
Well they had a black female that won last season, and an Asian female the season before, so which of the Hispanic players will win this year? Since Sandra won twice, it doesn't necessarily have to be a female Hispanic, so ill go with the guy over the chubby lady because he seems to be doing more in the game.


I think Jesse is in a pretty good position to win the game. Is he... hispanic? I cant even tell. I think he is.

I think this is what's left:

5 white
2 black
2 hispanic
1 asian

It's stupid we have to keep track, but the show keeps making everything about race


Yes, Jesse is is Hispanic. My order of likeliness of the winner

1. Jesse
2. Hispanic Fatty
3. One leg white girl
4. Young white guy with glasses (only because he would be the youngest ever to win).

No one else this season is in the running


Remember when Survivor was about Survivor and not about someone's race or sexual identity? I think they are still trying to get a minority gay person to win so they can check all the diversity boxes.


Thems the days


Well until they have an Eskimo winner, then I ain't satisfied!


Noel will get the vote if she gets to the end. I personally like Jesse and Sami. Ryan better get it together ❤️.


I would think so too.




That means that this year they need a handicap player to win it to check another box and she's still in the running.


Lol. Who's next? 😆


Bit of a surprising win. Bit of a lackluster season, really. Not hard to stand out. The winner did very well with the jury in the end. The other two really botched the hell out of it. This season wasn't terrible. But at just 26 days and fairly lame low stakes challenges, this simply wasn't very good tv. A few other players were in position to run away with the game, but one by one they got booted. I never saw the winner playing much of a big hand in that but whatever. Basically had three finalist and none of them made any big moves. The preview for next season looked god awful. Might be fun to watch for a laugh.


Yeah, Jesse should have won out of the last 4, and surely would have, so they were smart to get rid of him. I'm just glad that Cass didn't win. She was pretty much the only one out of the whole season that I didn't want to win.


When they finally get around to doing returning players again, i'm sure Jesse will back. He was a standout of the last few years.
