This film is for Sh*t.

Sorry but this crap is so below Carpenter's talent I almost wonder how high he was when he made it. The production values alone are below most straight to DVD films. I love John's work but this little bastard needs to be put down.


This movie is complete garbage


seen worse...


Awesome movie!


this is garbage


This film is a pastiche of all of Carpenter's best films and very sadly doesn't measure up to any of them....


I saw this when it came out and hated it, watched it a few times over the last year and like it a lot more now. Kind of weird to enjoy it more now but I do like the look of the film and just appreciate it for what it is, just a movie and it is entertaining.


The first time I watched it I hated it...

Then I watched it again, and I hated it even more.

This film is a stinking pile of vomit-encrusted turds. Stupid script, bad acting, and above all--terrible direction. Carpenter peaked in the mid-80s and by the time he directed this he was a hollow shell of the talent he used to be. I'm glad he's thrown in the towel on making movies...he has nothing left to contribute.

"A riot is an ugly thing....but now I think it is about time that we had one!"


Looks like it's edited in Windows Movie Maker with Crossfade selected as the default scene transition.


