the books, but I recall it brokedown somewhat like this:
Slytherin = most conservative house. For the kids of traditionalist wizards who want to keep the wizarding world free of muggles and other non-wizards.
Ravenclaw = most academic house. For nerd wizards. Competitive. I think Hermione would have been put in here if she wasn’t destined to be Harry’s consigliere.
Hufflepuff = friendliest house. For the social butterfly wizards. Maybe the party house?
Gryffindor = leadership house for the brave. For the SJWs, sporty and warrior wizards
But remember also that Slytherin was the one for the most ambitious students, and Gryffindor put an emphasis on chivalry. So Gryffindor's leadership is the "lead by example" type, rather than the "upper management, be in charge" type. And Slytherin's conservatism might be more the "political right, religious" type, rather than the "family values, golden rule" type.
But to answer the original question, yes, each house is supposed to be equal. It's just that the ambitious students (the ones who end up in Slytherin) tend to become more power hungry, and let the power get to them. Hence why most of the historically "bad" wizards came from Slytherin.
Slytherin = overachievers/blue blood
Ravenclaw = nerds
Gryffindor = jocks/boneheads
Hufflepuff = left overs/average people/majority
Gryffendor and Ravenclaw were the "good" houses, the ones that would undoubtedly give you an edge in the job maret.
Of course a the Slytherin education would be a huge advantage in certain fields, such as the Dark Arts, politics, or sales, but Hufflepuff? A straight ticket to a job in the housekeeping industry.