MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Inferno (2000) Discussion > THE Single best Hellraiser Film.

THE Single best Hellraiser Film.

First off, I'd like to point out, as was stated before, that the whole Hellraiser series was not meant to revolve around Pinhead. If I remember correctly, in the first Hellraiser movie, he's only known as "Lead Cenobite" in the credits. I feel that alone really points out his place in the series.

But anyway, this movie, plainly and simply, scared the piss out of me. It's the demonic version of Groundhog day, and it actually left me curious as to what tortures were left for the main character to face. After what he was put through over the course of the films, I was left feeling SORRY for him. If one can harbor that kind of emotion towards one of the nastiest, seediest characters in a movie, then I think the movie has at least succeded on some level.

To be honest, I found Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth to be one of the worst Hellraiser movies, period (Although I have yet to see "Deader" or "Hellworld", But I think I may stay away). Those coming into this movie looking for Pinhead to march around with a guy who shoots CDs out of his head, or a guy who kills people with a video camera, go away. Those looking for a psychological thriller that seems to be the b*stard child of Groundhog Day and Se7en, look here!



You guys really think Inferno is the best one? Honestly, it kind of bored me. Maybe because I'm not scared of Pinhead anymore, even though when I first saw him he totally freaked me out and I was already I think 13 or 14, and it was the 90s so I had already seen plenty of horror movies. I think Bloodline(the first one I saw) is the best one because it tells the history of the puzzle box.



It's nice to know that there are other people out there who liked this movie. Most of the people I've talked to about it hated it. "Pinhead was hardly in it!" seems to be the most common reason. That's one of the reasons I liked it, he appeared when necessary. I totally agree with the Groundhog Day meets Se7en comment. The first time I watched the movie, it reminded me of Tales from the Crypt. The lead character is a bastard who gets what he deserves in the end. Only this time you end up feeling bad for the guy, what with the whole "killing your Innocence" thing and...I apologize, I'm starting to babble. I watched Inferno again last night and haven't gone to bed yet. Anyways, kick ass movie.



I agree, the best of the Hellraiser series. (Not saying too much I suppose.)

The fate of the cop was more hellish to me than any of the previous concepts.. eternal psychological torture is way scarier than mutilation/owwies.

Also I liked the fact that you almost view Pinhead as a hand of justice in this film, actually dropping the hammer on someone who really deserved it.

1. Inferno
2. Bloodline
3. Original




Pinhead isn't changing time in the real world. From the moment Joseph solves the box, he's in his own personal Hell. It's a fabricated pocket reality that Pinhead has total control over, meaning he can do any supernatural crap he wants, including making time loop.


Exactly what I though when I watched this film. I think it would have been better if this film wasn't part of the Hellraiser franchise as it's just not the same as all the others, but that doesn't mean it's a bad movie.


i personally rank them in this order

best to worst

1. Hellbound: Hellraiser 2
2. Hellraiser
3. Hellraiser: Hellseeker
4. Hellraiser: Bloodlines
5. Hellraiser: Inferno
6. Hellraiser: Deader
7. Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth (Atleast it has some good kills and quotes)
8. Hellraiser: Hellworld


Oh Hells Yeah!

This is absolutely one of the most brilliant movies I've seen in a few years, and Craig Sheffer really gets to show what he's worth in it. Brilliant stuff!

And yes, the "Lead Cenobite" has been given too much elbowroom in the series. And he never really was scary, was he?



Agree with ya on that, read the novella when I was about 10 and turned me onto all things Hellraiser. I liked the way it was done, kind of like a what the Cenobites do. I never really find anything evil or good about the Cenobites, it's like they're just doing their job kinda thing and the depths of the pain/pleasure that the just begin to touch on (although thats much more got to do with the first movie than any of the seqeuls). Would love to see a return to the pain/pleasure themes and the jarring psychological tricks.
Pinhead also quite a good character, although people seem to forget that they had little to do with the "kills" of the first movie.
oh and thought Bloodlines was an appalling movie.



Anybody get goosebumps when Joseph says "I understand that I will live with them forever".


Best Hellraiser ever...


Why is this installment considered so bad? It's the best sequel by far after hellbound. Clive Barker was probably dissing it because someone finally made a Hellraiser film as good as his were.


Listen up i cant beleive what im reading from all you people that think this is the best one or actually liked this, i consider myself a fan of the series but it pains me to say that this is one of the biggest pieces of utter TRIPE ive ever seen. I get the point about hellraiser isnt suppose to always revolve around pinhead but if you take away the most popular figure from the previous films then whats the point, remember films are there to make money and this to no surprise........didnt.



Man you really need to get out more lol or get a job as a serious film critic cause that statement you made was like someting out of a magazine.




I agree as well. Inferno is definately the best Hellraiser movie!



idk.. im currently in the process of watching inferno and i don't really understand whats on the go. like i dont get the storyline , and why does everyone bash hell on earth? i thouhgt it was pretty clever in some ways. of course the cenobites he creates like the disc guy and camera man but whatever it didnt take away from the movie imo

Don't *beep* with the original!


Sorry but this film sucks. It has nothing to do with the lack of Pinhead. It's just a poorly made, one note and not in the least bit scary. It's also tedious, boring and downright laughable.
The film is pretty much the lead guy going to one setting to the next. It wasn't interesting or deep.


Agreed, this film was a complete borefest, easily the worst entry in the series.


I agree completely. When it comes to analize it in terms of quality of story "Inferno" probably takes the prize. It deserved a better budget. To me, it's the best Hellraiser movie. The original "Hellraiser" had a great atmosphere and was visually interesting, but it made no goddamn sense. And face it, "Hellbound" is a BAD sequel (although a fun one). A bad sequel because it obviously recycles the formula obtained in the first one, but leaving us with a hollow movie. It clumsily capitalizes it, but in when it comes to dialogue and story... it makes less sense than the first one. I haven't seen "Hell on Earth" yet, but from what I' ve read, it seems pretty bad. "Bloodline" is simply one of the worst sequels ever made (undignifying, insulting and it totally destroys the series). "Deader" was OK, not great, just fine.

"Hellworld" is one stinky, ugly and contemptable piece of crap.


The Best in my Opinion is Hellbound, then Inferno, Hellraiser, Bloodline, Hell on Earth, and finally Hellseeker (being the worst of all).


I certainly like this one best. So surreal and creepy, very well made all around.


One of my all time favorite movies:

It's all a Puzzle... like a game of chess. Pieces move aimlessly only having one objective... to kill the King. Who is the King in this game? That is the question you must ask yourself.

Don't you recognize your Flesh? And your Spirit? Ah, eternal refrain of humanity; pleading ignorance, begging for mercy! "Please help I don't understand!"

This is the life that you chose for yourself. All of the people you've hurt ... All of your appetites indulged... You've destroyed your own innocence. You have allowed your Flesh to consume your Spirit. You are your own king!!! This is your own hell that you've created. Your Flesh is killing your Spirit!! You have forsaken yourself. Only one finger left, Only one more death to go. Welcome to HELL!!!!


If I think about it, I think i liked Inferno best.


I have seen the first two, this one and Bloodlines, and I have to say this ranks up there as one of the best ones. I just kept thinking it was kind of like a nightmarish Film Noir story. It played up on the paranoia/mystery elements much like classic Noir cinema. I totally agree with whoever compared it to Jacobs Ladder as well (another great film).



I am not sure if I should say it is the best, since I liked the original as well. However, the second, third and fourth all sucked, especially the fourth, Bloodline, it was very amateurish.
Inferno has easily the best cinematography (the only one that actually has any real cinematograpy, 2-4 looked quite cheap if you ask me) despite the fact that it went straight to video, it has best character development, best story and best acting. So, at least of the sequels it's best.
I haven't seen parts 6-8 yet but I doubt they'll be any good.



I agree, Inferno is the best one, I'm probably one of the few who thinks the fourth is the second best ^^


Just have to add my agreement aswell. This is the best film that is a Hellraiser film. The way it unfolds is truly mysterious, the movie itself mirroring the completion of a puzzle of the mind. The answer in the end not being what he wanted to find out. My order would be:

(those four I place in the top tier)

Hell On Earth
Hellworld (do not watch this one lol)
