MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Inferno (2000) Discussion > THE Single best Hellraiser Film.

THE Single best Hellraiser Film.

First off, I'd like to point out, as was stated before, that the whole Hellraiser series was not meant to revolve around Pinhead. If I remember correctly, in the first Hellraiser movie, he's only known as "Lead Cenobite" in the credits. I feel that alone really points out his place in the series.

But anyway, this movie, plainly and simply, scared the piss out of me. It's the demonic version of Groundhog day, and it actually left me curious as to what tortures were left for the main character to face. After what he was put through over the course of the films, I was left feeling SORRY for him. If one can harbor that kind of emotion towards one of the nastiest, seediest characters in a movie, then I think the movie has at least succeded on some level.

To be honest, I found Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth to be one of the worst Hellraiser movies, period (Although I have yet to see "Deader" or "Hellworld", But I think I may stay away). Those coming into this movie looking for Pinhead to march around with a guy who shoots CDs out of his head, or a guy who kills people with a video camera, go away. Those looking for a psychological thriller that seems to be the b*stard child of Groundhog Day and Se7en, look here!


I rented this movie after reading many negative reviews and I'm glad for it: I was extremely surprised.

Despite its low budget, it was an excellent sequel and more psychologically terrifying than any of the other entries thus far. The first film was obviously more startling since it introduced the entire notion of the Cenobites, but this is truly a worthwhile (and, I have to agree with the original poster, it is the best) entry in the series. In this film, there is a kind of wish-fulfillment/Divine retribution thing happening when the Cenobites appear, as it was in the original. In many of the other sequels they degenerated into nothing more than campy goreheads, spouting out one-liners before dragging off whoever happened to be passing by to Hell.

I also don't buy the argument that the Cenobites were never meant to be delivering justice; the entire Hellraiser series is based on Catholic/S&M imagery and ideas, and "punishment" is certainly not an idea foreign to anyone who practices either. Besides, Pinhead's costume alone is clearly based on a priest's vestments, for cryin' out loud!

In my mind, the Cenobites have always represented the truth behind the ancient axiom "Be careful what you wish for."

This is an excellent film.


I bought this movie on amazon and was BLOWN AWAY!!! This is by far the best Hellraiser film.You see what all these so called 'diehard' hellraiser fans fail to grasp is that the films were never about pinhead,they were about disire and I think this film nailed that concept more than any other Hellraiser film.

Outstanding stuff!


I liked this movie, but not the best. The best was the 1st one, followed by III. (I liked 3 because Pinhead was in it a lot)


HUH?!?!?!?!? III sucked.Your missing the point dude,the movies are not monster movies about pinhead,that was never Clives intention!


I know that, it's just that I like 2 see a lot of monsters.


Fair enough lol




Wow, It's been a while since I started this topic. I just came back and read all of the comments, and I do have one comment to make. Hellraiser three, as far as a "Horror movie" goes, did suck. But, if in the long run, all you're looking for is a campy movie with a bunch of one liners, etc, etc, then it'll keep you entertained for a bit. It just doesn't have the lasting feeling of dread you get after watching Inferno.


I love this movie also!!! Definetly the scariest Hellraiser yet! Jacobs Ladder definetly compares...


I also agree, I think it's THE single best "Hellraiser" film, It's well made, has good cinematography, an upgrade in acting, and it had you actually care about the main character. I also think it's the most original "Hellraiser" sequel, it has a good plot, and alot of tiwsts and turns.


I agree, any one who dosn't think this is one of the best in the series has no imagination... It was one of the most atmospheric horror films i've seen in a long time, and the first one in ten years or so to have me on the edge of my seat and jumping.
The low budget was good for this film, as most of the nasty things happening weren't on screen, or were heard as sound effects, so it all happens in your head.
Also, I think this film would have held up with out being a Hellraiser film... It didn't need pinhead or the box or the chains, but they were used well, (except the scene where pinhead first reveals himself, that was pretty lame) and it does fit the whole mythos of the series, 'Angel to some, Demon to others' and 'It's not the hands that do the calling...' The detective is a bad guy, and one he's got the box/door there's nothing to stop the cenobites coming and giving him what he wants... He might not get pleasure from his own suffering, but he certainly gets it from others, and those that open the door looking for suffering become Cenobites, those that open it looking for others suffering don't, and get hell instead.



The best? I don't know... It certainly had flaws (I mean that "NOOO!!!" cry at the end. Why do filmmakers do that!!! I have never seen it work...) and although I tend to destroy other films for their flaws I have always been forgiving to the horror genre. My earliest film memories of the holy-grail-esque, enticing, just-out-of-reach, forbidden fruit that horror movies were when I was a child are so dear to me. The flutter of fear combined with the excitement that I was watching something I wasn't suppposed too - about to see if all the rumours I heard about each one were true. The utter pleasure of finally being enveloped by the experience and knowing the truth of each horror movie and the shear inability to let the fear that each one brought tear me away from my prize.

The core of Hellraiser is that emotional state. This is why Hellraiser (movie and the Hellbound heart) was such a revelation to me. Horror has no place for morality - it just is. We take pleasure in the defication of flesh and sanity ... thats is the truth of the horror movie. So even a bad horror is a good movie. And a bad hellraiser movie is a great movie ... yup ... even III ... and if all else fails just put a camera on Pinhead for 90 minutes with his chains and soundbites and I'm a happy man! But the francise is MORE than Pinhead. More than the box. More than a concept of 'hell'. Its a reflection of this aspect of humanity that revels in very pleasure/pain conundrum that we all identify with as voyeurs of the depraved.

The reason that Hellraiser is one of the few horror movies that retains its power as I have grown further away from that easily frigthened child is that it raises that question - Do I actually understand in some sense what Pinhead is talking about? I abhor violence in reality. But enjoy it in the non-reality of film. So wait "There is no good (...) there is no evil...there is only flesh." Perhaps if morality was removed from my being I could understand the pleasure of a cenobite. Perhaps the existence of a cenobite is a pleasure that I can identify with and THAT is scary!!

I just watched it and I'm tingling. Sorry about the rant. Did Inferno miss the mark on pleasure. Well maybe. I think Joseph gets his pleasure but that the film doesn't successfully highlight this. It concentrates too hard on making a considered movie that shows the division between corporal sensual reality (or flesh) and conceptual space is an illusive one. That the very universe we live in is of our own construct and that we are the centre of that construct tryin to relearn what we forgot and solve the 'puzzle' we left ourselves to do just that. Perhaps what this film was trying to say wasn't moral at all. As Joseph is fueling his desire with his cocaine and his prostitute his so called 'pleasure' was empty - there was no enjoyment on his face. Just like the empty feeling that I had this evening when I over-ate and realised that what I decided was pleasurable was the root of my self-loothing and pain. This very scene included a musical clue - "this is the best of all possible worlds". Cenobite's aren't punishing Joseph ... He is. He is moralising and agonising. But they don't expect to solve the puzzle - they just play the game. A Gnostic reading of Inferno may suggest that the very fact Joseph constantly refers to being the centre of his own world means that HE is in his own 'hell' of his own volition. That his life IS his hell ... not a new realm created by the cenonites above (or indeed below) the 'normal' realm... Perhaps Pinhead is trying to be his ANGEL and set him free of the CHAINS that bind him to this 'hell' so that he can evolve and kill his 'king', his ego, his self... And realise the terrible truth that he is constantly running from:

That everything he experiences is exactly that way because he WANTS it that way, he DESIGNED it that way, he TAKES PLEASURE in being and BEING IS HELL. That is the best of all possible worlds for him. Hell/Flesh is what he wants ... hell/flesh is what he got. That is why one should be careful what they wish for... And the next time you watch a horror movie and feel that rush of satisfaction and pleasure as you witness something truly terrible remember to let the back of your mind hear those immortal words "What is your pleasure?"



yea i can see that. hellraiser is the best i think, then this or hellbound. wasnt a big fan of bloodlines, but theres just so much story in it. i didnt think hellworld was as bad as everyone says. i need to rewatch 7, and i still gotta see 3 and 6.



I think this is the best Hellraiser film of all. The atmosphere and the cinematography is beautiful. And the story is good.

"And the next time you watch a horror movie and feel that rush of satisfaction and pleasure as you witness something truly terrible remember to let the back of your mind hear those immortal words "What is your pleasure?"

My motivation has always been curiosity. If any movie extinguished the curiosity and turned it into pain, dread and sadness its Mel Gibson's film Passion of Christ. The scene were jesus is being tortured. The most horrifying sickening scene i have ever seen in my life and I regret I ever saw it. I can't bealive Mel Gibson beat all the horror flicks ive ever seen. It was just to real.


Cavanm, your words give me excitement. They are so spot on. I know how it feels when watching a horror movie when I was a kid. I had to watch the door because I have to be aware of my parents because I wasn't allowed to watch R rated movies as a kid and at the time all horror movies were rated R. Between 1989-1998 I had to sneak-watch these movies. My parents let me watch R rated movies when I turned 13. I saw Hellraiser and I loved it so I saw Bloodline and then I saw Inferno, I rented it. At the time Hellraiser was gory, and I thought this one would be. Inferno wasn't as gory as the others and that fact made this movie effective, because you don't need gore to make a good Horror movie. Hellraiser is like the excitement I had as a kid when watching horror movies, because excitement= pleasure. But we are not supposed to do that. Dang Cavanm! I am going to read more of your posts.

"When the f u c k did we get ice cream?"-Winston, The Ringer


cavanm, I just want you to know... If I wasn't at work right now I would have stood up and applauded after reading your post. ;-}

You very wonderfully expressed so much of what is beautiful and impactful about Horror in general and this movie.

/I bring you Sooth/


This really is the best Hellraiser movie. It's really surprisingly well done, and I don't understand why it's rated so poorly. Probably because so many Hellraiser fans just want to see Pinhead. But if you take it for what it's worth, it's an extremely well done psychological horror, in the vein of Jacob's Ladder, Angel Heart, and Se7en. It's strange that such a good movie is just entry #5 in the Hellraiser series.

Such a shame that more people didn't see it or appreciate it.


The problem is this should not have been a hellraiser film. You could replace pinhead with anything you like (although pinhead is cool), and the puzzle box with drugs (like the ones he picked up from the crime scene), and you would not miss any of the two. The film then could stand on its own and get better recognition.

Anyone who dosn't like hellraiser series would not of liked to have seen this film, based on it being a hellraiser film. Especially as most of the other sequals were total and utter TRIPE. Who would want to see number 5 of anything (by different directors), it just gets cheep.

But i did like this film, and I'm glad i saw it, but then again I am not a particularly good fan of the other hellraiser films. I just watch them because they are nasty. I have watched a crap load of nasty films because they make me laugh. Hellraiser 3 is a classic with the fella using CD's as a weapon.

I do however enjoy films such as jacobs ladder and session 9, and have played silent hill 1 - 4. So that would probably sway my judgement of this film slighly.

This film gets a 7.5/10 for me. Nothing radicly new but a thought provoking film. Not so sure about the scene with the hands under the skin though... but :-D.

The hellraiser series should have stopped at 3 when they ran out of ideas though.

Oh and no more games... :-/


So many talk so much crap about Inferno I wasn't really sure what to expect, I was more than pleasantly surprised and of the Hellraiser movies I've watched I think I liked it the best. Maybe a lot of people don't like it because it doesn't fit the same mold as the other Hellraiser movies, in that it isn't clearly over the top fantasy type horror movie. It was a good look at another side of the Cenobite Hell that wasn't really covered previously, unless you include Frank's small little room in Hellraiser 2.


It is without question the best sequel. Hellraiser is actually a pretty consistent series in terms of quality, but Inferno was the classiest and most well done, not to mention entertaining and freaky sequel.


I liked this film a lot, definitely one of the better Hellraiser films (and yes it is a Hellraiser film). It had the feel of an HP Lovecraft style story as our main protagonist descends deeper into paranoia and insanity. The ending was also suitably Lovecraftian.

One thing I did keep thinking throughout the film was out much Craig Sheffer reminded me of David Boreanaz in terms of looks and mannerisms!


This is the best Hellraiser film imo.


this movie is good in the sense that the psycholgical suspense is better then the rest and truely is a great story.
although i dont' really consider this movie a hellraiser film in the sense that it doesn't really go with the continuity that cenobites come to those who open the box, not to those who "deserve" it.

the script, character development, atmosphere is brilliant though..truely in my top 3 hr films


I dunno. He DID open the box, and I'm in the camp that believes the movie fits Hellraiser because the guy gets what he WANTS, i.e. a puzzle to solve forever.

His suffering just makes it all the more exciting an experience, and it's very thoroughly demonstrated that he doesn't REALLY give a damn about anyone but himself.

/I bring you Sooth/


Sorry guys but I really hated this movie. I didn't understand the point of it and it was just....boring. I wasn't scared or grossed out so much as I was rolling my eyes going 'no wonder this went straight to video'.

"The Engineer" bit didn't do anything for me.

Now..I HAVE seen worse(Halloween III) but I've seen a HELL (no pun intended) of a lot better. Frankly I prefer the first 2 Hellraiser movies over the rest.



I'm a big fan of horror films, though I find very few of them actually scary. Unfortunately, many of them are poorly acted and have too many gimmicks.

I have to say that most of the "Hellraisers" leave me cold because the plots are rather thin and most of the dialogue just leaves you waiting for the next grossout.

"Hellraiser: Inferno," however, had a decent plot, memorable dialogue and a terrific performance by Craig Sheffer. I'm sure it's a minority opinion, but this is my favorite in the series.



I agree the "Hellraiser" movies have more plot than most horror movies, but I think that's still pretty thin. Anyway, I'm not trying to get into an argument here. I like this film.



This film had meaning and depth that alone made this one of the best hellrasier films. I was gripped by the story and performace. Good quotes near the end from Pinhead. "Your flesh is killing your spirit". Gave me goosebumps. it rang true. Also eternal phsycological torture is scarer than phyiscal torture!

(excuse my bad spelling)
