Ariel as a mother: Slightly disturbing

They totally change the character! I know that she is, at the youngest, 28, and she had to grow up, but she is totally different. I think it just ruins the first movie to see the protagonist who was young and happy and innocent turn into a MOTHER! It is just indescribeably weird to me. And plus, if Eric and Ariel have a daughter, that means that you have to think about the fact that they had sex. That would be obvious, since they got married, and that happens with married people, but my GOD you don't have to think about that in the first movie. They get married and that's the end of it and you don't have to think about what follows. This movie kind of puts it rightout there. I know I'm raving, but this movie was just so contradictory to the character of Ariel that it is disgusting.



Either way this movie sucked.



Sorry I was kind of raving on the first post, I didn't sleep at all the night before and I was trying to keep myself awake the next day and it went from an objection at how Ariel is characterized to I don't know what the hell what. I was kind of addled by lack of sleep. If you liked it that's good, but I don't think that it holds up as well as the Disney orginals (no surprise) although the animation is admittedly better on this movie than their other sequels.


That's exactly what I think.They shouldn't have made this movie.I simply can't picture Ariel as a mother.She was so sweet and innocent and childish in the first movie that seeing her facing adulthood as a mother is indeed disturbing.The second movie can make you percieve the first movie differently and that's why I just like to pretend the sequel didn't exist.Ariel is my childhood icon, it's so sad that they made her grow up like that, to be responsible and mature.She was supposed to be rebellious and care-free, but now she conformed to all the standards and she's happy with it.That's just not Ariel.


Balding Flounder was almost worse


Its just like in the Lion King 2 when Simba goes from being rebellious and care free to a real worrier as soon as he's a father! But I did enjoy this film, just not as much as the first!

The Doctor: You're a clever man. I'd call you a genius. Except that I'm in the room!


One of the problems with sequels. Those characters were having a grand old time before...and then the problems of life set in.

Besides, it's true-once you become a parent, you seem to be constantly worrying about the well-being of your child. And in a sense, you become your parents.

It's me, your lovable dictator! Uh-oh. -Bender, Futurama


You're absolutely right. I too enjoyed this film a lot, and it's a nice movie, just don't compare it with the first. Disney originals are of course the best. I liked Melody too...or perhaps it's coz I can relate to her more than Ariel?

Lion King and Little Mermaid show so much resemblance. Like the protagonist (Simba and Ariel) wanting something and being sorta rebellious. Then their daughters being like themselves when they were younger (Melody and Kiara) and wanting to explore just like themselves.

Lion King 2 was good though. And Little Mermaid 2 was good too, I mean, how could they've made it better? Ariel as a rebellious mother wouldn't work. She's just worried. Think of all she's been through!


I hope you don't have children that you are raising to grow up to be care-free all their lives. We all have to grow up and become responsible eventually; otherwise we end up like--oh, I don't know, Britney Spears--but without the money! That doesn't mean we still can't have fun.

On the other hand, if Ariel had been portrayed as still being carefree and rebellious, there are just as many people who would criticize Disney for creating an irresponsible role model for children. So you're darned if you do and darned if you don't. (This is a message board for a family movie after all!) :-)


I totally agree, DRSamba [:


I think whats so weird is that Ariel was 16 when she got married and then doesn't look any different in the sequal and yet has a daughter?? Its so weird to think of her as having a daughteer cos she they didnt make her look any older than in the first movie or at least thats what i think anyway lol

the most disturbing thing of all is the fact that they're making a third one. WHY???


She is a mermaid after all. Maybe the same magic that turned her human kept her young.


I agree with the OP.
Ariel acted like she was 40.>.<



But let's not forget that she had been a mother for twelve years.
She wouldn't be able to act like a teenager.


You know... I feel the same way on this. They never should have made this movie, it stunk out loud! Not only that, but it kind of ruins the whole Little Mermaid story for me. I prefer not to see my most favorite Disney character of all time become a dry flaky person. It's just... UGH! To me, the 'little mermaid' will always be Ariel and this sequel... just *beep* things up.



I absolutely LOVE this movie, I thought it was great! The whole point of this movie is that Ariel is a mother, without the mother factor they could not have made this moive. I think it's good that Ariel has grown up and become more mature and responsible. But they also put her back to the Ariel we all know and love, when she turns back into a mermaid. I think that Melody is a fun, loving character! That magic from the first one returns to make this sequel my favorite!

Also, The Little Mermaid 3 is a PREQUEL to the very first one. I can't wait to see it!


its just sex? i mean ur parents made u.....not a big deal
how is that disgusting?

every girl wants a mr. darcy <3


every girl wants a mr. darcy <3

Lol, are you serious? Mr Darcy is possibly the most dull, boring character in the book. How can any girl want someone like him? Unless you like boring men then so be it, don't assume all women want him, idiot. I personally found the other suitors to be more interesting than Mr. Dullcy.

Then again I bet you like boring, emotionless men anyway so be it. Don't assume every girl wants him, idiot. He was even more boring in the movies, too. But hey, whatever floats your boat, moron.

Back on topic, I bet the OP complained about the same thing to her parents, make me wish her parents never conceived, so they won't pop out a big whiny baby and made this topic.

No girl wants Mr. Darcy- I mean, Dullcy. </3 :)


*sarcastic* omg she gets married & has a kid! oh the horror!!! lol get over it, what did u think ur parents did?
